Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Can Fertile Cervical Mucus Be Jelly Like Blob?

What does a ban on minarets

the days I had an interesting discussion with two colleagues.

was particularly interesting to me that while the following thesis.

"A minaret is not a religious symbol, therefore, the ban not be a restriction of religious freedom."

A minaret is not a religious symbol?
Switzerland has not banned the building of round towers with pointed roofs. Whether a round tower with pointed roof is banned or not depends solely on the context from the tower. The same tower on a normal building is fine, but once the tower in which a Mosque and thus the religion of Islam is he is not allowed.
follows: Of course, a minaret of a religious symbol. Basically this was the only reason for your ban.

turned the majority of the discussion, but the question is:

banning minarets is a restriction of religious freedom?

here representing my colleagues agree:

"No, a ban on minarets is not a restriction of religious freedom, since Muslims are in your faith is not so limited you can still propagated go to the mosque and pray to whomever you want.."

However, I can thus build also Argumentionskette.
the Nazis were banned synagogues as a whole. However, no Jew was prevented from praying. Although the Jews had to wear a star and have been destroyed by industry, but even in the gas chamber, they could pray when and to whom you want. Accordingly, under the Nazis, there was also religious freedom.


And one can approach this question in a very dramatic way.

Imagine the following question to the majority of Germans to ban the minaret is also currently in Germany would.

If minarets banned in Germany? Yes

If not mosques to be banned?
Yes, it is. If

we ban mosques, why we do not ban the synagogues, and if you are banned, why we will not ignite?

swings at this point in the approval of sheer dread.
The colleague said: "Just because I am against minarets, I would not kill Jews !!!".

This reaction is interesting because of "extermination" I did not say anything.

But here it turns

which means a ban on minarets

disturbing that people are on round towers or buildings to which you en? The answer of course is that many people in Europe do not have mosques in your area wants.
addition, there are no "restricted freedom of religion". Freedom is absolute or it is not free. If you start to restrict the freedom, there is absolutely no moral barrier more, why the bans in time should not exacerbate dramatically. And while this may cause in the end, we have seen 60 years ago in an impressive manner.

If one then asks, "How could this happen to all this?", We see here a first step in a dangerous direction.

But that raises an interesting new question ...

Why is actually a majority in Europe for a ban on minarets and defacto for a ban on mosques?

used the banning of minarets exclusively on Islam. No one thinks currently considering a ban on synagogues or Buddhist temples. So it's not ever a general hostility towards other religions.

But what is it about?

simply fear.

  • The Caliph of Cologne, and all other preachers of hate,
  • the Shariah
  • the Karrikaturenstreit,
  • the murder of Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh by Islamic fundamentalists, Mohammed Bouyeri,
  • incomprehensible for us, suicide bombings in Madrid, London and of course the attacks of 11 September
have meant that the majority of the population is afraid of Islam. They are afraid that the mosques could be in your neighborhood to a direct threat to you.

This is understandable and accepted as such.


Today we are afraid of the spread of Islam. 60 years ago years ago we were worried about the spread of the Jews. Today we have the same fear as it was 60 years ago!

What is, however, the cause of our fear of Islam?
is partly the cause, of course, in Islam itself, as it he fails to sufficiently distance themselves from the fundamentalists.
On the other hand, it is up to our general lack of interest towards Islam.
Does anyone know the most important Islamic festival and its roots? Does anyone know the significance of the pilgrimage and of praying in the mosque?
These are really simple things that could lead to a better understanding. But I do bet that hardly anyone who is afraid of Islam, could answer these questions.

ignorance leads to uncertainty, insecurity, fear and fear leads to a mass in ........ at least nothing good.

might look like a solution?

I found particularly disappointing as the reaction of the famous director Fatih Akin of Turkish origin, who has now openly for a boycott of Switzerland. Eg I know not a single Muslim country where there is also only partly religious freedom. I might try it in Turkey (after all, an EU candidate country) to build a church.

Dear Mr. Akin,
before you condemn the Swiss and perhaps call to serious boycotts, make me your time, the situation of religious freedom in Turkey from the perspective of the Christian minority dar.

It's definitely been times no solution and only further aggravate the situation.

The solution is certainly very simple: First,
should lead Christians, Jews and Muslims once the common roots of their religions in mind.
Second, but the picture we have of Islam in part be amended only by Islam. If you want to change something, it should be the duty of every Muslim, clearly and decisively to distance themselves from any kind of Fudamentalismus. At the same time, Muslims should also understand the fears of the Christians present to show.
This can be generalized even. will usually have to fund Amena lists in all religions outlawed religion-specific and therefore isolated. There should be a common Front of all moderate Christians, Jews and Muslims be against fundamentalism.
But we have a Christian majority, more interested in Islam.
One idea would include open days at mosques, which may be able to witness to non-Muslims to prayer. If one were to promote this or by the municipalities, as this would be a step towards the understanding of the Christian majority for Islam could improve greatly.

An example can happen if you do not slow down fundamentalists, is currently the way Isreal. The Fascist Foreign Minister of Israel Awigdor Lieberman has openly for ethnic cleansing, execution spoken aloud by Muslim Parlementsabgeordneten and deportations. The fact that such people have been elected shows that the majority of people think the same way. More frightening, I find that such people are received by the Federal Government on German soil. I hope he has not asked if we wake him again to Dachau.