Psycological Warfare Subversion Control Society of Western
- temples and symbols of the crypto-Jewish Masonic
- With the discovery of an abuse case, which is said to have occurred allegedly in derAmtszeit Ratzinger as Archbishop of Munich, the global abuse campaign Mischpoke, in the U.S. started and Ireland was directed targeted to Germany reached its interim dramatic climax in the media. Now wants the Jewish Journaille their key positions indeutschen media, especially ö r. Television and in verhetztenSpringer / Holtzbrinck / DuMont / use Friedmann-press to even the Pope himself to draw in the dirt of their hate campaign.
- so far perfidious defamation Pope Benedict XVI by dieüblichen proIL suspects in Germany, the Vatican spokesman immediately denied Lombard formally
- The Berliner Tagesspiegel
"church abuse confirmed by Bishop Ratzinger time. ImMissbrauchsskandal by Catholic clergy in Germany is nunauch Pope Benedict XVI. personally in the spotlight. He had 1980 alsErzbischof the transfer of an apparently pedophile priest agreed nachMünchen, said the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising amFreitag with ... "
a hoax
is anxious only called
since 25 November 1981 in Munich no longer in office. This conceals the nasty proIL-Presse.
is anxious only called
dpa / AFP
as an information source. Both news agencies are firmly in Jewish hands. Publisher of the Berliner Tagesspiegel is known as pro-Israeli
Dieter von Holtzbrinck
(see below *). Counterfeit, the Tagesspiegel message as usual by the Mischpoke shortening, not important information by the omission of the not quite, that the personnel decision regarding the pedophile priest was at the former Archbishop Ratzinger actually taken by vomGeneralvikar. The Vicar General has the full responsibility for its wrong decision taken. As the discrete from Essenzu therapeutic purposes in the diocese of Munich said pädophilePriester as a repeat offender struck again in 1986 Ratzinger was already long since moved
Rome, the Archbishop was as an information source. Both news agencies are firmly in Jewish hands. Publisher of the Berliner Tagesspiegel is known as pro-Israeli
Dieter von Holtzbrinck
(see below *).
Counterfeit, the Tagesspiegel message as usual by the Mischpoke shortening, not important information by the omission of the not quite, that the personnel decision regarding the pedophile priest was at the former Archbishop Ratzinger actually taken by vomGeneralvikar. The Vicar General has the full responsibility for its wrong decision taken. As the discrete from Essenzu therapeutic purposes in the diocese of Munich said pädophilePriester as a repeat offender struck again in 1986 Ratzinger was already long since moved
as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine
after since 25 November 1981 in Munich no longer in office. This conceals the nasty proIL-Presse.
the German public and the rest of the world, ISTD journalists involved in their detection zeal made a schwererFehler. In their hatred of the Catholic Church and tothe supposedly conservative pope from Germany has dieProIl-journals will not be ashamed to even take the brother of Pope Benedictine visor. Georg Ratzinger had to foul after the Attackenin ProIL-Presse, who wanted to get him accustomed to the insidious nature imgleichen
same breath as "abuse cases"
related, apologize for, as head of the cathedral choir children same breath as "abuse cases"
to have slapped .
The lack of conceptual clarity in the separation orchestrated the standard "Haltetden thief!" Of the proIL-Journaille, perfidious anti-Vatican campaign system. Even in the U.S. and Ireland usthe same journalists and lawyers tricky one proceeds by comprising
beatings and sexual abuse - in one go in the same quantity framework treats. HOW TO siein German to crazy religious institutions "thousands vonMissbrauchsfällen" where there truly are perhaps a few hundred years infünfzig. Each "Sexual abuse is one too many. Ninety percent of cases occur in the rest of the non-church area in the brothels, where Eastern European sex slaves are abused by their proIL-brothel-owners, in squalid "green" patchwork families in the treatment rooms by unscrupulous Ärztenwie the infamous Dr. Dieter Krombach on the secretive Lying proIL-psychiatrists, with the army or in the gay referee of the DFB-twenties.
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the abuse is bad enough in itself. The firm handles mixing in the nasty campaign against the Church is all nurnoch worse, the "abuse" abused. The prefect desobersten Vatican appeals court, Archbishop Raymond Leo Burke, as well as a negative influence of the public complained to dieAufklärung of abuse cases. In previous cases in the USAhabe strong participation by media and attorneys compounded the scandal and an "objective assessment of the situation and the self- individual prosecution cases made very difficult, "says Eder American church in Rome judge to journalists on Thursday evening.
in Educational & How-To Slapping / Spanking
that has come to happiness for the rows oppressors out of fashion. In the case of Georg Ratzinger became aware of the journals will not distinguish between violence (corporal punishment) in education and sexual abuse or sexualisierterGewalt the distinction (see below ***). Apples are here undBirnen thrown into a basket. Slaps are finally no abuse.
that has come to happiness for the rows oppressors out of fashion. In the case of Georg Ratzinger became aware of the journals will not distinguish between violence (corporal punishment) in education and sexual abuse or sexualisierterGewalt the distinction (see below ***). Apples are here undBirnen thrown into a basket. Slaps are finally no abuse.
abuse starts already morally, if the teacher a child for example, reduced to a group and says, "You're stupid!" Such an educational malpractice is not punishable.
A very different, terrible quality of sexual abuse
, after the § § 176-176b with imprisonment from 6 months to 10 years of criminal penalty, intentional crimes, the children injured at heart and can traumatize settle long. "Whether Gothic, Romanesque, Renaissance, eat us all oans" wants manmit the wisdom of the Austrians on the criminal abuse Melange undhinterfotzig stirred together in the media reaction. Even suspected cases fall into the big pot of "abuse" cases, only so that the scandal quickly voranschreitetund the reputation of the church more into disrepute:
The Mossad has apparently indention on its informal employees German security authorities and school boards all ausfünfzig years collected Germany, centrally stored undjetzt passed to his proIL-Sphirren in the media, which anFakten and rumors are just kind of against the Catholic Church uses predicted based are able. The "abuse campaign" wurdenach their success in the U.S. and Ireland by the "Witti` s "and ähnlichenProIl-victim advocates for Germany secretly prepared carefully according to the rules derPsychologischen warfare. It is by now taken on the machine in proIL-D so expertly surgically wiees only a professional Intelligence can.
The result is, for example, in the Süddeutsche Zeitung badly manipulated the featured "card of the disease," a lie
printed and visual mislead the reader SZ by the joint representation of ridiculous Or slap his usual time, "socially adequate" beatings with the cane (now called the abuse ") and the time already criminal behavior (" Sexual abuse of children) in religious boarding schools / educational institutions. Here is shown together with fraudulent Absichtvon
the known pro-Israeli newspaper Süddeutsche
Ca. 250 suspected cases are mostly untested, however, in 50years in the graph above, only four final judgments counterpart, suggesting a relatively high number of unreported cases.
trafficking in
Educational will excuse the Holtzbrinck Publishers, the publishers Gerckens, DiLorenzo and Rudolph or the editors and Casdorff Maroldt forthe pee on the pope in their Berliner Tagesspiegel
? Hardly. The orgiastic campaign Verludertengegen the Vatican is only just arrived "at the peak. Wasnoch lacks the usual claims are billions of Israeli lawyers, the "damages".
Educational will excuse the Holtzbrinck Publishers, the publishers Gerckens, DiLorenzo and Rudolph or the editors and Casdorff Maroldt forthe pee on the pope in their Berliner Tagesspiegel
? Hardly. The orgiastic campaign Verludertengegen the Vatican is only just arrived "at the peak. Wasnoch lacks the usual claims are billions of Israeli lawyers, the "damages".
Sexual abuse is a disgusting crime. 150 million girls and 73 million boys are a UN study, world wide every year, victims of sexual Violence. The number was in general covers 13th Assembly of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva featured. Particularly vulnerable are children in war zones
said the UN Special Representative Radhika. rape
of the Israel Lobby-controlled soldiers, Muslim women in Iraq
of sexual abuse speak, "if the sexual privacy of one person by another person does not respect or exceeded and the person that exceeds the limits, emotionally, physically and spiritually this person influence or exercise power over. " This is the definition of W. Müller, "SexuellerMissbrauch and church" in "Voices of Time", 228, (2010, Issue 4).
Russian Mafia or Jewish Mafia? W. Muller describes in his publication with the necessary objectivity from the perspective of the psychologist prototypical individual abuses that have occurred recently in institutions of the Catholic Church. He concludes that nothing in the investigation must remain in the dark, the one can agree (s) only:
"The scandals over sexual abuse of minors by priests have made the Catholic Church in the USA [Ireland, Germany, added] in the marrow. She has not recovered from it. It would be spared some vibration, it would have taken this knowledge and proposed approaches seriously. In cases of sexual abuse of minors by priests help is a hard hitting action, an unrestricted illumination of the situation. Because nothing should remain in the dark, can not be concealed, hidden, be played down. Nothing. Then and only then, there is a Chance that more and more that is eliminated, which must be rooted out, the soil must be stripped. "
W. Müller, in contrast to many other anxious evil by the roots pull up is to certify that he brings an expert with the necessary conceptual selectivity to the Lösungder problems. Of the proIL-Journaille that accompanies the for Diekirch most painful process of enlightenment with circulation enhancing scandalous cries, can not say that. Manlese only the anti-papal struggle article by Annette Ramelsberger Indians Süddeutsche Zeitung on the weekend and people (men) knows.
The representatives of the so-called "Frankfurt School" did their stretching exercises
to deconstruct the prevailing morality in the country have unfortunately school.
brainless adepts and "useful idiots" such as Joschka Fischer and Daniel Cohn-Bendit supported with their party "The Greens" unconscionable moral decomposition efforts, the Greens were at that time a libertarian party, where evil sex offender even regular party conferences open to sex with Kindernpropagierten small. The party protocols are hopefully still available.
In the supposedly "enlightened" Goss press (such as IMAGE or the Zionist GONG) supported Mietfedern Jewish origin, the famous "Dr. Summer, "whose name was actually Goldstein, the directed against the Federal Republic as a whole moral decomposition process
took aim at the physical removal of factories to the destruction of spiritual principles, to the moral deconstruction
of German society. From Mr. Goldstein
of German society. From Mr. Goldstein
, life would unfortunately still is not known that for ersich scribblings would be immoral excuses. Revenge of the angels
Adorno or CIA agent
Marcuse (Eros and Civilization), which is both God has blessed through the temporal, is barely mentioned. Petra Roth and Renate Kuenast
as mother ships for the Greens, and
Joschka Fischer and Jürgen Trittin
expected as the former great Zampanos the chaotic force Alliance '90 / The Greens, too.
Source: http://scusi. twoday. net/stories/6236205 / as mother ships for the Greens, and
Joschka Fischer and Jürgen Trittin
expected as the former great Zampanos the chaotic force Alliance '90 / The Greens, too.
The successor to Friedman - that would make a madam - calls for the censorship of the Internet, known under the pretext
the fight against so-called "child porn"
to be achieved. Why this pretense?
orgiastic Rite exchange of women, the ritual fornication. , Of the child and drug abuse to be achieved. Why this pretense?
Tiqqun (religious actions to restore order, which was lost in creating the world) while practicing reading from the Bible and Kabbalah? Who turns satanic child porn? ask google: jewish porn industry
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