Saturday, July 31, 2010

Is Big Hunk Sold In Nc

The Tavistock Institute

  • Excerpts from
  • Steps toward Global Mind Control
  • Rockefeller Brothers Fund
  • : "Rockefeller Brothers Fund is a philanthropic organization working to promote social change that contributes to a more just, sustainable and peaceful world."
  • Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Aspen Institute Release 'U.S. In the World: Talking Global Issues with Americans
  • : "The book is a communications guide, not a compilation of policy recommendations or proposals - a tool to help communicators of all kinds reach out to Americans with a broadly shared, positive vision of U.S. global engagement.

    "'The guidebook is a unique resource not only for policy advocates and issue experts, but for candidates and those already in office who want to communicate with voters on pressing global issues,' said David Devlin-Foltz, director of

    The Aspen Institute


    Global Interdependence Initiative . 'This is also great tool for journalists, who are charged with explaining complex issues to a diverse audience.'...

    The Rockefeller Brothers Fund

    : "...and the

    Aspen Institute
    are pleased to announce the publication of U.S. in the World: Talking Global Issues with Americans - A Practical Guide. For information and to download a PDF version of the Guide, please go to
    Quotes from David Rockefeller's Memoirs (Random House, New York, 2002) Chapter 27, pages 404 and 405. Cited by Dr. Dennis Cuddy:

    "My lifetime pursuits as an internationalist might best be summarized by one rather extraordinary day in 1995. October 23 was a busy day at the Council on Foreign Relations. The fiftieth anniversary of the United Nations had drawn almost two hundred heads of government to New York, and many had asked to speak at the Council. but even then the day was unusual for the diversity of the speakers: Jiang Zemin, president of the People's Republic of China and heir apparent to Deng Xiaoping; Vaclav Havel of the Czech Republic... Yasser Arafat... and, finally, Fidel Castro.... With the exception of Havel, these men had vowed to fight to the death against imperialist America. Now, with the end of the Cold War, they flocked to the center of world capitalism, eager to meet and close deals with American bankers and corporate executives, or at least to be seen with them -- even Castro....

    "For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure--one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it. "The anti-Rockefeller focus of these otherwise incompatible political positions owes much to Populism. 'Populists' believe in conspiracies, and one of the most enduring is that a secret group of international bankers and capitalists, and their minions, control the world's economy. Because of my name and prominence as the head of the Chase for many years, I have earned the distinction of 'conspirator in chief' from some of these people. "Populists and isolationists ignore the tangible benefits that have resulted from our active international role during the past half-century. Not only was the very real threat posed by Soviet Communism overcome, but there have been fundamental improvements in societies around the world, particularly in the United States, as a result of global trade, improved communications, and the heightened interaction of people from different cultures. Populists rarely mention these positive consequences, nor can they cogently explain how they would have sustained American economic growth and the expansion of our political power without them."

    1863-1903. John D. Rockefeller's Charity Index Cards

    : "A Subject Guide to John D. Rockefeller's Charities." Separate links lead to hundreds of donations to "Institutions, Churches and Missionary Organizations [both Baptist and Non-Baptist], Social Welfare and Moral Reform... Education - Schools and Universities, Culture, Arts, Conservation, Environment, Emergency Relief, Promotion of Knowledge, Civic Life, Public Policy & Politics, Medical and Health Care..."
    1909. Lord Milner's secretive Round Table Group was established. Professor Quigley exposed some of the evolving ties between the global banking fraternity and these evolving "semi-secret discussion and lobbying groups," which helped foment World War I as a means to raise public support for a League of Nations.

    „By 1915, Round Table Groups existed in seven countries, including England...(and) the United States.... Since 1925, there have been substantial contributions from wealthy individuals, and from foundations and firms associated with the international banking fraternity, especially... organizations associated with J. P. Morgan, the Rockefeller and Whitney families....“ Quigley, 950-951.

    1909. Five years after his release from a primitive "insane asylum," Clifford Beers, formed the U.S. National Committee for Mental Hygiene" and called for a network of mental hygiene societies throughout the world."

    1917. In its report published in 1954, the Reece Committee (the Special House Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations) explained and quoted the official minutes of the Board of Trustees of the

    Carnegie Endowment for International Peace [See also: Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution ] „These trustees in a meeting about 1917 had the brashness to congratulate themselves on the wisdom of their original decision because already the impact of war had indicated it... could alter life in this country. ... they even had the brashness to ... dispatch a telegram to Mr. Wilson, cautioning him to see that the war did not end too quickly....

    „The concern became, as expressed by the trustees, seeing to it that there was no reversion to life in this country as it existed prior to 1914. And they came to the conclusion that, to prevent a reversion, they must control education. And then they approached the Rockefeller Foundation and they said, ‚Will you take on the acquisition of control of education as it involves subjects that re domestic in their significance? We‘ll take on the basis of subjects that have an international significance..‘ And it was agreed.... They decided the key to is the teaching of American history, and they must change that.“ [

    The Tax-Exempt Foundations

    , p. 60-61]

    1919. With funding from the Commonwealth Fund and the Rockefeller Foundation,

    Clifford Beers
    "formed the predecessor of WFMH [World Federation for Mental Health], the International Committee for Mental Hygiene (ICMH). Other supporters were Clarence Hincks, M.D., of the Canadian Medical Association, Adolph Meyer, M.D. of Johns Hopkins Hospital; and psychologist William James of Harvard. William James, John Dewey and other socialist visionaries spread the philosophy of pragmatism, which denies Biblical truth, sees truth as relative, and tests its validity by its practical and measurable effects.
    Note: Remember, almost every public step in this social revolution won public sympathy and acceptance by focusing on a real crisis. But in the hands of socialist change agents, the nice-sounding "solution" became a stepping stone to an ever expanding web of control.

    William James (father of American Psychology) founded the National Committee for Mental Hygiene, and according to B. K. Eakman in CLONING OF THE AMERICAN MIND: ERADICATING MORALITY THROUGH EDUCATION, he 'persuaded Rockefeller to contribute millions to the National Committee for Mental Hygiene....The goal of the Committee was specifically to prevent mental illness, and its focus was elementary and secondary schools. The thrust of the Committee's philosophy was that mental illness hinged on faulty personality development in childhood and that, therefore, personality development should supersede all other educational objectives. Stress was seen as the chief culprit, and parents and other authority figures as the second." Cuddy,
    Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 8

    1921. The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) was founded -- mainly through Col. House's influence. To build the needed network of globalist support groups, it would disperse tens of millions of dollars annually from the major tax-exempt foundations such as the Carnegie and Rockefeller foundations. Global Tyranny, page 54 The CFR would be the U.S. equivalent of the British RIIA, the Royal Institute of International Affairs. As Professor Quigley wrote, "...the original plans for the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Council on Foreign Relations were drawn up at Paris." Quigley, 952.
    1925. The Rockefeller Foundation funded the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry in Munick, directed by Dr. Ernst Rudin. Additional funding was provided by the Harrimans, Warburg and the British Crown. It continued to sponsor the Institute and its Nazi leader throughout the devastating holocaust of World Ward II. 4 ? 1925. A Rockefeller Foundation's grant gives birth to the International Bureau of Education. 2 Cuddy 15

    1932. Rockefeller Foundation president Max Mason tells trustees that "The Social Sciences will concern themselves with the rationalization of social control... the control of human behavior."


    Cuddy 18

    1932. Dr. Ernst Rudin, the Nazi director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry (funded by the Rockefellers) was appointed president of the global Eugenics Federation. 1934 (February). A Rockefeller "progress report" (by one of the division heads) asks, "Can we develop so sound and extensive a genetics that we can hope to breed, in the future, superior men?"
    Cuddy, 18. 1930-33. Hitler came to power and delegated Rudin to direct the Racial Hygiene Society, which called for sterilization or death of people considered "racially impure." The Rockefeller Foundation funded an anthropological survey of the eugenically correct population by Nazi eugenicists Rudin and others.


    1939. Rockefeller Foundation helps launch the School-Health Coordinating Service. 2 Cuddy 22

    1940s. "Otmar Verschuer and his assistant Dr. Joseph Mengele together wrote reports for special courts, which enforced Rudin's racial purity law against the illegal cohabitation of Aryans and non-Aryans. In the early 1940s, a large factory was built "at Auschwitz... to utilize the Standard Oil IG Farbin patents with concentration camp slave labor to make gasoline from coal. The SS guarded the Jewish and other inmates and selected for killing those who were unfit for IG Farbin slave labor.... Standard Oil and German President Emil Heilfeck testified after the war at the Nuremberg Trial that Standard Oil funds [Rockefeller]helped pay for the SS guards at Auschwitz. The Rockefeller Foundation defends its record by claiming that its funding of Nazi Germany programs during World War II was limited to psychiatric research."

    1943: The Rockefeller Foundation helped fund the Allen Memorial Institute at McGill University in Montreal. Working with the Canadian military and the Office of Strategic Services (The OSS became the CIA in 1947),
    Dr. Cameron
    conducted torturous experiments on human guinea pigs in order to perfect the various mind control techniques. These brainwashing tactics included coercive interrogation, psychosurgery, drugs, hypnosis and "between 30 to 60 electroshocks over a short period" along with powerful tranquilizers to control anxiety. Cameron's justification: his patients, "like prisoners of Communists, tended to resist and had to be broken down." This is described in the 1989 book, Journey Into Madness: The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse
    1943. Joseph Mengele appointed medical commandant of the Auschwitz concentration camp.
    1946 or 1947. (Both dates have been cited) Tavistock Institute of Human Relations is formed as an independent not-for-profit organization – with a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation, which „was interested in seeing if the kind of social psychiatry that had been developed during World War II could be relevant for the civilian society.“
    It would own the journal Human Relations. „Canadian-born psychologist and social analyst Elliott Jacques.... was the man who first identified the midlife crisis... Jaques was... a founder member of the Tavistock Institute.“ 9,12212,934548,00.html
    1973. After a trip to China, David Rockefeller praised Mao Tse-tung who had slaughtered over 40 million people. His report, „From a China Traveler,“ highlights the goals presented in UN reports such as „ The Commission on Global Governance “ and UNESCO‘s
    Our Creative Diversity
    . Both focus on lofty ideals such as peace, harmony and unity in the communitarian „global“ village – a vision that demands absolute control and universal participation in facilitated small groups (modeled by the hierarchy of „soviets“ or councils in Communist lands): „One is impressed immediately by the sense of national harmony.... Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution it has obviously succeeded... in fostering high morale and community purpose. General social and economic progress is no less impressive....The enormous social advances of China have benefited greatly form the singleness of ideology and purpose.... The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao‘s leadership is one of the most important and successful in history.“ New York Times, 8-10-1973.
    1974. In his book, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, Anthony Sutton „documented the fact that Rockefeller and Morgan banks provided the Bolsheviks with loans, while American industry provided them with the plants and the technology thy needed. Westinghouse, Henry Ford, Averill Harriman, Armand Hammer, Exxon, and other American firms built the infrastructure that allowed the Soviet Union to survive.“ Dr. Stanley Monteith, Brotherhood of Darkness (Oklahoma City: Hearthstone Publishing, 2000), page 71.
    1979. Supported by the Rockefeller Foundation, the National Institute of Education and the U.S. Department of Education, Schooling for A Global Age is published. In the Preface, John Goodlad wrote: „Enlightened social engineering is required to face situations that demand global action now. Education is a long-term solution.... Parents and the general public must be reached also... Otherwise, children and youth enrolled in globally oriented programs may find themselves in conflict with values assumed in the home. And then the educational institution frequently comes under scrutiny and must pull back.“ 2 Cuddy 65.
    1987. Among the notable members of the Study Commission on Global Education were (then) Governor Bill Clinton, AFT president Albert Shanker, Professor John Goodlad, CFAT (Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching) president Ernest Boyer, and Frank Newman, president of the Education Commission of the States. Together, they prepared a report titled The United States Prepares for Its Future: Global Perspectives in Education. The Rockefeller, Ford and Exxon Foundations helped fund this report. In the Foreword, New Ager Harlan Cleveland, author of The Third Try at World Order, wrote: „A dozen years ago... teaching and learning ‚in global perspective‘ was still exotic doctrine, threatening the orthodoxies of those who still thought of American citizenship as an amalgam of American history, American geography, American lifestyles and American ideas.... It now seems almost conventional to speak of American citizenship in the same breath with international interdependence and the planetary environment.“

    1996 (December ). "A Symposium organized by The Peter F. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management, sponsored by The Rockefeller Brothers Fund.... The Drucker Foundation believes that a healthy society requires three vital sectors: a public sector of effective governments; a private sector of effective businesses; and a social sector of effective community organizations [the focus is on large churches]. The mission of the social sector and its organizations is to change lives. It accomplishes this mission by addressing the needs of the spirit, the mind and the body--of individual, the community, and society....

    "As government cuts back social spending, many people expect the social sector to absorb much of the anticipated need for services.... "The one million nonprofit organizations... that comprise the social sector have only one common characteristic--their tax exempt status. It is their diversity--in mission, philosophy, and community--that uniquely qualifies them to deliver effective services to the community. ... We are now talking about a true partnership to build community and produce people who are needed by healthy businesses and a healthy society." Emerging Partnerships: New Ways in a New World

    Note: The large community oriented and purpose-driven churches fit right into the new communitarian model for organizing institutions and monitoring people. That's why the Rockefellers are involved. See also

    Rockefeller and the Global Media Censors

    Endnotes: Sources followed by (?) still need verification


    Origins of the World Federation for Mental Health

    and Clifford Beers: The Origins of Modern Mental Health Policy at
    2. Dennis Laurence Cuddy,Ph.D., Chronology of Education with Quotable Quotes (Pro Family Forum, Highland City, FL 33846, 1994); page 13.

    4.Gary Null


    13. The United States Prepares for Its Future: Global Perspectives in Education, Report of the Study Commission on Global Education," 1987. The report is financed by the Rockefeller, Ford and Exxon Foundations. Cuddy, 80.
    Home May be that in this new edition of "disturbances" such as "Oppositional Defiant Disorder" (insubordination, defiance disorder) included, which are found in people who put the "authority figures against a negativistic, defiant, disobedient and hostile behavior" on the day. The "symptoms" of this disorder is one that a person easily gets into a rage, and other harassment "is" irritable. also personality disorders such as antisocial behavior, arrogance, cynicism and narcissism should be considered "interference". There are even categories for people with frequent binge eating and children, prone to fits of rage. already in children is far too often "the diagnosis of bipolar," or attention deficit disorder (ADD) post, and then be prescribed dangerous antipsychotic drugs. Be more normal childhood behavior patterns categorized as psychiatric disorders, even more children are prescribed these drugs unnecessarily. added for each new edition of the DSM there been controversial new entries, the latest makes no exception. In fact, the scope of the manual over the years has increased substantially. The beautiful new way, as the so-called medical experts consider certain individual characteristics, is the most disturbing in the latest edition.
    children put together with their distinctive character in a special behavioral eccentricity of the day, would now generally classified as suffering from mental illness. Had it in the past, this criterion for the diagnosis of a disease already exist then it would have been people like Mozart and Einstein, that brought about the standard of time and set new and unique ideas, perhaps never. An article in the Washington Post brings the essence of this idea in the following quote to the point: "dignity of the seven-year Mozart are now trying to make their concerts, they would diagnose him maybe an attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and lead him back by drugs in a fruitless normality. " The notion of character differences from the norm is a kind of psychiatric illness, taking individuals are not only responsible for yourself, it will rob them of their distinctive personality. It reduces people to subjects who do not think ourselves, but must be brought under control by medication.
    Which brings us ended up with perhaps the biggest driving force behind the reformulation of the DSM: drug manufacturers. The pharmaceutical companies will be earning very much, when practically every person classified as mentally ill and require treatment with medication. Perhaps it would be in this position rather advised the psychiatrist and the gods of the drugs that spread such nonsense as really considered a psychiatric illness suffering. Maybe they're in need of hospitalization. source was for this article include:
    about "redemption by sin "and the insane source of psycho-analysis!

    Monday, July 26, 2010

    Warts On The Stomache

    Rockefeller & Global Mind Control

    The following is a translation of the latest articles on
    . Since the translation of such long texts is not necessarily one of my daily activities, I apologize apologize in advance for some little wooden guessed sets. I also have this product, because so incredibly long-a few short paragraphs is omitted, in my opinion are not important for overall understanding. Have fun (and time ...) reading


    The mass media are the main tool of the ruling elite to manipulate the masses. They form opinions and attitudes, and define what our society considers "normal" is. This article focuses are applied to the work of the mass media with regard to the theories of great thinkers, their power structure and the manipulation techniques.
    programming through mass media
    mass media have been designed to achieve the highest possible number of people. Tough to mass media, television, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, music CDs, movies, video games and the Internet. Many studies have been carried out in the last century been, who have examined the effect of mass media on the population, to the best possible techniques for influencing them out. From these studies emerged the communication of science, which finds in the fields of marketing, PR and policy application.
    recorded in 1958, the author Aldous Huxley (Brave New World) is a bleak picture of society. He believed that the company is controlled by an "impersonal power" of a ruling elite that manipulates the population with different methods.

    "now seem impersonal forces over which we have almost no power to us the nightmare of Fine New World entgegenzutreiben, and this non-personal advancement is accelerated aware by representatives of commercial and political organizations, which a number of new techniques invented for the thoughts and feelings of the masses for the benefit of any minority to manipulate "Aldous Huxley (" reunion with the beautiful. New World ")

    His bleak outlook is not only a simple hypothesis or even a paranoid delusion. It is a documented fact, which is presented in the largest studies of mass media. Here's a few:


    Walter Lippmann, an American intellectual, writer and two-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize, created one of the first work that specifically addresses the issue of "mass media". Lippman compared the mass with a "big beast" and a "wild herd," which would take a tour of a ruling class. He described the ruling elite as a "special class, whose interests go far beyond local. This class is composed of experts, specialists and bureaucrats. According to Lippmann, it is these experts to correct the major defects of democracy: The impossible ideal of the citizen omnicompetent. The "Wild herd" has the function of the "interested spectator" and no real interest in the actions undertaken by the elite. Active participation is the duty of the "responsible man", which of course is not the ordinary people meant.

    mass media and propaganda are therefore tools of the elite that govern the public without physical coercion. An important concept is the production of Lippmann consensus in society that believes in the short-terms, the manipulation of public opinion in favor of the agenda of the elite. Lippmann believed that the mass was not qualified to think wisely and on important things to decide. Decisions are made by the elite and then sold to the public through the mass media.

    that the fabricating of consensus can be refined still strong, no one will deny. The process created by the public opinion is certainly not as complicated as it is published on this site, and the possibilities for manipulation for each of the process is understood clearly enough. ... As a result of psychological research, coupled with the meanings of modern communication that democracy has reached a new level. A revolution is taking place, which is ultimately more important than any shift in economic power. ... By the influence of propaganda are the old constants of our thinking has become variable. For example, it is not possible in the original dogma of democracy believe;. That this knowledge is essential for the management of human affairs, we know in our heart (...) "

    An interesting side note is certainly that Lippmann one of the founding fathers of the Council on Foreign Relations
    "was one of the most influential think tanks around the world. This is a small indication of how the elite thinks about the use of mass media.

    "Political and economic power in the United States is in the hands of a ruling elite, which includes most U.S. multinational companies, major communications media, the most influential foundations, universities and most public utilities. Founded in 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations "is the key link between major corporations and government. The founding of the United Nations was a project of the CFRs and the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. "Are

    -Steve Jacobson Mind Control in the USA" Some well-known current members of the CFRs David Rockefeller, Dick Cheney, Barrack Obama, the famous Pastor Rick Warren, and executives of large companies such as Nike, Coca Cola, CBS and Visa.

    Carl Jung

    ;-) Carl Jung, the founder of analytical psychology (known as "Jungian Psychology"). He was an enthusiastic Freemason (Grand Master) and had great interest in the Far Eastern and Western philosophy, alchemy, astrology, and symbolism. His most important (and often misunderstood) concept is the "collective unconscious".

    "My theory is this: In addition to our immediate consciousness, from a very personal is nature and that we believe that it is the only empirical psyche exists a second psychic system, which is collective, universal and impersonal nature and included in all individuals. This collective unconscious is not individually marked, but is inherited. It consists of pre-existent forms, archetypes, which can be aware only of secondary importance and to give the specific mental content, the final form. "

    The collective unconscious is characterized by the existence of similar symbols and mythological figures can be seen in various cultures . Archetypal symbols seem rooted in our collective subconscious, and if they are used, they exert on us big attraction and fascination. Occult symbols can therefore exert a major influence on the people, even if many individuals are not aware of their esoteric meaning. Mass media thinker Edward Bernays saw this concept in a great way to inform the public of the level of personal awareness and collective consciousness to manipulate.

    Edward Bernays

    • Edward Bernays is known as the father of PR and combine concepts of his uncle Sigmund Freud, to attract the masses by the power of the subconscious. He told Walter Lippmann's view to the general population and described it as irrational and a "herd instinct" feature. are led his opinion, the masses would have no knowledge of a sort of "invisible government."

    "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism constitute the Company with an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested largely by men, of whom We have never heard of. This is the logical consequence of the structure of our democratic society. "

    Bernays ideas, American society changed significantly. Basically, he put his marketing campaigns, the foundation stones of the "consumer society" in which people started to buy things they do not really need. [His "masterpiece" it was a clever marketing campaign before the show cigarette smoking in women frowned upon as a symbol of freedom and emancipation, thus opening up for the tobacco companies this target group. Note


    ] For this reason, he of Life magazine in the top 100 most influential people 20th Century elected.
    Harold Lasswell

    was between 1939 and 1940, the University of Chicago, the organizer of a series of seminars on communication studies. These think tanks were founded by the Rockefeller Foundation. Involved the then most prominent scientists were on the field. One of them was Harold Lasswell, a leading political scientist and communications theorist who specializes in the analysis of propaganda. He also felt that a democracy can only function when an elite influenced the thinking of the people.

    In his "Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences" Laswell explains that the Elites in the absence of obedience of the masses on a new technique of control, namely the need to resort to propaganda. He also justified himself conventionally ". Ignorance and stupidity of the masses and non-democratic dogmas show what is really best for them,"

      Lasswell deeply concerned with "content analysis" to explore the effectiveness of different types of propaganda. In his essay, "Contents of Communication", he explained that if one wanted to understand the meaning of a message that you appear in the frequency of certain symbols in the message that should guide the direction in which these symbols are the spectators and the Intensity with which the symbols are used should be considered.
    • Lasswell was famous for his model of communication "Who (says) (to) what to whom (in) Which channel (with) What effect

    • This model therefore states that a correct media analysis must consider: Who is the producer, who the target audience and what are the desired effects on the target group.

    A Rihanna music video as an example: Who is the producer? Vivendi Universal. What? Pop artist Rihanna. To whom? Consumers aged between 9 and 25. What channel? Music video. What effect is desired? The sale of the artist, their Songs that define its image and spread their "message". The analysis of videos and movies on

    attaches great importance to the question of who is behind the messages that the masses are informed by it. The term "Illuminati" is often used to describe a secret group, unnoticed by the public rules the masses. Although the term caricature and happened to sound conspiratorial, but it aptly describes the closeness of the elite secret societies and occult knowledge. Whatever the case, I personally do not like it use the term "conspiracy theory" to describe what happens in the mass media. When all the facts available concerning the elitist nature of this industry for the public, it can still be dismissed as "conspiracy theory"? Who owns the media (in the U.S.)

    As shown in the above graph, the number of corporations, the media have, in the last 20 years from originally 50 to only five today shrunk.

    • "A list of companies controlled by the AOL group would meet approximately 10 typed pages in total Are there 292nd Of whom 22 are joint ventures with other large corporations, which are also involved to some extent in the media business. These partners include 3Com, eBay, Hewlett Packard, Citigroup, Ticket Master, American Express, Homestore, Sony, Viva, Bertelsmann and Polygram, and Some well known companies under the full control of Time Warner are HBO, CNN, Warner Brothers, Weight Watchers and 52 different record companies. "

    Ben Bagdikan, The New Media Monopoly

    Viacom includes:

    CBS, MTV, MTV2, UPN, VH1, Showtime, Nickolodeon, Comedy Central, TNN, CMT and BET

    Paramount Pictures

    Blockbuster Videos

    Disney heard:

    ABC, Disney Channel, ESPN, A & E, History Channel

    Walt Disney Pictures, Touchstone Pictures, Hollywood Pictures, Miramax, Dimension and Buena Vista International

    Vivendi Universal is:

    -27% of all U.S. album sales. Some are well-known record label: Interscope, Geffen, A & M, Iceland, Def Jam, MCA, Mercury, Motown and Universal

    Universal Studios, Studio Canal, Polygram Films, Canal +

    -Many Internet and mobile provider

    Sony is:

    Columbia Pictures, Screen Gems, Sony Pictures Classic

    -15 & ; of all U.S. album sales, friends Labels: Columbia, Epic, Sony, Arista, Jive and RCA Records

      A limited number of actors in the cultural industries means a limited amount of views and ideas that find their way to the general public . It also means that a single message can easily reach all forms of media, agreeing to generate (eg 'There are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq ").

    The standardization of human thought

    • The merger of media companies in recent decades generated a small oligarchy of media conglomerates. The TV transmission curves that we see, the music we hear, the movies we see in the movies and the newspapers we read are all produced by just five companies. The owners of these conglomerates are closely connected to the world elite and in many respects they are the elite. By the possession of all possible media that can reach the masses, they have the power in the minds of the people is a singular and in some ways, "binding" to create world-view, a kind of "standardization of human thought."
    • self movements or styles, which are referred to as "marginal" in truth only extensions of mainstream thinking. Mass media produce their own "rebel" who question but basically a part of the establishment, and never Understanding. Artists, works and ideas that will not fit the mainstream thinking of the media mercilessly rejected, so they are not socially relevant. Ideas that appear to society "desirable", marketed sent to it can establish itself as a standard.
    • In 1928 Edward Bernays realized the potential of the medium "film" for the standardization of ideas:
    "The American movie is the greatest unconscious carrier of propaganda in the world today. It's a big "distributor" for ideas and opinions. The film can standardize the ideas and habits of a people. "

    - Edward Bernays" Propaganda "

    These facts were in 1930 by thinkers of the" designated Frankfurt School like Theodor Adorno and Herbert Marcuse as a threat to human freedom. They identified three main problems of the culture industry:

    It reduces people to a "mass produced" by the development of emancipated individuals who are able to make rational decisions, prevented.

    • It replaces the quest for autonomy and self-awareness through the secure indolence of conformism and passivity

    It supports the idea that man after escaping from the absurd and cruel world we live in longing and so on best result achieved to put themselves in a passive, hypnotic state in which he lost.

    The word "escape" in terms of mass media makes the age of online video games, 3D movies and home theater even more sense than then. The masses, almost constantly on the lookout for any form of entertainment, have learned to love their propaganda, it shows by how much money they spend for just this. Propaganda has long ceased to what we know of dictatorships since it has become a synonym for "entertainment" has become.

    "In reference to earlier, there was propaganda for the early advocates of universal education and a free press in two ways: Either the news could be true or false. They foresaw what not in our Western democracies is actually done-
    • the development of cultural industries, it is not about right or wrong, but rather deals with unreal and more or less totally irrelevant things. You do not have the urge of the people almost unersätllichen considered for distraction. "
    • Aldous Huxley in Brave New World foreword to

    A single medium often has no long-term effects on the human psyche. Mass media create a kind of ubiquity but their "living environment", which is developing daily. This defines the standard, and eliminates unwanted. Just like race horses wear blinders, just to the see what is directly in front of them, the mass can also see only what they will see.

    "The mass media propaganda can be applied to the whole society. The combination of press, radio and television creates an ongoing environment in which, the influence of propaganda virtually unnoticed. Mass media is the connection between individuals in the technological society. "

    Jaques ellu
    • One of the reasons for the success of mass media is the advanced research in the fields of cognitive science and human nature that when they use . see

    manipulation techniques

    Today's propaganda is almost never a rational and logical arguments, rather it tackles the human instincts in order to achieve an emotional and irrational action. If we would always act rationally, we probably would not buy even half of what we have today. Babies and children are often found in the ads that have women as the target group because studies have shown that these images evoke the natural maternal instinct and automatically generate a sympathy for the advertised product.

    sex is rampant in the mass media, It produces and directs the attention of the viewer. It is aimed directly at our reproductive drive, overshadowed the once rational.

    subliminal messages

    What if the above could directly reach the subconscious mind of man, without him really noticing? That is the goal of subliminal messages.

    This technique is often used, and we all know "sex sells":

    Although some sources claim that subliminal advertising effect or just an urban legend is but the documented use of this technique demonstrated in the mass media that the creators believe in their effectiveness. Recent studies have demonstrated the effectiveness, especially with negative messages proved. A well known example of subliminal messages in politics is George Bush's campaigning against Al Gore in 2000:

    Once the name Al Gore is mentioned, appears at the end of the word "bureaucrats "-" Rats "for a second on the screen.

    led to the discovery of this trick, the to take Spot out of the program, even though no law prohibits this type of advertising.

    as in many of my articles I point to the underlying or semi-subliminal Botshaften in movies and music videos.


    In the past, big changes that were imposed on the population, mostly led to protests and even riots. The reason was that the changes were clearly of the leadership positions and thus the people knew exactly who they wanted to change. It came suddenly and their effects could be clearly recognized. Today, changes occur gradually and be a desensitization of The population. An agenda that is contrary to the interests of the public is, by creeping perennial repetition in the world of movies (by inclusion in the story), music videos (make it appear that agenda "cool" and "hip") or in the news (which they praise as a solution to current problems) made publicly palatable. After several years in which the mass was over and confronted with the specific issue presented their concept of the elite world, the response is now more or less on consent. This technique has its origins in psychotherapy:

    "The techniques of psychotherapy, widely accepted as a cure for mental disorders are also methods to control the people. They can be used systematically to influence attitudes and behavior. Systematic desensitization is a method that is used to dissolve fears that the patient (public) no longer troubled by a specific fear, fear of violence for example. (...) People adapt to frightening situations well when they saw them often before. "

    - Steven Jacubson, Mind Control in the USA

    So-called" Predective Programming "can be found more frequently in films of the sci-fi genre. These draw a definite picture of the future, what will often be desired by the elite image. In the spirit of the viewer is then formed the conclusion that this or a similar future will necessarily be the case. In the last decade the public has been "tuned" for example, a war against the Arab world. Today the population is little by little to the issues "Mind Control", transhumanism and "Illuminati" - brought elite. That is exactly what the (occultist) Alice Bailey describes as the "externalization of the hierarchy": the secret leaders reveal themselves slowly itself

    Occult Symbols in Pop Culture

    In contrast to the above information, information on occult symbolism very hard to find. This is not surprising, since the term "occult" hidden "means or" visible to the scholars. It is not taught in schools nor discussed in the media. Therefore, it is considered insignificant or even ridiculous in the general population. In occult circles, you see the course differently. There is a long tradition of teaching of hermetic and occult knowledge in secret societies that its origins in ancient Egypt and the Eastern mysticism and is now taught mainly in Freemasonry. Although this knowledge has been modified over the centuries, still remained the main features of the various "schools" the same: they make use of ancient symbolism, have certain rituals and justify their work with hochgeradig metaphysical interpretations of the world. These characteristics, which were really part of any ancient culture, were banned completely from public life. It was replaced by the so-called "pragmatic materialism." That is why today there is a huge gap in understanding between the pragmatic and the average person following rituals Establishment.

    "If this doctrine of the public was always hidden, for this was to develop a simple code, it is unlikely that the representatives of modern civilization in the fields of philosophy, ethics, religion and science, the true meaning of the various theories identified and on what basis they were based. Bergen, the arts and sciences, which we have inherited from our ancestors a mystery that is so large that it can take only an enlightened intellect? This is undoubtedly the case, "

    - Manly Hall." The Secret Teaching of All Ages "

    The "mere code" for the masses was used to organized religion. Meanwhile, it is the "temple of the mass media," which we materialism and "self-centeredness" (first-company) preaches and leaves us spiritually stunted. This is the exact opposite of the qualities of a truly free individual, as taught in almost all major philosophical schools. If a stupefied population easier to manipulate?

    "This blind slaves are told that they are" free "and are" highly educated ", even if every simple medieval peasant would run away screaming with their symbols. These symbols are accepted by the modern man with childlike naivete could be compared with an advertising board on the is: This is your path to death and enslavement, in terms of their original meaning "

    -Michael Hoffmann," Secret Societies and Psychological. Warfare "

    Conclusion This article has dealt with the most important thinkers in the fields of mass media, the power structure of the media and manipulation techniques. Lippmann, Bernays, and Lasswell all have stated that the public is not in a position to decide their own fate, as provided for democracy. Instead required them for a "Kryptokratie" a hidden-government of a ruling, responsible for the "wild herd class. Because their ideas are chosen to practice on society, it is increasingly apparent that an uninformed population is not an obstacle, with the need to address the rulers, but this condition is highly desirable for a "successful" rule. A stupefied and ignorant people know their rights, not looking for a greater overall understanding of the world and questions no authorities. Follows just the latest trend. The pop-culture encourages this dumbing down by constantly presenting of deadening entertainment and a ridiculous worship of any of these "stars" who get the attention of the mass. "If a nation expects the same ignorant and to be free, it expects something that never was and never will be" - Thomas Jefferson Related article:

    effect of mass media on society

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