Psycological Warfare Subversion Control Society of Western
temples and symbols of the crypto-Jewish Masonic
With the discovery of an abuse case, which is said to have occurred allegedly in derAmtszeit Ratzinger as Archbishop of Munich, the global abuse campaign Mischpoke, in the U.S. started and Ireland was directed targeted to Germany reached its interim dramatic climax in the media. Now wants the Jewish Journaille their key positions indeutschen media, especially ö r. Television and in verhetztenSpringer / Holtzbrinck / DuMont / use Friedmann-press to even the Pope himself to draw in the dirt of their hate campaign.
so far perfidious defamation Pope Benedict XVI by dieüblichen proIL suspects in Germany, the Vatican spokesman immediately denied Lombard formally
The Berliner Tagesspiegel
fat reported on 12 3. 2010 at 20:16 clock:
"church abuse confirmed by Bishop Ratzinger time. ImMissbrauchsskandal by Catholic clergy in Germany is nunauch Pope Benedict XVI. personally in the spotlight. He had 1980 alsErzbischof the transfer of an apparently pedophile priest agreed nachMünchen, said the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising amFreitag with ... "
a hoax
defamation is anxious only called
dpa / AFP as an information source. Both news agencies are firmly in Jewish hands. Publisher of the Berliner Tagesspiegel is known as pro-Israeli Dieter von Holtzbrinck (see below *).
Counterfeit, the Tagesspiegel message as usual by the Mischpoke shortening, not important information by the omission of the not quite, that the personnel decision regarding the pedophile priest was at the former Archbishop Ratzinger actually taken by vomGeneralvikar. The Vicar General has the full responsibility for its wrong decision taken. As the discrete from Essenzu therapeutic purposes in the diocese of Munich said pädophilePriester as a repeat offender struck again in 1986 Ratzinger was already long since moved as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine
As with many other specific defamatory articles on this subject, now comprehensively and accurately be served from the weekend in all the products
the German public and the rest of the world, ISTD journalists involved in their detection zeal made a schwererFehler. In their hatred of the Catholic Church and tothe supposedly conservative pope from Germany has dieProIl-journals will not be ashamed to even take the brother of Pope Benedictine visor. Georg Ratzinger had to foul after the Attackenin ProIL-Presse, who wanted to get him accustomed to the insidious nature imgleichen same breath as "abuse cases"
related, apologize for, as head of the cathedral choir children
to have slapped .
The lack of conceptual clarity in the separation orchestrated the standard "Haltetden thief!" Of the proIL-Journaille, perfidious anti-Vatican campaign system. Even in the U.S. and Ireland usthe same journalists and lawyers tricky one proceeds by comprising
beatings and sexual abuse
in one go in the same quantity framework treats. HOW TO siein German to crazy religious institutions "thousands vonMissbrauchsfällen" where there truly are perhaps a few hundred years infünfzig. Each "Sexual abuse is one too many. Ninety percent of cases occur in the rest of the non-church area in the brothels, where Eastern European sex slaves are abused by their proIL-brothel-owners, in squalid "green" patchwork families in the treatment rooms by unscrupulous Ärztenwie the infamous Dr. Dieter Krombach on the secretive Lying proIL-psychiatrists, with the army or in the gay referee of the DFB-twenties.
Pink Floyd - [The Eternal Dark Side] - (2008) - Thaltruistic - Google Videos
the abuse is bad enough in itself. The firm handles mixing in the nasty campaign against the Church is all nurnoch worse, the "abuse" abused. The prefect desobersten Vatican appeals court, Archbishop Raymond Leo Burke, as well as a negative influence of the public complained to dieAufklärung of abuse cases. In previous cases in the USAhabe strong participation by media and attorneys compounded the scandal and an "objective assessment of the situation and the self- individual prosecution cases made very difficult, "says Eder American church in Rome judge to journalists on Thursday evening.
Watch What The Jews Did To The Germans
in Educational & How-To Slapping / Spanking that has come to happiness for the rows oppressors out of fashion. In the case of Georg Ratzinger became aware of the journals will not distinguish between violence (corporal punishment) in education and sexual abuse or sexualisierterGewalt the distinction (see below ***). Apples are here undBirnen thrown into a basket. Slaps are finally no abuse.
abuse starts already morally, if the teacher a child for example, reduced to a group and says, "You're stupid!" Such an educational malpractice is not punishable.
A very different, terrible quality of sexual abuse
, after the § § 176-176b with imprisonment from 6 months to 10 years of criminal penalty, intentional crimes, the children injured at heart and can traumatize settle long. "Whether Gothic, Romanesque, Renaissance, eat us all oans" wants manmit the wisdom of the Austrians on the criminal abuse Melange undhinterfotzig stirred together in the media reaction. Even suspected cases fall into the big pot of "abuse" cases, only so that the scandal quickly voranschreitetund the reputation of the church more into disrepute:
The Mossad has apparently indention on its informal employees German security authorities and school boards all ausfünfzig years collected Germany, centrally stored undjetzt passed to his proIL-Sphirren in the media, which anFakten and rumors are just kind of against the Catholic Church uses predicted based are able. The "abuse campaign" wurdenach their success in the U.S. and Ireland by the "Witti` s "and ähnlichenProIl-victim advocates for Germany secretly prepared carefully according to the rules derPsychologischen warfare. It is by now taken on the machine in proIL-D so expertly surgically wiees only a professional Intelligence can.
The result is, for example, in the Süddeutsche Zeitung badly manipulated the featured "card of the disease," a lie
printed and visual mislead the reader SZ by the joint representation of ridiculous Or slap his usual time, "socially adequate" beatings with the cane (now called the abuse ") and the time already criminal behavior (" Sexual abuse of children) in religious boarding schools / educational institutions. Here is shown together with fraudulent Absichtvon the known pro-Israeli newspaper Süddeutsche
, do not belong together. A relevant criminal insult / defamation of the Catholic Church and injury derjournalistischen duty of care.
Ca. 250 suspected cases are mostly untested, however, in 50years in the graph above, only four final judgments counterpart, suggesting a relatively high number of unreported cases.
trafficking in Educational will excuse the Holtzbrinck Publishers, the publishers Gerckens, DiLorenzo and Rudolph or the editors and Casdorff Maroldt forthe pee on the pope in their Berliner Tagesspiegel ? Hardly. The orgiastic campaign Verludertengegen the Vatican is only just arrived "at the peak. Wasnoch lacks the usual claims are billions of Israeli lawyers, the "damages".
Sexual abuse is a disgusting crime. 150 million girls and 73 million boys are a UN study, world wide every year, victims of sexual Violence. The number was in general covers 13th Assembly of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva featured. Particularly vulnerable are children in war zones
said the UN Special Representative Radhika. rape
of the Israel Lobby-controlled soldiers, Muslim women in Iraq
of sexual abuse speak, "if the sexual privacy of one person by another person does not respect or exceeded and the person that exceeds the limits, emotionally, physically and spiritually this person influence or exercise power over. " This is the definition of W. Müller, "SexuellerMissbrauch and church" in "Voices of Time", 228, (2010, Issue 4).
The case Haider: Terror from the very top
Russian Mafia or Jewish Mafia? W. Muller describes in his publication with the necessary objectivity from the perspective of the psychologist prototypical individual abuses that have occurred recently in institutions of the Catholic Church. He concludes that nothing in the investigation must remain in the dark, the one can agree (s) only:
"The scandals over sexual abuse of minors by priests have made the Catholic Church in the USA [Ireland, Germany, added] in the marrow. She has not recovered from it. It would be spared some vibration, it would have taken this knowledge and proposed approaches seriously. In cases of sexual abuse of minors by priests help is a hard hitting action, an unrestricted illumination of the situation. Because nothing should remain in the dark, can not be concealed, hidden, be played down. Nothing. Then and only then, there is a Chance that more and more that is eliminated, which must be rooted out, the soil must be stripped. "
W. Müller, in contrast to many other anxious evil by the roots pull up is to certify that he brings an expert with the necessary conceptual selectivity to the Lösungder problems. Of the proIL-Journaille that accompanies the for Diekirch most painful process of enlightenment with circulation enhancing scandalous cries, can not say that. Manlese only the anti-papal struggle article by Annette Ramelsberger Indians Süddeutsche Zeitung on the weekend and people (men) knows.
to deconstruct the prevailing morality in the country have unfortunately school.
brainless adepts and "useful idiots" such as Joschka Fischer and Daniel Cohn-Bendit supported with their party "The Greens" unconscionable moral decomposition efforts, the Greens were at that time a libertarian party, where evil sex offender even regular party conferences open to sex with Kindernpropagierten small. The party protocols are hopefully still available.
In the supposedly "enlightened" Goss press (such as IMAGE or the Zionist GONG) supported Mietfedern Jewish origin, the famous "Dr. Summer, "whose name was actually Goldstein, the directed against the Federal Republic as a whole moral decomposition process
took aim at the physical removal of factories to the destruction of spiritual principles, to the moral deconstruction of German society. From Mr. Goldstein
, life would unfortunately still is not known that for ersich scribblings would be immoral excuses. Revenge of the angels
Adorno or CIA agent
Marcuse (Eros and Civilization), which is both God has blessed through the temporal, is barely mentioned.
Petra Roth and Renate Kuenast as mother ships for the Greens, and Joschka Fischer and Jürgen Trittin expected as the former great Zampanos the chaotic force Alliance '90 / The Greens, too.
orgiastic Rite exchange of women, the ritual fornication. , Of the child and drug abuse
Tiqqun (religious actions to restore order, which was lost in creating the world) while practicing reading from the Bible and Kabbalah? Who turns satanic child porn? ask google: jewish porn industry
Solomon Rothschild with the "Illuminati secret sign" to the "hidden hand", the invisible hand that rules the world with their
Masonic and Illuminatennetzwerk
Rothschild banker: "We do God's own work"!
If you want to accomplish God's own work must have a view of it as "God" ist.und what this now when the words "God" "The person has a will" with the "content of faith" to a connected, wants. Who can think of and a "conscious-ness" has to be the words "God" do not connect with a person but with "spirit". Not only Buddhists meditate for a lifetime for the Spirit produces in her head Permanent thoughts and animates the body "aware" of exercise. "It" thinks in our Köpfen.Wir can "it" is not permanent - either by death - off. But what is "it" thinks that in our heads? Is it the Spirit of God or God "personally"? Is it the
postulated by Hegel, "world spirit" ? What is "Donar" with the texts of "God", "World Spirit", "Allah", "
Manitu", "Spirit," "Long", " you ", " mind", " manas" or " ether" meant? What "religious content" is linked in the mass of the (brain washed) Heads of humanity with the respective "religious content"?
standing all these texts for the same spirit of the dead matter to life and animates our bodies? What does the spirit of the reincarnated in all living things? The answer is simple: All living creatures do. All living things have a common will to survive. The Spirit or "God" of all living things "thinks" will therefore in principle "LIFE". The overall behavior of all living beings healthy is to "survive" and "offspring" to be directed. The all healthy living being the same spirit, or God be animated is not only a matter of logic - for example, by Darwin's theory of evolution by which all living things from a cell derived - is confirmed, it can also "spiritually" with mind-expanding drugs in " magic mushrooms "are defined to be directly experienced.
Allegro Origin of Religions - secret cult of the sacred fungus. Christmas, the festival of family and charity has also originated in use (not abuse) of "magic mushrooms". Christmas was the night of initiation into the use of mushrooms. Then two days has been received of the "healing spirit." In order to avoid this herb women were persecuted as witches and burned of the mindless fans of crypto Jewish death cult in the desert alive. The Witches Hammer is the first written law for German. Santa is actually Donar on the Thursday and back. Natural ingredients "magic mushrooms" - properly used - increase the capacity for knowledge. They are - except meditations and near-death experiences - the source of all religions and "higher knowledge". The Fähgkeit for "knowledge" of higher relationships is the highest form of intelligence
: What one does to you, unto others and others. So, eye for eye, tooth for tooth. Karma is a question of the idea. That so many people "unconscious" is inherited from generation to generation via the
inherent in all healthy individuals, described as a basic physical law that is designed to prevent harmful in general, hostile behavior. Murderer, for each murder they have committed sentenced to death.
a "new creation wanted both the Nazis and the Communists as God created!
are really "Jewish" and claim to do "God's work" should they divine the fundamental laws of the reincarnated in every generation around the world to know. Now the matter but so that on the trail of the Drathzieher behind Jacobins, communists, Nazis, feminism, multiculturalism, gender mainstream climate lie, the tracks almost all revolutions, (world) war, a holocaust after another late least since the French Revolution satanic Masonic and
and other networks of academic and Liar Liar "useful idiots" s just with Rothschild banker , at Rockefeller, Warburg
"thou shalt not kill" abuse? Who persuaded them what is the will of God, or should it be? Was it the esoteric-occult-cabalistic rabbis believe that knowing the whole of humanity absulut having to do evil? Who believe the apocalypse - which they call the "birth pangs of the Messiah
" - need to produce? What occult / satanic fonts they want to have removed the "will of God"? Was the staging of the World Wars, the financing of the Nazis who planned the murder of over 100 million people around - as " insane" prophecy - Israel from the ashes of the German, Ottoman and Russian Empire rise to make a dogma of supposedly "Jewish" religion?
Where did the sick visions of the dark world of stupid Goijm all to be destroyed, the idea of a march through the cemetery, (Holocaust..) The soul is the spark to save it and all the other sick, completely absurd religious nonsense, the idea of a revaluation of all values, Sefirot and
as allegedly "highest level of knowledge" originate? Some super smart Kabbalists claim that the Kabbalah was older than mankind. Well, if this is so, it must enlightened teaching, according to the Kabbalistic occultists Darwin come from monkeys! Where have kanniBAAListische human sacrifice cults originate? For half a monkey from the Stone Age have verfrühstückt each other for lack of food?
Judaism is a religion of several thousand years ago that Zionism is an ideology on the wrong Messisa Shabbatai Zwi (1666) goes back and abused the Jews for his own political goals. Accordingly, the equation of Zionism and Judaism is an extremely flashy propaganda trick of the Zionists, to collect revenue for the crimes of the representatives of Judaism and Zionism, the entire swing the club against critics to anti-Semitism. Zionists are also largely Khazars from the Caucasus and not a "Semitic" Jews from Judea. They are committing genocide against true "Semites," the Palestinians. Who are the "real" anti-Semites?
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said during an interview in the Israeli Shalom TV. "I am a Zionist, one has to be a Jew to be a Zionist" The statement can be found from the minute 2:02
But if you must be a Jew to be a Zionist, then it is quite clear and clearly proven that Judaism and Zionism can be identical.
Sabbateanism is the matrix of every significant movement to have emerged in the eighteenth and nineteenth entury, from Hasidism, to Reform Judaism, to the earliest Masonic circles and revolutionary idealism. The Sabbatean "believers" felt that they were champions of a new world
insane false messiahs think they would have the prophecy of their alleged "Scriptures" that have zero to do with the true "holy spirit" into action and organize the apocalypse, the end time, the birth pangs of the Messiah, that God destroy creation! They have "end-time hopes "revolutionary holocaust" (Marx).
The word Messiah, or Christ in Greek originally meant "the oiled, the lubricated, the anointed one". The anointing ritual celebrated by the Pope today. The original may have spirit healer "healing spirit" nor personally knew ointment made from natural substances, which they thought that this make healthy or even half dead back to life . These substances were not only the active ingredients of the mushrooms but also the life-giving liquid semen.
, Freemasons, puffing, mystics, Kabbalists and other religious crackpots and fanatics disguised as wanting to mask their perversions by a religious cult seem to have something wrong. Because they have only their knowledge of hand-written books written off repeatedly by hand, translated and tampered with. Nu r so you can mentally completely degenerated relgious cults of today's days to explain the exact opposite of the original ideas and practice of enlightened thinking to themselves. said
While the healer, the Saints Fühere times with the
heaven on earth a
enlightening drug trip
believe mentally ill who think they are of "God's" elect an "underground New World Order," her heaven build on the earth by wars without end to have to. They lie to mankind with an alleged man-made Climate change and play simultaneously on like a bad Hollywood film to the saviors of the world. Jesus the Christ says: "
My kingdom is not of this world."
Each of the effect of magic mushrooms, knows immediately what it is meant. The stupid believe that the connections do not understand a world empire set up in this world that need to be dominated all others, enslaved, tortured and destroyed in a revolutionary holocaust. That is their stated goal for which many have sacrificed their lives religious delusions. What do you get when they dominate others and torment? If they Fresen fat at the expense of other life, is unhealthy and die early of heart attack? Provides them the satisfaction of torturing other one? If so they are clearly mentally sick and perverted. No man is born a perverse perpetrators of violence. They are all brought up, either by religious and ritual abuse in childhood - the as
Tikkun , as action to restore to the divine order which have been lost in the creation of the world - . crime No man is born a perverse perpetrators of violence, they become perverse in the military and intelligence agencies, educated satanic violent criminals you another rush to war, promote violence and perversions of all kinds and simultaneously talk of "moral values". This is not only perves but satanic and schitzophren . They assume the other is always 100% exactly what they have done wrong. So Bush, for example spoke of the "axis of evil", he played up like the good guy, he was staged as any Hollywood-hero as the savior of the world while at the same time under the fictitious pretext of weapons of mass destruction were never found war against Iraq out. Typical: Zionists murder under the Semitic Palestinians make critics so-called Anti-Semitism! Exactly that is Kabbalistic dialectic Kabbalistic "revaluation of all values". Another mendacious excuse for the millions of mass murder in Iraq were the Anschlöge of 11 / 9 from their Drathzieher Binladen Afganisten was supposed to be. What bin Laden had anything to do with Iraq? Nothing! Again, the classic pattern of the cabalistic-satanic "revaluation of all values". Bush actually even the EVIL was was presented as the GOOD
. Hussein of the United States had no hair bent was staged as the bad guy. Zionists make their opponents exactly what they themselves have done wrong! If they no longer know they say the critics were wrong and crazy. The
Insane they actually are even and not only because of their Schitzophrenie but especially because they believe in the apocalypse of Massenarbeitslosikgeit, plagues like the fictitious pig flu, wars, civil wars and bombs themselves are triggered by earthquakes. NASA claims that even the earthquake in Haiti would have changed the Earth's rotation . Who knows what mass acceleration and the power to change the earth's rotation is necessary to know, of course, such reports are also chimeras. Nevertheless, such messages are disseminated. Why? If the people fear to be made? Or have Bible Code Kabbalists with the help of their Zahlennmagie the secret Embassy of the prophesied apocalyptic change in the earth's rotation, which is now being coaxed by the Mossad media worldwide spread in the production of the "end times"? Where has the apocalyptic vision of the mentally ill
of the "end times" originate? The idea of humanity from the time derived from the revolutions of the Earth from its own axis and the rotations of the earth around the sun and the revolutions of the moon around the earth. One rotation of the earth on its axis one day, one revolution of the earth around the sun is a year, a revolution of the Moon around the Earth is a month.
These cycles were of the people of former Times observed and written down. For the calendar records were developed from which in turn attract the "knowledge" was that there are certain cosmological relatively large time intervals gives the example
interfere wherever you can, the training and the supply of the enemy forces undermining, their discipline and paralyzes their will to fight by sultry music, then send frivolous nor women in their camp and they let the work of decay lead to the end,
saves neither promises nor with money or gifts, for all this with wide interest
The former KGB agent and expert in psychological warfare Yuri Bezmenov says in his speech, not only that the KGB to unofficial data, about 80% of its budget, not for espionage and terrorist attacks but for idiologische propaganda has used. For other intelligence agencies whose budget is X times more likely to be this is probably no different. Yuri Bezmenov also says that subversive propaganda can only achieve its objective if the audience is too stupid to see through this and falls for destructive, subversive propaganda, public relations and marketing. The subversive decomposition processes, not just Germans began to stage the "birth pangs of the Messiah," the dramatization of the end times the Apocalypse in Germany with the 68gern and the "Jewish" Frankfurt School when including Joschka Fischer as a "useful idiot" in the theory went.
Yuri Bezmenov
says that the decomposition process of a company after a three-phase timetable runs out of the Gehirnwäche a generation covers. In the second stage of the process of intellectual and hence of the entire social decay as well as unstoppable. It comes to revolutions, civil war, the riots are precipitated by the military. A new power takes over the power in the state, this time apparently the world! Politicians and others as "useful idiots" are no longer needed in the dictatorship of the NWO disposed of.
In ,
feminism and anti-Semitism
it is undoubtedly idiologische propaganda. All religions, ideologies and belief systems " wesendlich are part of higher psychological warfare strategies may have to target the "morale" of a people or to strengthen or destroy.
Nazi propaganda
doubt from the beginning to strengthen the 'national' morale. All Germans should be
Hitler in the final final battle in the war, in the fall. Large parts of the Germans were treated with methods of psychological warfare, propaganda into a national euphoria as Fussbalfans in a stadium like rock fans the rock concert. For this purpose, the "national identity" conscious, planned, promoted and strengthened.
Wikipedia: Nation
(before the 14th century to the German
taken from Latin
, "birth, origin, people") refers to large groups or collectives of people who have cultural characteristics such as language
manners, customs
descent and the like. as in
ethnic groups are found to be combined into one unit. These linguistic and cultural characteristics and features are then identified as the national character of a nation
national community. Basically, this represents the nation as
anthropological concept which is reflected in the concepts of nation
culture or ethnic
nation. Nation in this sense does not denote an
State, as it developed in the past by wars or royal weddings as a political community or territory
without political consideration was made to the cultural characteristics and similarities of its people.
Wikipedia: Multiculturalism
is the generic term for a number of social
philosophical theories of action with implications for policy
is the idea the idea of a national culture, a culture
nation contrary. The
"national identity"
every human culture of a nation
determined primarily on the language of the nation. Many German today because of the former Nazi propaganda and to have without fear by many as "left" perceived anti-Nazi, MultiKulti-BRD-propaganda "deep psychological" problem with the supposedly own "leaders" and discriminated against other "useful idiots" to become "their" nation, that is, to "their" own identity, to commit themselves. You say: I am a European
! talk but not the Language "European". Also, all Germans outside of Germany from all other nations still hold of course for German! Thus, to change all nations worldwide, according to the International Charlemagne Prize and Freemasons Coudenhove-KALERGI, the founder of the Pan-Europaloge the forerunner of the EU to a "
eurasich-Negroid future race modeled after the ancient Egyptians
" - under the domination of Judaism that Coudenhove-KALERGI as "mind-Adel" means - are mixed. Selbstwahrnehumg The differences between perception and the perception among many Germans create cognitive dissonance
out to severe pathological
dissociative identity disorder. treated with more and more
Psycho Pharma at the expense of the insured. Dissociative Identity Disorder lead to more alcohol and drug abuse. Many doctors believe that children with attention deficit disorder (ADD) themselves too little attention was needed engegen so that their identity-forming 'positive' self-confirmation is missing they subconsciously Hyperaktiviät built, which aim to try. The children are usually treated with Ritalin. The Ritalinkonsum increases due to lack of identity-building, positive self-affirmation by (hardly any) one's family, the clan of the tribe, the people, the nation constantly.
to final decomposition of the identity of the people - and therefore the nations - the ideology of gender was mainstream must be according to the gender identity imagination conceived. Mainstream stands for the main stream, for the mass of the normal "gendered", ie a "brainwashing" to be subjected, in almost all societies, there is 3-5% homosexual gays and lesbians. These "fringe group", together with the "fringe" of the foreigners - were taken to that end, the land - an instrument against the group of "normal" (standard) heterosexual residents. should be able to adopters while the media monopoly multimedia Hetzkampangen -
The ultimate goal, the totolitäre destruction of the remnants of Christian culture of German culture whose ideals THE TRUE, THE GOOD AND THE BEAUTIFUL were is obvious. While on the one hand, doing all the remnants of the Christian influenced German
culture and "identity" to destroy
provides a relatively high number of hits on google the keyword
"Jewish identity"
Thus, while not only the German culture and "identity" but the entire Christian-influenced European culture in a "revolutionary" Holocaust
(Marx) is to be destroyed completely, the so-called
" Jewish identity"
, for many is not clear what exactly "Jewish identity" is obvious promoted by certain circles. Defines the "Jewish identity" about a language, a religion that is about the origin of the "race"? What language, what religion, what race could have meant?
Sephardic community, and indeed in Hamburg-Altona. All other so-called Jews in Germany were so-called Eastern Jews are not - in contrast to Germans through witch hunts and the Inquisition - were persecuted by the Vatican but by Genghis Khan
. Jews by the Vatican of "law of usury," the rip-off permits allowed during usury zwangsbekehreten German Christians.
We therefore define the Christian identity and German identity decomposed, should be banished from our minds. No one should say more I am a Christian and I am German. But what of all "Jewish identity"? What are these people who like Marx said of himself that it is "atheistic Jews would
we ask someone who should know'd have here is an excerpt from the speech of Benjamin Freedman. A source serviceable America
you you have so much fooled
know that you do not remember if you come straight or just go! What we know about the Jews? I call them Jews here because they are generally so designated. I do not call them Jews, but
"so-called Jews" because I know who they really are. Over 90% of those who call themselves Jews are descendants of Eastern European Jews
, so the Khazars
[6]. The
Khazars were a warlike tribe who lived in Central Asia. They were belligerent, so that they were finally expelled from Central Asia to Eastern Europe, where a kingdom of a size of 800,000 square miles founded.
you know what the Jews do in their most sacred holiday, the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)?
I was one of them , I know it should! I'm not here to tell you some bullshit. I give you the facts! So: On the day of atonement you go to a synagogue. The first prayer is called standing. It is the only prayer for which it stands.
The Talmud teaches that whenever you turn in a pledge to think of this prayer. Then you will not have to comply with its promises. Can you rely on the loyalty of such people? We can just as on the loyalty the Jews to leave as the Germans 1916th should We (the U.S.) will suffer the same fate as Germany, for the same reasons. " Solomon Rothschild to the Hidden Hand be the illegitimate father of Hitler's father .
The so-called anti-Semitism
Rothschild maintain more than 1,000 organizations worldwide, whose primary responsibility is to to 'maintain'
to see to it that one never discharges his eyes like this .
Such organizations often have no erkkenbar Jewish garb, but they dress in philanthropic names like "League of Human Rights" or "integration?" or "anti-discrimination? .." Such a setting is associated with left-liberal, one who violates those "rules" is classified as right-radical.
The result is an automated mechanism of thought:
Each violation is assigned RIGHT is this with "Nazi" associated
with Nazi are "Jews" associated
which even with "deprivation of a Muslim to fight the Zionists on the one hand, can they consider anti-Semitism debate spurred new. The possibility of an objective and reasonable consideration is blocked by the majority of media consumers.
For the Zionists, the Jewish assimilation, the main enemy
, as assimilated Jews are not Jewish nationalists more and can therefore no more than mercenaries for Zionism can be mobilized. The Jewish cohesion across national borders and the myth of some Jewish people, which is different from all other nations is precisely the foundation of Zionism.
This Jewish cohesion requires a threat directed against the Jews : anti-Semitism.
there is no such threat on the part of the environment, then the Assmilierung of Jews in the secular, modern society makes it easier and quicker, and
Zionism would be to the General Staff without soldiers, to the head without a body.
That is why anti-Semitism indispensable for the Zionists, the savior in need
Here are some sayings of well-known Zionists.
(Translator's note. The following quotations from German and Austrian Jews are back translation from Swedish)
Theodor Herzl, the founder, of Zionism, wrote in his diary:
Anti-Semites be our most reliable friends and the anti-Semitic countries our allies. " (Patai 1960, Volume I, p. 84)
Dr. Arthur Ruppin said:
" You can not claim that anti-Semitism alone have spawned Zionism, but at least in Western Europe is anti-Semitism of the most powerful agitator for the Zionist cause, and the decline of anti-Semitism would prefer to be the Zionist
." ("The Jews of today," Jewish Press, Cologne, 191L, p. 278)
Dr. Leo Wertheimer wrote in his 1918 book "The hatred of Jews and the Jews:
is Anti-Semitism the saving angel of the Jews, which provides powerful that the Jews remain Jews? "Anti-Semites have created the Jewish consciousness of many Jews, do not want to be such. "(quoted by Dr. Franz Scheidl," Israel - Dream and Reality, Vienna, 1962, p. 18)
The great Zionist leader Nahum Goldmann said in his welcoming speech at the meeting of the World Jewish Congress on July 23, 1958 Geneva:
" If anti-Semitism will disappear in its classic form, this certainly leads to a material and political improvement of the situation for the Jewish communities around the world, but it also has a negative impact on our inner life? Our people know to fight heroically in difficult times, but has not yet learned creative in good times to live. "(New York Times, July 24, 1958)
raises in his book The Jewish Paradox forth Goldmann
Yeshua Professor Goldman said at the 26th Assembly of the World Zionist Organization in Israel on 30 December 1964:
" The greatest danger for Judaism and Jewish unity is the lack of anti-Semitism ." (Quoted by Dr. Franz Scheidl see above, p. 18.).
There is no doubt that Zionism is inextricably linked with anti-Semitism and without this not viable. The Zionists constantly stress their fear and horror of anti-Semitism,
do not get rid of these, however, but give him time and again to life.
death of the anti-Semitism, Zionism is dying with it. Only in this context, it is understandable why Rothschild built Zionism as a "movement" and why its world tyranny was never attacked. In order to overcome this tyranny, one must therefore first dissolve the wall "anti-Semitism," usefully in caustic sarcasm.
The Holocaust cartoon with subtitles:
left are defined by the "enemy image" rights ". Rights are defined by the fine image left. Just as left and right need each other, judges and police need to ensure that criminals do their job. Invent governments (like the Mafia) threats of an alleged climate catastrophe, and (even staged) international terrorist to do so as if it were nothing more important than the citizens from these threats to protect selbtsterfundenen. Likewise, need Zionism anti-semitism. The following document shows how the self-identity disturbed mentally ill children of their own intelligence on the condition of small
enemy anti-Semitism
What is anti-Semitism today?
More about anti-Semitism
So-called anti-Semitism, therefore, is "Jewish identity" which seems to based less on religion but on paranoia. The Nazis were the Rothschild controlled, high finance and its "useful idiots", the Freemasons, financed and brought to power. To ensure that all those were told that they were Semitic Jews from Judea - although their ancestors were Khazars from the Caucasus - the idea is being pursued NOT feel was staged as the second element of the "Jewish identity" of the Holocaust .. Today is the Holocaust of the Jews as a religious event celebrated even though this is not one of the biblical and religious dogmas of the original Judaism.
would not pursue the so-called Jews no longer give them. Without Jews, there would be no Israel. Without Israel Rothschilds were then not the control over the Suez Canal and thus take over the oil supply of Europe. Israel today without the Rothschilds had no nuclear weapons base on which they secure control of the world financial system on the dollar and the euro. Young Israelis have to make three years compulsory service in Millitär about the power of bankers in the City of London to secure. Inelligente Israelis know that you left Israel. Israel draws supplies from India!
It's not too long ago, put it under a A crazy conspiracy theorist aluminum hat before carrying nerd, languishing in the total social isolation from their PC away. Even more astonishing is, therefore, the slow but safe collection of conspiracy theory topics by known pop musicians. Below I present some familiar names from the pop business who are dedicated to lately, the "struggle for the truth."
Founded in 1994, British rock band Muse was most recently with their published through iTunes album "The Resistance" attention to yourself, which went in many countries on the top of the album charts. The singer and songwriter Matthew Bellamy seems to be a fascination for
conspiracy , theology ,
, futurology
supernatural have that is reflected in the songs. The title of the song Ruled By Secrecy for example, was taken from a book
Jim Marrs
and acts of the conspiracy theories about government. On "The Resistance" is the first track "MK Ultra" in which a extensive, secret research program
behind the scenes in world affairs properly mitzumischen . On the other hand, we hear the song `muse affinity clearly out to esoteric concepts. So they sing: "Inter Changing mind control Come let the revolution take its toll if you could, Flick the switch and open your third eye, you'd see that We should never be afraid to die" (oneself alternating mind control, let the revolution come pay their tribute, if you can, Put the switch to and open your third eye, and you see that we should never be afraid to die). The so-called "third eye" should be after the chakra an energetic center in the middle of the forehead between the hairline and the eyebrows. Mainly from Eastern religions, the Kabbalah and the New Age is understood as clairvoyant
organ of perception. In Catholicism, it does-but as I understand it, does not matter. Understand the Vatican's own religion is not ...? The complete song, with text: