Saturday, May 15, 2010

Businesses That Start At 10,000 Pesos

"Mind Control" theories and techniques of mass media

  • Submitted by lupo cattivo are on 17/3/2010
  • of Rocco church / Dr. Tim O'Shea
  • the shackles of mental control, perceptual filtering and cultural conditioning today to strip heavier than ever before.

    We are conditioned, programmable test system, which World has ever seen. Not only do our thoughts and attitudes are continuously formed and shaped, our whole consciousness seems to be subtly and inexorably erased. The doors of our perception are carefully controlled and precise.

    It is an exhausting and endless task to explain to people constantly, as are most things of their everyday scientific wisdom planted over a thousand media clips into the public consciousness.
    1. To save time, you now know, first a little background information about the handling in this country. Once the basics of how our current system of media control has been erected history shows, were more likely you will be able to make any report in today's message in question:

      If everyone believes something, it's probably wrong

      . We call this wisdom daily. In America, everyday wisdom of mass acceptance - to put it in a nutshell - usually caused by:

      Someone has paid for it!


      drugs make you healthy

      make vaccination immune

      No child can not vaccinated at school come

      If a child is sick, it needs antibiotics

      The cure for cancer is imminent

      chemotherapy and radiation therapy are effective treatments for cancer

    2. hospitals are safe and clean
    3. meat is healthy Animal protein is important for our diet

    4. whether one is fat or not depends on whether on how much you eat (calorie count!)
    milk is a good supplier of calcium.

    Vitamin C is ascorbic acid. aspirin protects against heart attack.

    heart medicine to strengthen the heart. bernay_02
    pregnancy is a serious medical condition.

    If your child has an ear infection is found, antibiotics should be administered immediately, "just in case." pediatricians are the best trained of all medical specialists.

    The goal of the health care industry is health. HIV is the cause of AIDS.

    AZT is the cure.

    AD (H) S is produced by a metabolic disorder in the brain

    (and the solution for Ritalin or similar means) without vaccination, the disease would return.

    fluoride in drinking water protects your teeth.

    flu vaccine protects against flu.

    vaccines have been tested thoroughly before being admitted.

    doctors are sure that the benefits of vaccines far outweigh the potential risks involved.

    Chronic pain is a normal part of aging. soy is your healthiest source of protein.

    insulin injections cure diabetes. In diabetes, eating meat is safe.

    If we have removed your gallbladder can eat what you want. Osteoarthritis is not curable.

      Germany is iodine deficient area
    • This list of illusions has billions and billions U.S. dollars cost to be summoned.
    • Have you ever wondered why you never see the president speak in public, unless he reads from? Or why most people of this country in general about the above things in mind in a similar way?
    • How it started
    • In the book "Trust Us We're Experts" ("
    • Trust us, we are experts
    • "), the authors John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton compiled some startling information that the science of producing a "public opinion" in America describe (one to one to Germany transferable).
    • you trace the modern public influence to the early last century, illuminate the work of guys like Edward L. Bernays, the father of the rotation. Bernays from his own amazing chronicle entitled "Propaganda" we learn how Edward L. Bernays
    • the ideas of his famous uncle Sigmund Freud took
    • and the nascent science of mass persuasion "-medication. The only difference was that the principles not to Bernays used to uncover hidden motives in the human subconscious, but in order to disguise intentions and to create illusions, purely for profit people cheated and falsified facts.
    • The father of the rotation
    • Bernays dominated the PR industry since the 30's and was good for 40 years after a major power. All the while Bernays took on hundreds of different jobs in order to create the public perception of an idea or product or (ver-) form.
    • As a newcomer to the Committee on Public Information (Committee on Public Information) was one of his first orders, the American public to the First World War to sell the idea that "the world safer for democracy." (A principle that since the serve by the Americans for nearly all of their wars had: From the Second World War, through Vietnam and Korean War, until the recent days.
    • few years later, Bernays was the masterstroke to popularize the idea of cigarette-smoking women. In organizing the 1929 Easter Parade in New York City, Bernays showed that he is a force that could be reckoned with.
    • He organized the brigade "torches of freedom", which suffragettes marched in the cigarette smoke as a sign of women's liberation. That event resulted in such publicity, that women openly since their lungs in the Public ruined, as it has always did the men.
    • Bernays also made the utterly nonsensical idea of bacon for breakfast popular. As one who does not tee off the challenges, he set up together with the AMA (American Medical Association, American Medical Association) an advertising structures, which lasted almost 50 years, the "proof" that cigarettes are healthy. Have a look to calm in times of spending time or Life in the 40s or 50s.
    • During the next decades Bernays and his colleagues developed the principles by which masses of people through messages which are repeated hundreds of times, could be affected.
    • Nazis and Propaganda

    When the value of the media was seen attempting to other countries to follow our tracks. But Bernays was the gold standard.

    Goebbels, Hitler's propaganda minister, studied the principles Bernays when he developed the popular basis on which he wanted to convince the Germans that they should clean their race. (Stauber).

    Bernays was the object, straighten matters to create an artificial image, which moves a particular product or idea in a desirable light. Bernays described the public as a "herd, which must be conducted". This herd-like thinking makes people "susceptible to leadership." He never gave it on his first principle, "to control the masses without their knowledge."

    The best PR is when people do not notice how they are affected

    Stauber describes Bernays
    reasoning as follows-" The scientific manipulation of public opinion was necessary to overcome chaos and conflict in a democratic society "

    posed These early mass influencers, as they would make a moral service to the general humanity - Democracy is too good for the people;. One must tell him what to think about it because it is capable by itself not to rational thinking. Great people figures must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together in a balanced functioning society.

    In almost every act of our lives, whether in the sphere of politics or in business, in our social behavior and our ethical thinking, we are a relatively small number dominated by people who understand the mental processes and behavior patterns of the masses. ! control them, which compromise the threads, the public thought " took a different view on the subject of Thomas Jefferson, who (to Washington and Adama), third President of the United States:

    " I know of no safe trustee of the ultimate power of society as the people themselves, and if we the people not enlightened enough to hold to perform this check with benevolent care, then the remedy is not, they take away them, but to sharpen their care. "

    Bernays believed that only a few of the necessary insight into the overall picture to this" sacred task to be entrusted. " And by chance he thought he was one of those few.

    Here the money comes into play

    Once the possibilities of applying Freudian psychology were detected on the mass media, Bernays was able to cope with more corporate customers than he. Global corporations rushed in from all directions in order to court the new image maker. There were dozens of goods, services and ideas that are sold to a susceptible public should be. Over the years, these players have had the money to make their pictures come true.

    Philip Morris (one of the largest tobacco companies, manufacturers of, for example Marlboro)
    Pfizer (pharmaceutical manufacturer, today mainly known for the Potency Viagra "),

    Union Carbide (chemicals),

    Allstate (insurance),

    Monsanto (bio-tech company, who attracted attention recently negative than he provoked in India real popular uprisings. Monsanto had managed to register a patent on rice and forcing thus the poor farmers its genetically modified rice, of each year must be purchased). DuPont (international chemical giant), Eli Lilly (pharmaceutical manufacturers of dangerous luck drugs such as Prozac),

    Ciba Geigy (Swiss pharmaceutical company, today merged to form Novartis, the Ritalinhersteller)

    Clorox (household goods etc .)
    lead industry,

    Coors (brewery),

    Shell Oil (Rothschild), Standard Oil (Rockefeller),

    Procter & Gamble, Boeing

    General Motors,
    Dow Chemical (multinational concern, agricultural, pharmaceutical, medical, chemical, oil, textile, paper u.vm.) General Mills (cereals, food),

    Note: All are bound Rothschild


    dozens of PR firms have emerged to meet the demand. These include: Burson-Marsteller, Edelman, Hill & Knowlton Kamer-Singer, Ketchum, Mongovin, Biscoe and Duchin, BSMG, Buder-Finn.
    Although these well-known within the PR industry, we do not know these names - for good reason. The best PR is the unnoticed. For decades, they have established opinions, which are most of us grew up to virtually everything which removed has commercial value:

    pharmaceutical drugs,


    the profession of medicine,

    a bad opinion about alternative medicine,

    fluoridation of drinking water,
    • dioxin,
    • global warming,
    • leaded gasoline,
    • cancer research and treatment,
    • pollution,
    • wood and forests,
    • image of celebrities,
    • crisis and disaster management including mitigation,
    • genetically modified foods
    • aspartame,
    • food additives (colors, flavors, aromas, etc.),
    • microwave,
    • meals,
    • dental amalgams.
    • Lesson 1
      • Bernays learned quickly that the first lesson, the most effective way to build credibility for a product or a concept, an assessment by an "independent third party," by an "independent body "So it.
    example, if General Motors (GM) would then connect to the public that global warming just a stupid joke was that was set by a few tree doting liberals in the world, people would question the motives of GM, since GM finally generates a profit by selling cars.

    However, if an independent research institution comes out with a very credible sounding name like the Global Climate Coalition "with a research report finds that global warming was just an imagination, people would be confused and have doubts as to the original view .

    And that's exactly what Bernays did.
    With a brilliant policy, he founded "more institutes and foundations as Rockefeller and Carnegie together. " Unobtrusive funded by those industries whose products were evaluated, these "independent" bodies and research institutions "scientific" studies and press releases would bubble out, which would create the image you want to have their makers.

    Such front groups are given high-sounding names such as:

    • Temperature Research Foundation,
    • International Council for Food Information,
    • consumer protection,
    • coalition for the advancement of true science,
    • Foundation for clean air,
    • Foundation industrial health,
    • Manhattan Institute,
    • center for product quality,
    • Council of Tobacco Research Institute,
    • Cato Institute,
    • American Council on Science and Health,
    • Global Climate Coalition,
    • alliance for better food
    • They sound really, really pretty, right?
    • news canned

    As Stauber said, these and countless similar sounding organizations front groups whose sole job is to make the Image of global corporations (which were listed above in part) to improve. And this happens to include an endless stream of "

    press releases" to spread the "ground-breaking research results and the latest scientific findings
    " to every radio station and every newspaper (J. Robbins. References, see below).

    Many of these canned reports read like real news, and were actually put deliberately into the message format. This saves journalists the trouble nachzurecherchieren the topic itself, especially on issues on which they have little idea. Whole sections, or in the case of video news releases even complete, can not Machining with the reporter's byline, the newspaper or television station to be taken over!

    finished news! Written by PR companies.

    happen this really so? Yes, every single day since the 20's when the idea of the news by Ivy Lee was invented.

    Sometimes based half of the reports of a Wall Street Journal edition alone on such PRPressemeldungen. Such reports are mixed just below properly researched reports. As long as you do not even a journalist or have their own research experience, you will notice the difference and difficulty.
    • The language of the rotation
    • When the twisting of the 20 pioneers like Ivy Leeb and Edward Bernays had gathered more experience, they began to formulate guidelines for the generation of public opinion.
    • They learned quickly that the psychology of the mob is focused on emotions and not on facts
    • . The PR Präsenation therefore be based not on logic but on presentation.
    • Here are some axioms (recognized scientific principle) of the new science called "PR":
    • technology is basically religious.
    • If the people are not capable of rational thought, then true democracy is dangerous.
    • Important decisions should be left to experts.
    • to navigate back to matters of substance, keep your distance, you create things.
    • comment if there are clearly demonstrable lies.
    words are chosen for their emotional impact very carefully. Here's an example: A front group called the International Food Information Council handles the public aversion to genetically modified foods. Key words are repeated consistently throughout the text. The public instinctively afraid of facing new creations, which suddenly appear on the shelves of the vegetable vendors and said one of which is that their genetic material is manipulated.

    The International Council for Food information to convince the public but from the "safety" of GM foods, so it avoids words like Frankenstein, Hitler, biotechnology, chemical, DNA, experiments, safety, scientists, radiation, genetic roulette Gen-fire, accident.

    contains Instead, good PR for GM food words such as: intersection, natural order, beauty, election, donation, crossing species, variety, soil, organic, healthy ...

    schema The fact that GM foods are not hybrids, which the slow and careful scientific methods of real cross-breeding were subjected to does not really matter. Here we are not dealing with pseudo-science, with real science. "The form is everything, the substance just a passing myth."

    What do you mean, who is funding the International Food Information Council? Guess on it go! Correct: Monsanto, DuPont, Frito-Lay, Coca Cola, Nutrasweet - those who benefit from GM foods gain.

    properties good propaganda

    In the further development of mass control PR firms developed guidelines for effective action:

    dehumanize the attacked party by naming them and then stamped to ....

    Talk in splendid commonplaces with emotionally positive words.

    If you are forced to concede something, they use a clear German; try to gain time, you are distracting.

    Get Reviews from celebrities, churches, sports, street people a - by anyone who has no expertise on the subject at hand. The trick

    for the "foot soldiers", our billionaires are only human like us.

    when minimizing outrage, do not say anything memorable.

    when minimizing outrage, highlight the benefits of what has happened. when minimizing outrage, avoid moral issues necessarily.

    Remember this list. Begin to look for these techniques on the lookout. They are not hard to find - look in the newspaper or the television news. See what they do, the guys are good! to
    • Science rent
    • PR firms are very sent in the preparation of news stories become. They have learned to associate the names of famous scientists in the research, scientists, however, which do not have their nose also inserted a single time in the relevant research. In this way, editors of newspapers or news broadcasts is often not even aware that individual reports are complete fabrications PR.
    Stauber tells the amazing story of how leaded gasoline was imposing. Discovered in 1922, General Motors (GM) that the addition of lead to gasoline more horsepower provided. As there were concerns about the safety, GM paid for the Mining Office, some to publish fake "experiments" carried out and fake research that "proved" that the inhalation of lead was harmless. We present in this context, Mr Charles Kettering.

    Charles Kettering was not only the founder of the world famous Sloan-Kettering Memorial Institute for Medical Research, but also happened to board at General Motors
    . By some strange coincidence, the Sloan-Kettering Institute brings out soon after reports that say that lead occurs naturally in the body, and that the body has the ability to excrete small amounts of it again. Through their association the Foundation for Industrial Hygiene (Industrial Hygiene Foundation) and the PR giant Hill & Knowlton boycotted Sloane-Kettering for many years all anti-lead studies with success (Stauber, p. 92).

    was no organized scientific opposition in the next 60 years, more and more leaded gasoline, up to the 70 already 90% of the gasoline was leaded.

    After long years of tireless, independent educational work the toxicity of lead, but too obvious to be more covered up to, and leaded gasoline was eliminated slowly in the late eighties. But were in the 60 years estimated 30 million tons of lead released in dust form on America's roads and highways. 30 million tons. That, friends, is the effect of lies PR.

    wrote in 1993 a guy named Peter Huber, a book called "Galileo's Revenge". In it he coined a new term, so-called "junk science


    Huber's shallow thesis was that real science promotes technology, industry and progress. Everything else is junk science. Not surprisingly, Stauber explains how Huber's book was funded by the industry-based Manhattan Institute.

    Huber's book was generally little respected, not only because it was written weakly, but also because he failed to understand one fact:

      true scientific investigation begins with no conclusion
    • . True scientists are looking for the truth because they do not yet know what the truth is. True scientific methods look like:
    • We formed a hypothesis.
    • You make predictions for this hypothesis.
    • You check the predictions experimentally.
    • reject Man, confirm or revise the hypothesis based on research results.
    The Boston University researchers Dr. David Ozonoff be said that ideas in science are something like "living organisms" that nurtured, cared for and cultivated with (financial) resources would have to enable them to flourish and grow. Great ideas that do not receive these funds because of commercial viewing angles are, therefore, hardly on, they wither and die.

    Another sign by which you often true and false science differ from each other, is that real science points out flaws in their research. false science pretends that there are no defects were


    real junk science

    Group sponsored research, whether in the field of medicine, the GM food or the chemistry start with the proposed conclusions.

    It was therefore an object of the modern scientist, the truth "of these pre-desired and required" conclusions "to later" prove "because this" proof "of the money-making industry brings economic benefits!

    This annoying prostitution of science has shifted the entire focus of research in America during the last fifty years dramatically - as any honest scientists will readily acknowledge.

    Stauber documents the increasing amount of corporate-sponsored university research, however, has nothing to do with the pursuit of knowledge. Scientists complain that the once objective research had now degenerated into a commercially available commodity.

    main objectives in real science

    It shocked when Stauber shows how the vast majority of corporate PR today opposes any research themselves, trying to protect public health or the environment.

    The term "junk science" are defamed those that reveal the threat to our environment or health. The industrial policy and it is to market their products and ideas only a matter of creating the illusion of health and the illusion of environmental protection.

    money changing only the owner, if research institutes provide the desired result, whether it is true according to strict scientific criteria or not.

    True public health and real protection of our environment have little market value!

    Stauber believes that in this context is ironic that of all the self-proclaimed "debunkers of junk science" is usually even non-scientists, or are themselves junk scientists. Why be real scientists? The challenge does not mean science but creation of Image.

    offensive language
    1. If
    2. attack PR firms
    3. recognized environmental groups and people from the alternative medicine, they use words, hand out an emotional blow: cruel, dangerous, dubious, bizarre, junk science, sensitive, troublemakers, irresponsible phobia hoax alarmist, hysterical ...
    If the next time a newspaper article about an environmental or health issue Read note how the author's bias shows through the use of such words. This is the result of a very special training.

    is Another standard PR tactic to use the language of environmentalists to defend a dangerous and untested product that represents a real threat to the environment or health.

    This we see in "
    PR smokescreen" that surrounds genetically modified foods

    . They say that GM foods are necessary to produce more food can do to fight world hunger, etc., but have in fact Genlebensmittel even a lower yield per hectare of arable land as a natural grain!

    The penny drops when you realize that almost all Gennahrungsmittel were created by the producers of herbicides and pesticides, so that the plants to withstand greater doses of herbicides and pesticides can (from "The Magic Bean", book by Tim O 'Shea).

    "preliminary examination"

    "publish or perish" is the slogan of today and the classic dilemma of every research scientist. If you want to receive funding for the next research project, should publish better his current research papers in leading scientific journals.

    We know why all the scientific magazines such as JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association, publication of the American Medical Association), "New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)," British Medical Journal "and so a pre-test . perform

    pre-test means that all items that are actually published between the full-color drug ads and pharmaceutical Ausfaltblättern by some really smart types (with a lot of letters of recommendation) reviewed be.

    Some credulous would assume that is the condition that it creates an article by the preliminary examination, those that contained scientific findings have been cut and puncture resistant are verified.
    But there are unfortunately a few minor problems with this device.

    The first is money. Although even
    prestigious and venerable medical journals pretend, objectively and not be corrupt, the truth is that they must consider the same thing as all the glossy magazines also: "Put up with your advertisers to not" young, This full-page drug ads in magazines with the best cost millions!

    How long is a pharmaceutical company would pay for advertising space in a magazine, if this post some very reasonable scientific papers would have attacked the safety of the drug, which can be admired on the double page in the middle of this issue? Think about it. The editors are not so stupid, yes.

    Another problem is the conflict of interest.

    There is a formal requirement for all medical journals that any financial relationship between an author and the product manufacturer, shall be described in the article. In practice, this is not available. In a study done in 1997 in 147 medical journals not found a single explanation. (Wall Street Journal, 2 Feb 99)

    A study in 1998 of the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) showed that 96% of pre-tested items had financial ties to the drugs that were studied (Stelfox, 1998, see references at the end). Terrifying, right? And the conclusion from this? This NEJM study should always be given if someone with too pompous about the objectivity of preliminary tests comes along, which happens quite often.

    Then there are the obvious Department of pages. A drug company may simply pay $ 100,000 to a magazine, so a well-meaning article is printed.

    fraud in pre-audited magazines is nothing new. In 1987, the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) published an article that over seven years, followed the research of R. Slutsky MD. During this time, Slutsky published 137 articles in several pre-audited magazines.

    the NEJM found that could be found in at least 60 of these 137 articles evidence of a large-scale fraud in science and several misrepresentations, including:

    reports of data from experiments which were never implemented.

    reports of test results that were never made.

    reports of statistical reports that were never made (Engler).

    Dr. phil. Dean Black describes what he calls the "Babel" effect (similar to the Tower of Babel).

    The "Babel" effect is the result when these are very common and usual scientific and fraudulent data in unaudited pre-audited magazines or taken by other researchers quoted in the back of another and so on. One writes from the other and the source was a "pre-approved" Report (

    this is also all there is to know the origin of AIDS. "There is not one serious, sincere, logical, understandable, basic scientific publication


    Look, for example, once after the McDonald's advertising, which so often appears in the Journal of the American Medical Association (newspaper of the American Medical Association). And then you remember, remember that this is the same publication that has published almost 50 years, cigarette advertising, it was alleged in the tobacco had health benefits (Robbins). Really very scientific, I must say.

    the TV

    throw away?

    I hope this chapter helps to read articles in newspapers and magazines to something different, and perhaps also to see news programs on television with a somewhat different setting. Always ask yourself "What the sale because the moment?", And: Who sold it "

    And if you actually follow the book by Stauber and Rampton and investigate some of the sources listed below, you could perhaps even the possible catch,

    your life a tiny bit to improve by simply refusing to suspend your mind the mass media.

    Properly understood - no newspapers, no television news, no Time magazine or Newsweek. You can actually create. Just think what you could start alone with the extra time.

    you really feel as if they "relax" would, or if you need to know "what's out there in the world to himself," and every day for several hours? Think a minute about the news in recent years after. Do you really believe that the big stories, which have dominated headlines and TV news reported, in fact, "what out there in the world was going on? Do you really think that there is nothing else - in addition to technology invented breakdown of the invented power shortages, the filtered reports of foreign violence and disaster and all the other "Stock Set," which the puppeteers perform daily in front of us?

    What if they play a really great thing about OJ Simpson or Monica Lewinsky or the Oklahoma City bombing or of 11 September

    . Do we really know all the details, every day? Could we verifzieren for ever in all the details, if we wanted to? What is the purpose of news? The public to inform? Hardly.

    The sole purpose of news is to keep the public in fear and uncertainty so that it turns on again tomorrow and the same is exposed to advertising. An over-simplification? Of course. This is the hallmark of mass media domination -
    simplification. The invisible hand
    . As Edward L. Bernays said

    "The people must be controlled without it knows!"

    Consider: What really went on in the world, while they distract us with all the stupid and annoying smoke screen have?
    fear and uncertainty - which can people keep coming back for more details.
    • If this seems like a radical idea, let us go one step further:
    lose What would you do if you would all stop, read newspapers and watch television
    ? Would your life really financial, moral, intellectual, literary, academic or spiritual loss suffered by such a decision?

    you need to constantly expose your family to those uneducated, immoral, wrong, uncultured and desperately brainless values, which is exposed in the average night program is?

    Are they wrong, programmed robots normal "? Do you have your life values constantly supplementation with a spoon? Are these shows really amusing, or just a necessary distraction from the reality, or try to do myself out a few things - by a little independent reading, for example?

    you give an example of how your life has improved by the sight of television news or reading the evening paper? What measurable gain it has brought them?

    Planet of the Apes?

    no question that we as Nation are more stupid from year to year. Look at the president that we have selected last.

    Have you noticed the prominent grammatical mistakes that are so common in today's advertising and promotional posters.

    reading and writing in most American high schools, secondary. Three quarters of the students completed the California High Schools can not read enough to pass their final exams (SJ Mercury 20 July 2001).

    If you think that there are other parts of the country's lighter, do the following test times
    : Submit a

    any degree students a book by Dumas or Jane Austen, and ask him to read aloud from a randomly opened pages only a paragraph. Go on, try it. (Scholastic Aptitude to enable tests, tests that general statements about the academic performance of all students) The scale of the "SAT" are arbitrarily reduced still further to cover up to be as dumb and dumber, the children from year to year.

    the way, you know what ADD? ADD: A Designer Disease "(a designer disease, an invented, constructed, designed disease).

    least 10% of children have attested to "learning disability ', that is treated with special treatment and special drugs. Or have you never heard of one who is still sitting?

    Observe the development of the intellectual level of the average movie (which these days is now just one look to two weeks at the movies, especially if it is not enough explosions, car chases, silicone, has alleged martial arts and feeble-minded dialogue).

    Consider the low mental qualifications of artificial moving normal monkeys as DJ `s to be set - it seems as whether they had been allowed only 50 different ideas, they just repeat random. And when pop music was to the requirement to study a musical instrument or theory from itself, not to mention lyric poetry? Maybe we just understand this emerging art form, or? "Darwinism," a la MTV:

    the monkey is on the individual.

    Have you ever noticed that all glossy magazines act as if they were written by the same guy?

    And as if these writers have just brought the elementary school behind? And yet the guy has all the correct opinions played on social issues. Although no original ideas, but those shallow, self-satisfied and homogenized omniscience, to assure us that everything is fine. Yes, everything is fine.

    This is a great news for the PR industry, the lack of education makes her work immensely. Not only that, hardly any of his attention focused on the process of conditioning;

    an even smaller minority of the population is able to understand the matter, if you told her!

    tea break in the cafeteria

    Imagine, you are in a crowded cafeteria and buy a cup of tea. And when they do sit down, they look at the other end of the room your friend. So switch off your cup running through the room and chat for a few minutes with your friend.

    Coming back to your tea, you'll go back and drink it? You remember a crowded place and you have left your tea unattended for several minutes. Everyone in this room had access to your tea. With your mind it is no different. Activities such as turning on the television or the daily critical mass absorbed publications allow almost anyone access to your mind - each with a goal to form with the means of popular media for public opinion. Something read or seen on TV have not mean that it is true or even worth knowing.

    The moral of the story:

    As the cup of tea, so is her mind, it deserves to be guarded, and value, not to let anybody approach.

    This is YOUR life, and their time, large capital. Why should we waste this form by allowing our potential, our personality, our values to the whims of the mass yield, edit and restrict leave?

    There are certainly require many more important decisions that are crucial for our physical, mental and spiritual well-being, decisions, information and research.

    If money is in play are not easy to obtain objective data.

    Remember this: If everyone knows one thing, then, the image has been bought and paid for.

    Real knowledge is to achieve a bit more effort to look as a TV! A little excavation work is necessary. You have to dig deeper than at least one floor up to that point, "what everybody knows."

    Dr. Tim O'Shea



    Stauber & Rampton Trust Us, We're Experts ", Tarcher / Putnam, 2001.
    Ewen, Stuart, PR: A Social History of Spin, 1996, ISBN: 0-46506168-0, published by Basic Books.

    Tye, Larry The Father of Spin: L. Bernays and the Birth of Public Relations, Edward Crown Publishers, Inc. 2,001th

    King, R Medical journals rarely disclose researchers' ties, Wall St. Journal, 2 Feb. 99th
    Engler, R et al., Misrepresentation and Responsibility in Medical Research, New England Journal of Medicine Volume 317 S.138326 November 1987.

    Dr. phil. Black, D, Health At the Crossroads, Tapestry,1988. Trevanian, Shibumi, 1983.
    Crossen, C, Tainted Truth: The Manipulation of Fact in America, 1996.

    Robbins, J, Reclaiming Our Health, Kramer, 1996.
    Bernays, E, Propaganda, Liveright, NewYork,1928.

    Jefferson, T, Writings Bibliothek von Amerika, New York, S.493, 1984.
    O’Shea T., “The Magic Bean”, 2000,

    Aufsichtsbehörde Gesundheitsamt BZA Charlottenburg / Wilmersdorf von Berlin


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