confronted the official cell mutimediale system propaganda "us" (I am one of "us"?) Repeatedly with ideological phrases such as multiculturalism, gender mainstreaming, earlier feminism and anti-Semitism. What is it actually?
Psycological Warfare Subversion of Control Western Society The paper deals with the subject of psychological warfare with subversive intermediaries to decomposition, destruction and Unterwerfeung "hostile" nations and cultures! The talk is based on Sun Tzu: The Art of War . The "Ten Rules of the deceased prior to 2500 years Master Sun-Tzu, the classical principles of any" peaceful "psychological warfare strategy are. decompose whatever is in the land of your enemies well,
undermined by all the Regardless of their ruling classes, involving it, wherever possible, in shady deals, and give it the right time award of shame,
incites the young against the old,
hindered in any way the work of government,
brings all your spies under and
afraid of the employees and the lowest and most disgusting creatures do not
interfere wherever you can, the training and the supply of the enemy forces undermining, their discipline and paralyzes their will to fight by sultry music, then send frivolous nor women in their camp and they let the work of decay lead to the end,
saves neither promises nor with money or gifts, for all this with wide interest
The former KGB agent and expert in psychological warfare Yuri Bezmenov says in his speech, not only that the KGB to unofficial data, about 80% of its budget, not for espionage and terrorist attacks but for idiologische propaganda has used. For other intelligence agencies whose budget is X times more likely to be this is probably no different. Yuri Bezmenov also says that subversive propaganda can only achieve its objective if the audience is too stupid to see through this and falls for destructive, subversive propaganda, public relations and marketing. The subversive decomposition processes, not just Germans began to stage the "birth pangs of the Messiah," the dramatization of the end times the Apocalypse in Germany with the 68gern and the "Jewish" Frankfurt School when including Joschka Fischer as a "useful idiot" in the theory went.
Yuri Bezmenov says that the decomposition process of a company after a three-phase timetable runs out of the Gehirnwäche a generation covers. In the second stage of the process of intellectual and hence of the entire social decay as well as unstoppable. It comes to revolutions, civil war, the riots are precipitated by the military. A new power takes over the power in the state, this time apparently the world! Politicians and others as "useful idiots" are no longer needed in the dictatorship of the NWO disposed of.
feminism and anti-Semitism
it is undoubtedly idiologische propaganda. All religions, ideologies and belief systems " wesendlich are part of higher psychological warfare strategies may have to target the "morale" of a people or to strengthen or destroy.
Nazi propaganda
doubt from the beginning to strengthen the 'national' morale. All Germans should be"tough as nails and hard as Krupp steel" be trained to lead them by the British agents
Hitler in the final final battle in the war, in the fall. Large parts of the Germans were treated with methods of psychological warfare, propaganda into a national euphoria as Fussbalfans in a stadium like rock fans the rock concert. For this purpose, the "national identity" conscious, planned, promoted and strengthened.
- (before the 14th century to the German
taken from Latin
- national
, "birth, origin, people") refers to large groups or collectives of people who have cultural characteristics such as language
, - tradition
manners, customs -
descent and the like. as in -
ethnic groups are found to be combined into one unit. These linguistic and cultural characteristics and features are then identified as the national character of a nation
or -
national community. Basically, this represents the nation as
anthropological concept which is reflected in the concepts of nation -
culture or ethnic
nation. Nation in this sense does not denote an -
State, as it developed in the past by wars or royal weddings as a political community or territory
without political consideration was made to the cultural characteristics and similarities of its people. -
philosophical theories of action with implications for policy
culture of a country. Multiculturalists advocate for the protection and recognition of cultural differences by the state. Multiculturalism is the idea of a dominant national culture as opposed, like the one in the U.S. widely thought of Melting Pot emanating from a convergence of different cultures. kennzeichet The nation, therefore, by a common language area. Accordingly Ostrreich and Switzerland belong to the German nation. " The multicultural idea
is the idea the idea of a national culture, a culture nation
contrary. The
every human culture of a nation
talk but not the Language "European". Also, all Germans outside of Germany from all other nations still hold of course for German! Thus, to change all nations worldwide, according to the International Charlemagne Prize and Freemasons Coudenhove-KALERGI, the founder of the Pan-Europaloge the forerunner of the EU to a "
" - under the domination of Judaism that Coudenhove-KALERGI as "mind-Adel" means - are mixed. Selbstwahrnehumg The differences between perception and the perception among many Germans create cognitive dissonance
out to severe pathological dissociative identity disorder.
treated with more and more
Psycho Pharma at the expense of the insured. Dissociative Identity Disorder lead to more alcohol and drug abuse. Many doctors believe that children with attention deficit disorder (ADD) themselves too little attention was needed engegen so that their identity-forming 'positive' self-confirmation is missing they subconsciously Hyperaktiviät built, which aim to try. The children are usually treated with Ritalin. The Ritalinkonsum increases due to lack of identity-building, positive self-affirmation by (hardly any) one's family, the clan of the tribe, the people, the nation constantly.
A classic example of cognitive dissonance a naive German propaganda victim Have or to Be and debit and credit . Adults no longer identify with their nation, their people, their tribe, their clan but failing that, with cars, with "their" football team, with branded products and the state of their virtual bank account. Here, the Psycho pharmaceutical industry, the bank, the automotive industry and marketers of brand name products of the same circles of international high finance, of Rockefeller & Co. controls not only the Nazis and Communists financed and brought to power but also the order and the donor multicultural, gender Mainstream - feminism - and anti-industry.
The true objective of
is actually not a multicultural society but a global mono mass culture with the world in the same taste in music, on Coca-Cola and McDonalds and uniform, re-educated, rückverblödeten Einheitskosumenten and standardized Single Leiharbeitersklaven in standard unit Maoist overalls like in communist countries. culture and cultural identity has been given earlier in the "homeland" on the "mother tongue" in the family of father and mother to the children. "Re-education" of children was introduced by the Nazis not only compulsory education but also the Hitler Youth. To sever the cultural roots of the Rockefeller Foundation funded by the feminist ideology, the family was destroyed. In the past girls have learned from the mother in the family, the cultural technique of cooking. Today, young women learn a "McJob" to exploit can be at work. In the evening they eat, as a "single parent" with ADS-disturbed child, a cheap pizza with cheese analogues from the chemical plant. You work 3 / 4 of its life only to taxes and duties and are also - thanks to feminist indoctrination - proud of their "career"!
to final decomposition of the identity of the people - and therefore the nations - the ideology of gender was mainstream must be according to the gender identity imagination conceived. Mainstream stands for the main stream, for the mass of the normal "gendered", ie a "brainwashing" to be subjected, in almost all societies, there is 3-5% homosexual gays and lesbians. These "fringe group", together with the "fringe" of the foreigners - were taken to that end, the land - an instrument against the group of "normal" (standard) heterosexual residents. should be able to adopters while the media monopoly multimedia Hetzkampangen -
gays as "good guys" when defining culture shown the
children of normal heterosexuals
was a trivial event previously taken away from state Goebbels-type due to alleged abuse by priest to the church as Guardians of morality are gone.
"useful idiots" recruited from the gay scene in the example Rudolf Hess
as Miss Anna "
The ultimate goal, the totolitäre destruction of the remnants of Christian culture of German culture whose ideals THE TRUE, THE GOOD AND THE BEAUTIFUL were is obvious. While on the one hand, doing all the remnants of the Christian influenced German
culture and "identity" to destroy provides a relatively high number of hits on google the keyword
Thus, while not only the German culture and "identity" but the entire Christian-influenced European culture in a "revolutionary" Holocaust
Jewish identity"
, for many is not clear what exactly "Jewish identity" is obvious promoted by certain circles. Defines the "Jewish identity" about a language, a religion that is about the origin of the "race"? What language, what religion, what race could have meant?
More hidden hands There are two groups of Jews. One
the other
Khazars / Khazar en
Sephardic community, and indeed in Hamburg-Altona. All other so-called Jews in Germany were so-called Eastern Jews are not - in contrast to Germans through witch hunts and the Inquisition - were persecuted by the Vatican but by Genghis Khan
. Jews by the Vatican of "law of usury," the rip-off permits allowed during usury zwangsbekehreten German Christians.
we ask someone who should know'd have here is an excerpt from the speech of Benjamin Freedman. A source serviceable America
you you have so much
"so-called Jews" because I know who they really are. Over 90% of those who call themselves Jews are descendants of Eastern European Jews
[6]. The
The king of the Khazars was of the decadent lifestyle of his people so disgusted that he decided that his people should adopt a monotheistic faith. Thanks a lot, it was decided between Christianity, Islam and Judaism. The lot fell on Judaism and the Judaism it was the state religion of the Khazars. The king of the Khazars took thousands of Jewish religious scholars of the Talmud schools Pumbedita and Sura in his kingdom. synagogues and schools were founded, and his people became what we call today Jews. But not a single Khazars had only one toe the sacred Country ever entered. Nevertheless, these people come to the Christians and ask for military aid to Israel, saying,.. "You want to surely help the elect nation, their Promised Land to reclaim their ancestral homeland, it is your duty as Christians, we gave you one of our sons as your Lord and Savior. your Sunday go to church, kneel down and pray to a Jew. Well, we are Jews! " But they are nothing more than pagan Khazars, the converted to Judaism, as the Irishman who converted to Christianity.
It is as ridiculous to call them the people of Israel, as would be ridiculous the 54 million Chinese Muslim faith to be called Arabs. Because the Jews newspapers, radio, television and the big book publishers control, and because our politicians and pastors to speak their language , it is not surprising that their lies are generally believed. Many would believe, is black and white, when they say it often enough.
I was one of them
, I know it should! I'm not here to tell you some bullshit. I give you the facts! So: On the day of atonement you go to a synagogue. The first prayer is called standing. It is the only prayer for which it stands.
The Talmud teaches that whenever you turn in a pledge to think of this prayer. Then you will not have to comply with its promises. Can you rely on the loyalty of such people? We can just as on the loyalty the Jews to leave as the Germans 1916th should We (the U.S.) will suffer the same fate as Germany, for the same reasons. " Solomon Rothschild to the Hidden Hand be the illegitimate father of Hitler's father .
to see to it that one never discharges his eyes like this .
Such organizations often have no erkkenbar Jewish garb, but they dress in philanthropic names like "League of Human Rights" or "integration?" or "anti-discrimination? .." Such a setting is associated with left-liberal, one who violates those "rules" is classified as right-radical.
The result is an automated mechanism of thought:
Each violation is assigned RIGHT is this with "Nazi" associated
with Nazi are "Jews" associated
which even with "deprivation of a Muslim to fight the Zionists on the one hand, can they consider anti-Semitism debate spurred new. The possibility of an objective and reasonable consideration is blocked by the majority of media consumers.
also the omnipresent" Central Council of Jews "is in reality a Central Council of Zionists who fought with brute force all Jews to put some desperately against the dominance of the Zionist group to fight back. For these Jews, the Zionists," mockingly "the disease of so-called Jewish self-hatred "can invent extra experts. The hatred of Jews, general "anti-Semitism ', and always was the best breeding ground for Zionism and has remained so to this day.
Zionism needs the so-called "anti-Semitism."
Without Zionism anti-Semitism no!
From Chabad Lubavitch
, as assimilated Jews are not Jewish nationalists more and can therefore no more than mercenaries for Zionism can be mobilized. The Jewish cohesion across national borders and the myth of some Jewish people, which is different from all other nations is precisely the foundation of Zionism.
This Jewish cohesion requires a threat directed against the Jews : anti-Semitism.
there is no such threat on the part of the environment, then the Assmilierung of Jews in the secular, modern society makes it easier and quicker, and Zionism would be to the General Staff
without soldiers, to the head without a body.
That is why anti-Semitism indispensable for the Zionists, the savior in need
- Here are some sayings of well-known Zionists.
(Translator's note. The following quotations from German and Austrian Jews are back translation from Swedish)
- Theodor Herzl, the founder, of Zionism, wrote in his diary:
" You can not claim that anti-Semitism alone have spawned Zionism, but at least in Western Europe is anti-Semitism of the most powerful agitator for the Zionist cause, and the decline of anti-Semitism would prefer to be the Zionist
." ("The Jews of today," Jewish Press, Cologne, 191L, p. 278)
is Anti-Semitism the saving angel of the Jews, which provides powerful that the Jews remain Jews? "Anti-Semites have created the Jewish consciousness of many Jews, do not want to be such.
"(quoted by Dr. Franz Scheidl," Israel - Dream and Reality, Vienna, 1962, p. 18)
The great Zionist leader Nahum Goldmann said in his welcoming speech at the meeting of the World Jewish Congress on July 23, 1958 Geneva:
" If anti-Semitism will disappear in its classic form, this certainly leads to a material and political improvement of the situation for the Jewish communities around the world, but it also has a negative impact on our inner life? Our people know to fight heroically in difficult times, but has not yet learned creative in good times to live. "(New York Times, July 24, 1958)
raises in his book The Jewish Paradox forth Goldmann
The greatest danger for Judaism and Jewish unity is the lack of anti-Semitism
." (Quoted by Dr. Franz Scheidl see above, p. 18.).
There is no doubt that Zionism is inextricably linked with anti-Semitism and without this not viable. The Zionists constantly stress their fear and horror of anti-Semitism,
- do not get rid of these, however, but give him time and again to life.
death of the anti-Semitism, Zionism is dying with it. Only in this context, it is understandable why Rothschild built Zionism as a "movement" and why its world tyranny was never attacked. In order to overcome this tyranny, one must therefore first dissolve the wall "anti-Semitism," usefully in caustic sarcasm.
left are defined by the "enemy image" rights ". Rights are defined by the fine image left. Just as left and right need each other, judges and police need to ensure that criminals do their job. Invent governments (like the Mafia) threats of an alleged climate catastrophe, and (even staged) international terrorist to do so as if it were nothing more important than the citizens from these threats to protect selbtsterfundenen. Likewise, need Zionism anti-semitism. The following document shows how the self-identity disturbed mentally ill children of their own intelligence on the condition of small
enemy anti-Semitism
More about anti-Semitism
So-called anti-Semitism, therefore, is "Jewish identity" which seems to based less on religion but on paranoia. The Nazis were the Rothschild controlled, high finance and its "useful idiots", the Freemasons, financed and brought to power. To ensure that all those were told that they were Semitic Jews from Judea - although their ancestors were Khazars from the Caucasus - the idea is being pursued NOT feel was staged as the second element of the "Jewish identity" of the Holocaust .. Today is the Holocaust of the Jews as a religious event celebrated even though this is not one of the biblical and religious dogmas of the original Judaism.
- would not pursue the so-called Jews no longer give them. Without Jews, there would be no Israel. Without Israel Rothschilds were then not the control over the Suez Canal and thus take over the oil supply of Europe. Israel today without the Rothschilds had no nuclear weapons base on which they secure control of the world financial system on the dollar and the euro. Young Israelis have to make three years compulsory service in Millitär about the power of bankers in the City of London to secure. Inelligente Israelis know that you left Israel. Israel draws supplies from India!
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