Sunday, April 12, 2009

South Park Watch Online With English Subtitles

why we will see another run at a school

better way to describe it I do not think ....

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Mounted Iron Board Singapore

II covers the legal Walt Frankfurt Chamber of fraudulent lawyers?

In relation to my complaint against the lawyer Gerhard Winnebald , I have now received the following letter after 9 months .. ...

"Dear Mr. ABC,

Referring to your Status request from 01.02.2009 I inform you that the procedure proceedings against the lawyer Gerhard Winnebald of the Attorney General by order dated 13.01.2009 in accordance with § 170 para 2 Code of Criminal Procedure in conjunction with § 116 BRAO has been set. The process is completed also with the Frankfurt Bar Association and can not be included.


lawyer "

When I asked how exactly the reason I got the following informative response ....

" Dear ABC, I can give you further information
in regard to the secrecy obligation given during internal disciplinary proceedings not.


lawyer "

sensational. The result is after 11 months for me ... NOTHING ...

" Thank you for your release from 05:03:09.

has since my complaint after 10 months in the truest sense of the word "anything" out, I would remind you diligently to the task. This is: "Respect for the law of the lawyers." In your letter you express that it belongs to the legal system of lawyers, when lawyers lie to their clients
*, * visit
litigation kidnap
* Process commit fraud

Since you did not want to say, so again I submit a complaint against Mr. Winnebald. The reason for this, please refer to the above file number. Since both sides of everything has already been said, one can say, I expect a quick decision.

Best regards, "

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sakura I Saske Igrice

computer players = = pedophiles drug

In its press release 127/09 is the interior minister of Bavaria computer players on a par with pedophiles and drug addicts.

" In its harmful effects, they are * on a par with drugs and child pornography, to ban them cope nobody questions. "

* FPS games are meant

Here you can tell the Home Secretary, Mr what one of them has ....

" Dear Mr. Joachim Herrmann,

in your press release 127/09 Set millions of gamers on a par with drug addicts and pedophiles.

I hereby would like to protest in the strongest terms against your statement.

The goal of each is running amok, to place itself at the center of the world. The largest profiteer of school shootings here is the press, were exploited by what is happening in Winnenden disgusting manner.

newspapers such as ART work in my opinion, even specifically in the creation of a role model for the next running amok.

"And states:" No one will ever forget him, "So will the murderer to the myth of an incentive for counterfeiters.."!

is my opinion, therefore, such a statement a symbol of the incompetence of any Minister of the Interior and so I hereby invite you to resign.

I thank you in advance for your resignation and remain with

Sincerely, "


I can not spare a mail to the CDU / CSU faction ...

" Dear CDU / CSU faction,

of CSU Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann I must have put the days when computer players on a par with pedophiles and drug addicts, while Mr Oettinger and Strobl freshly printed song books distributed with Wehrmacht lyrics.

"A place of such but in the freshly printed CDU song book is on page 86, the so-called tank track." Whether it's storming or snowing "This is it." With thundering engine as soon like lightning, the enemy, the tank gun. Advance the comrades in the struggle we are alone ', so we push deep into the enemy ranks. "

I hope this is not the song of the CDU to the Bundestag election campaign.

In the hope that its not even the burning of books and the public marking of computer players with "potential gunman makes calls

I remain yours sincerely,"


long ago, but then comes a reply from Mr Interior Minister

"Dear Mr. ABC ,

thank you for your e-mail to my demand to ban violent video games. In the last few months
me numerous e-mails have reached on this issue.
Given the large number of opinions I would like to deal with this letter
on the key aspects. Please excuse me for only now you

The theme violent video games to me is a serious concern. Anyone who accuses me
populism is completely wrong. The occasion was the terrible massacre in
Winnenden raises a few months ago, the countless questions. When it became known that
was also the culprit of Winnenden in the possession of violent computer games
that were released for his age, yet not even the issue also came
in the public debate. Since I am a long time with the problematic effects of computer games
grappling and I
serious concerns about the increasing self-evidence of violence in our society have
, I have taken a public position on this issue. This
are of course aware that the issue of killer games are only one aspect of the overall problem is
. No one claims, moreover, that killer games
inevitably lead to the massacre.

computer games are now part of our everyday life. There are many good and intelligent
made computer games an attractive leisure activity with a lot of fun and excitement
are. But it would be irresponsible to deny the play down by violent computer games containing
for our society to the hazards or

First, with the term "killer games". Of course this is not a technical term.
But as a politician I have to use a language that is understood by a large number of people
, even though - sometimes simplistic
- admittedly. When I speak of arcade games, beat 'em ups, shoot' em ups, racers would
speak of ego-or 3rd-person shooters, I would understand
outside a relatively small group of insiders, hardly anyone. Added
is that every FPS game not a killer. For many of the
from my point of view problematic games like "The Godfather - Don's Edition" or "GTA IV"
it is, rather, a "genre mix". In my view, the term offers
killer games very well to express what is meant: A computer game that is dominated by
particularly realistic, cruel and lurid violence.
is simply wrong to read again and again claim that there would be no
scientific evidence on the harmful effects of violent computer games.
gives the meantime, numerous studies distinguished academic
from the media impact, and the neurosciences,
that the violence increases and decreases the ability to feel compassion, the more intense
someone playing violent video games. Playing such
games where the player acting actor and immersed in a now-photorealistic
virtual world is different with regard to the harmful effects
it clearly from mere passive viewing
comparable films. The Head of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Ulm, Professor Dr. Manfred Spitzer
, said: "These games left deep traces in the brain
: There is much violence, there are no alternatives to violence, it does not hurt
and I come from it. When I use the 200,000 multi-media learning, then I have the
intus. "

you even have all the possibilities of accessing the Internet. Check
themselves how convincing the studies and research results, which are found there
, and above all, ensure critical, what interests they serve and

is what donors behind it. This is about a billion-dollar market. A
initial offers, the international conference "Computer Games and Violence" in November
2008, looked up the results under
can be.

As a politician and Minister of the Interior, which I do every day with the increasing violence just
also young people, I can not let this research
cold. I also have a responsibility for my often too young
police officers in their daily work are themselves victims of violence.
I therefore long been a legal prohibition of production and distribution
for killer games. Such finds are indeed already in principle in § 131
Penal Code (StGB), is the violence a criminal offense and a referral
on "Storage" application. With less than Seizures run this offense with computer games but
largely empty. The cause lies mainly in the, in my view far too generous
labeling practice in the entertainment software self-control (PC).
a game that was once released by the ESRB for the market - enough to
the label "Modern Warfare" from - can under the current
not legal by the Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young
be indexed. As a result, it also eliminates any possibility of prosecution under § 131 StGB
, as manufacturers and distributors of such games is not criminally relevant
More intent can be proved.
This shows that even the reference not to the child protection law continues.
It does contain extensive and complicated arrangements to ensure
not sufficient that the most problematic, containing violent games in Germany
are sold freely. Is a game only released once it reaches
quickly into the hands of children and young people, the imprint "Modern Warfare"
here has more incentive. Parents, we unfortunately have to take note
are often prevented due to time already not able to do this.
indexing and criminal prohibition of, other than some say
very significant effect. By providing a ban on advertising is linked, including
affected games are just very difficult to know. In addition, manufacturers want to
such games make money with them. This is in an illegal distribution
- 4 -
over the Internet very difficult, a difficulty already
the money transfer. However, it will certainly be cases in which such games as
acquired abroad. Violations of the law, which can never be completely ruled
are not a reason to refrain from a criminal

Currently sought by the competent Bavarian Social Minister in talks with
federal and state governments to enforce improvements in child protection, as Bayern
had proposed in its initiative in early 2007 already. In addition to the
treaties based on principles and test requirements
the PSP to be adjusted with the objective of achieving an overall restrictive practice
release. To this end, the role of countries in the testing procedures by improving
strengthened the appeal options, the criteria for age classification
including the latest scientific findings about the psychological impact and
Dependence potential of co-adapted and
PSP and Review Board to be improved.

Maybe my writing but the occasion for you to consider the issue again
. We do not want a society in which violence is a matter of course
. Therefore, violence is banned, also on the domestic
computers. The state can only contribute to prohibitions or
education for media literacy in schools only a part. We are all called,
when it comes to achieving a humane society that values order
of the Basic Law and thus corresponds mainly to the dignity of man

Your Joachim Herrmann