"The opium is grown in different regions of the world: in South America, the Golden Triangle, Laos, Burma and Thailand, Afghanistan , Pakistan and Central Asia, a well-known as the Golden Crescent area. The vast majority of the opium poppy species grows in a narrow mountainous area of six thousand kilometers, that leads from the Asian extends south to Turkey and Pakistan and Laos. "
"At this stage it is clear that the" Bilderberg is not "personally to drug transport or take over the laundering of profits. It takes the CIA ... "
" ... Neil Clark points to the following: "Soros is angry about the goals of Bush - which consist in the extension of the Pax Americana (Peace on American Art) and in it to achieve that the world safe for global capitalists like he is - but through the use of crude and vulgar Bush way to achieve this'. "
"The proposal for the Balkans 'Marshall Plan' is an illusion [...] Funded by the World Bank and the European Development Bank (EBRD), and by private creditors he will mainly have the benefit of the mining, oil and construction firms, would inflate the external debt well into the third millennium. "
" military intervention "
" The consolidation of power by NATO in southern Europe and in the Mediterranean also is a step towards expansion of geopolitical spheres of influence of the Bilderberg Group is on the Balkan Peninsula addition, in the direction of the Caspian Sea, Central Asia and West Asia.'ve "
" The specter of Travis'
"In the first week of November 1999 I get what is basically one of Ladispoli, a small town in the region of Lazio, Rome, on the Mediterranean coast, sent the postcard was shining. "
" March 30, 1980 was that day when we left officially the Soviet Union. While we were in Italy taught, we are in Ladispoli, a small town, which was the following year to be our home. "
"I went on the road. It was drizzling. Two small children jumped a puddle of delight in the other, leaving behind traces of their feet on the sidewalks. In storm clouds, I crossed the elegant street and opened the door to the pub on the corner near my apartment. 29. November 1999. What the hell does this all mean? I read the text again. "I spend the time pleasantly. If only you were here. " Signed: Fashoda. Who the hell was that guy? "
" 'Fashoda is not a person but a place! " I could feel my heart beat 29. November 1999 [...] I suddenly sat up in my seat. "Fashoda, Travis Read !!!'."
"Travis was a crook, I had met during the meeting of the Bilderberg Club in King City in 1996. He was a minor thief, undisciplined and horrible [...] Travis was susceptible to being arrested, to be almost the same speed and then released to be. "
" As I learned later, Travis Read had turned into a criminal to work with the criminals. "
"It was through contact persons sent to both the CIA as the National Police of Canada, the RCMP were working to Sudan [...] were never revealed the details of his trip to Sudan, but just as 1899 drew those God-forsaken place of all Art unsuitable types of the subjects in the highest degree appropriate to. "if Travis wants to see me, then transform this into a big mess'"
"I said to myself"
"I must admit that I always when things started to be bad, relied on the former Soviet officials. Something about them innate, made that the West did not trust and could not be easily buy, quite the opposite of what would have us believe the newspapers for the masses and the press reports. "
" They were not of the kind of people The cheat would you like me. I knew I was safe with them. My grandfather was in the early '50s risked his own life to save the lives of parents of these men, KGB agent ... "
" On Nov 27, late in the afternoon my phone rang. It was Travis. He was in some dive bar descended on the outskirts of Rome "
" Piazza della Repubblica, at half past five in the afternoon -. I interrupted him
. "I lay down the rules - Travis yelled."
"- Do not you want the information right? - Travis asked, "
" Not so much leave to kill me -. I said coldly. "
"Travis did not appear on the meeting. About half past eight in the evening we went quickly to his residence, if one can call it that, with guns drawn. The one-room hovel was completely looted. But still there were no signs of resistance or blood stains or the body of Travis Read. As far as I know, one has never heard of him. "
" From time to appear the specter of Travis in the most hidden corners of my memory, a morbid reminder of the weakness and fallibility of the human spirit. "
shall terminate Estulin chapter 3
"Bilderberg and the secret war in Afghanistan"
"The reasons why the wars are triggered, are rooted in the ideology that is reflected in the textbooks: the nations go to war for terrible long periods of time, by relying on lies, as the First World War and each of the conflicts of the 20th Century have shown.
The famous historian Edmund Morgan wrote that: 'The history never repeats itself. It only seems that way do not know the details. '"
" The basin of the Caspian Sea and Central Asia, taking the key positions for the energy of the 21st century. Two-thirds of oil reserves are located in that region [...]' America wants the region is completely under U.S. control, "claimed James Donan in the trade journal Oil & Gas Journal article published on 9 October 2001."
'"... Madeleine Albright [the time in the Clinton administration's Secretary and the person responsible for the Kosovo war people had] said in conclusion that, "to work for it to determine the future of the area, one of the most stunning things is that we can do'', as Time magazine in its issue of reported in May 1998.
"The Gulf War has allowed the Pentagon's numerous military bases in Saudi Arabia, was in the United Arab Emirates and other places set up."
"As Professor Michel Tschossudowskij it is in War and Globalization, is that of NATO in 1999 formed alliance GUUAM (Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Moldova) to the core wealth of the Caspian oil and natural gas. Fundamentals in GUUAM, Georgia, a state that the customer is the United States, where Mikhail Saakashvili, the former Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze sent by one of the Americans gedeichselten coup that they spontaneously as a popular uprising, is hosting as president replaced. "
" According to Project Underground [...] make themselves former members of the Soviets, the KGB and the Politburo's oil wealth exploited, either together with "a large collection of important figures of the Cold War, mainly from the Cabinet of George [HW] Bush." The players are former adviser Reagan, Bush and Clinton, such as James Baker III (former Secretary of State in the administration of Bush senior), Dick Cheney (Vice President) and John Sununu (former personnel manager of the White House). "
" ... Peter Sutherland (of the British Petroleum), Queen Elizabeth II of England (the main shareholder in British Petroleum, head of the Committee of 300) for control over oil resources and the corridors of the fight from the basin of the Caspian Sea next oil pipelines. In 1998, after the secret meeting of the Bilderberg Club in Scotland, I reported in the independent media, that NATO, the orders of the club, which she founded has followed, has Russia given carte blanche to bomb Chechnya, knowingly that this was the hostilities between those two countries, their mutual hatred over three hundred years old, is still increasing more dignity. "
" The Afghan oil pipeline not just a business, but a key component of a broader geopolitical agenda: complete military and economic control of Eurasia (the Middle East and the former Soviet republics of Central Asia) George Monbiot confirmed it in The Guardian on 23 October 2001. 'The crude oil and natural gas have not value if they are not transported. The only route that is both politically and economically sensible, that was through Afghanistan ...'."
"After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Argentine oil company Bridas, led by its ambitious President Carlos Bulgheroni the first company to exploiting the oil resources of Turkmenistan, where some of the largest natural gas reserves in the world are [...] Afghanistan is the shortest route to the Gulf to transport the gas resources of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan in the north central Asia and central West Asia. "
"With great consternation for Bridas directed UNOCAL with its own offer directly to the religious leaders. UNOCAL formed his own rival consortium led by the United States and sponsored by Washington, which the Delta Oil of Saudi Arabia single lock, together with the Saudi Prince Abdullah and King Fahd. "
" According to Ahmed Rashid, 'was the real influence of UNOCAL to the Taliban that it was possible that his project would be recognized by the United States, something that the Taliban wanted to secure at any price '. [...] In the spring of 1996, Manager of the Uzbek leader General UNOCAL Abdul Rashid Dostum (a mass murderer who is responsible of the massacre at Dasht-i-Leili in December 2001, as hundreds of captured Taliban suffocated intentionally in metal truck containers were as they were transferred by U.S. soldiers and soldiers of the Atlantic Pact in the prison of Kondoz in Afghanistan) brought to Dallas, to discuss the routing of the pipeline through its territory to the north which are under control of the North Atlantic Treaty. "
" Competition between Unocal and Bridas, as described by Rashid, 'the competition began in the Saudi Arabian royal family reflect on'. In 1997, officials of the Taliban twice to Washington and Buenos Aires traveled, to be hosted by Unocal and Bridas princely. "
"Once again, the violence would change the course of events. In response to the bombing of U.S. embassies in Nairobi and Tanzania (the Osama bin Laden has been attributed, although the assassination of the French secret services, according to sources has been a work of the Israeli Mossad), which President Bill Clinton on 20 August 1998 cruise missile on an empty tent in Afghanistan and Sudan can shoot. The government has finally established diplomatic relations with the Taliban is canceled and the United Nations has imposed sanctions. "
" During the remaining time of President Clinton was no official recognition of Afghanistan by the United States nor the United Nations. And no progress on the pipeline. "
At that time George W. Bush entered the White House.
" During the last months of the Clinton administration, the Taliban officially a terrorist group. After nearly a decade of fierce competition between the supported by the United States consortium UNOCAL-cent gas and Bridas of Argentina had none of the companies reached an agreement to build a pipeline in Afghanistan [...] George W. Bush has restored relations with the Taliban. One need not then be surprised, then, since the former President George HW Bush in 1998 and 2000 in the name the private group Carlyle Group, eleventh largest contractors, the defense industry of the United States, traveled to Saudi Arabia, where he privately with the Saudi Arabian royal family and the family of Osama bin Laden made as of the edition of The Wall Street Journal 27th September 2001 is reported. "
" When was the last degree surrealistic and Kafkaesque episodes of the events of September 11, Milt Bearden, CIA agent who helped to settle the Afghan Mujahedeen, quoted by The Washington Post, where He regretted the fact that the United States had not taken the time to understand the Taliban when he claimed that: 'We never listened to what they were trying to tell us [...]. We speak a common language. We said, 'returns from bin Laden'. They said, 'Do something to help us to extradite him.'' But it is much more available. "
" In fact, the relationship between the Bush administration and the 'terrorists' and Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden never better than at this time. "
"The obvious, that the war in Afghanistan, the multinational greed with greed and cruelty of the nobles of the petroleum (BP, Shell, Exxon, Mobil, Chevron, etc.) mixed in, not to call into question simple. It is shocking that a godforsaken angle can be controlled by terrorists to the point that combine the interests of the Bush administration of Bridas, Unocal, the CIA, the Taliban, Enron, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran, Russia and India. "
under the heading A Cowboy in the White House shows Daniel Estulin following on
"Bush has formed his cabinet with figures in the energy sector with strong ties in Central Asia (Dick Cheney, Halliburton, Richard Armitage, of Unocal, Condoleeza Rice, of Chevron), and thanks to the generosity of the corporations in the region, acquired with entitlements, such as Enron, came to power. "
"The participation of the Bush family in the oil politics of the Middle East and consist of central Asia and their profound relationship with the Saudi Arabian royal family and the family of Bin Laden for generations."
"As the Bilderbergers have created the Yom Kippur War to internationalize the oil, "
" ... The members of the Bilderberg be no point in mind. They do not work on the basis of a five-year plan. You plan a long time. In the early seventies, they have a plan B prepared a plan for distribution of petroleum, the United States single lock and a further eleven major industrial countries, a mechanism set up was predicated on the basis of the following / champions: 'The inside of the United States-sponsored oil would for the first time in American history to be distributed and allocated, if there would be another oil embargo of the Middle East' "
afterword by. Chapter 4
"The 'proof' of 1973, which was prepared by members of the Bilderberg, clearly indicates that the oil will be used as a weapon to control. What happened in 1973, 'the U.S. population alerted and given her to understand how far the control can go over the nation by foreign governments and multinational companies, 'said David A. Rivera in Final Warning:. A History of the New World Order "
Chapter 5 discusses:
" MATRIX: database and program for Total knowledge of information "
" In general, it is much easier to reach an agreement when there is no audience. This is not a question of secrecy, but the ability to act in a more effective manner.
Commissioner of the European Union
and member of the Bilderbergers
"The program for the total knowledge Information (Total Information Awareness, TIA) of the Pentagon is a system that is based on an encrypted record and the gradual resolution of the so-estimated means based on the Constitution, individual liberties of America in favor of a totalitarian global state. The vast majority of the details of this gigantic spy system remains a mystery. After the attacks of 11 September 2001, the TIA has become a surveillance network, the "representative of an even larger, become in appearance came a tendency in the United States and in Europe: the seemingly inexorable progression towards a society under surveillance '."
"The main axis of the network to total surveillance is a new and extraordinary modality, as" data mining "(thinning of large data sets) or discovery is called knowledge, which requires starting over from databases, a collection of hidden predictive information computer .
"By an unparalleled ability to process billions of data acquisitions per second, into practice, has Accurint gathered the largest data collection in the world of accessible contacts. Accurint searches over 20 billion data collections, ranging from recent resettlement of former Addresses of thirty Years go. "
" ... when they were sought for more info, the leaders of the company have refused to provide further details of the nature and sources of data. "
revealed "According to Christopher Calabrese, the Council of the program on technology and liberty of the American Civil Rights Union (American Civil Rights Association), is' Matrix [...] any U.S. citizen into a suspect." Has
"Associated Press, that Jebb Bush, Governor of Florida, in January 2003, Vice President Dick Cheney, as well as Tom Ridge, who soon after his oath of office as Secretary of State should provide new Department of National Security, and Robert Mueller, FBI director, informed about the secret project that would show that the security forces a computer science program for capturing 'terrorists' could use. "
" Iberia "
" On the other hand, Iberia, the most important English airline was accused of having disclosed confidential information to its passengers to the Government of the United States ... "
" 'The United States is forcing the airlines to their information to convey about the travelers', Andy Sullivan, Reuters , March 17, 2004. "
"In the same way NASA has also asked for confidential information on details of passengers of the millions of customers of Northwest Airlines and receive, such as names, addresses, travel itineraries and credit card number for a similar data-mining research [...] [these] incidents have caused dozens of lawsuits. This also constitutes a violation of their own policies dar. "
'" Northwest Airlines is on the NASA personal information on millions of passengers, this provision violates policy for the protection of privacy', Electronic Privacy Information Center, 18 January 2004
. 'Northwest Airlines leaves the government data on passengers' Jon Swartz, USA Today, 19 January 2004. "
A title he has devoted the following:
" Private details for all to see "
" The Commissioner Almunia, the President Borrell and European Commission President, José Manuel Barroso, another Bilderberg tribe member, have a major campaign in favor of the adoption of the fundamental rights made that are supposedly enshrined in the European Constitution [...] But what is neither Borrell, Almunia still, still Barroso have ever said a good European citizens, that all rights and each of them on the basis of Article 51 can be lifted if it requires 'the interests of the Union' so. "
" There is still much more to tell about the shameful betrayal of the expressions in terms of their own citizens from the European Commission. "
"control of the European Telecommunications: The European Parliament vote to accept the data-retention and surveillance by the security forces."
"The vote on data retention of 30 May 2002 (in the previous European legislation, the voices of English Popular Party (PPE) and the English Socialist Party (PSE) 526 € parliamentarians brought together a total of 626)
Statewatch and Reporteros sin Fronteras (Reporters without Borders) were the only organizations that have reported on what were decisions that hundreds of millions of Europeans concern. "
" are basically the high-flown expression and the challenge of the socialists on issues of national and international law a farce. The alliance of the groups of the PPE and the PSE in the Euro-Parliament shows that they support the demands of the governments of the EU, rather than in defending the rights of people to act and the rights of citizens to privacy and to civil to defend freedom. "
" Javier Solana Madariaga, key member of Bilderberg, former NATO Secretary General and Secretary General of the Council of the European Union / High Representative for Common Security and Defence Policy, in a decision by the International Journalists Federation simply "a Summer coup "baptized. Remember you have it, reader, that figures such as Javier Solana, neither your nor the interests represented by Spain."
Then Estulin documented everything on 16 pages.
His book includes a heading entitled. "-Meaning"
"The creative mind is the most sophisticated opponent of the historian. The excuse to forget governed and formed everything that we have decided to remind us to open. The existence and the world seem justified only as an aesthetic appearance to do. Aesthetic means alone, not the life for life's sake, but a sharp contrast to the moral interpretation of existence and the world. "
" Amos Oz, probably the most popular Israeli novelist, has made the following remark: 'There, where the war peace is called, where the oppression and persecution are called security, and murder as liberation is, the contamination of language progress, and prepares the contamination of the life and dignity. Finally, the state, the regime, the class or the ideas remain intact, while human life is destroyed. "
" If democracy is government of the people, then the secret objectives of the governments and the sinister interest incompatible with take of democracy. The very idea of clandestine spheres of influence within the government, the secret campaign against humanity in attack, so the concept of freedom completely foreign and should be dealt with enthusiastic determination, unless we wanted the fatal error is not a long distant past again. "
"In a society fragmented into ever greater extent, there are some elements that make it possible to emphasize what we share what we have in common, and they allow us to do this directly, with dramatic intensity. The human dignity and a genuine desire for freedom that are instantly understood anywhere in the world and need no translation, are some of the most valuable aspects of the universal tradition. This deserves all the support they can get. "
" After all, if the criticism is exercised to the arrogant, reckless and abusive aspects of the totalitarian society results in it are some that make fun of you and stamped as "against-all-man", then one should regard this as an honorable award. Graham Greene hit the nail on the head when he said that "the writer must be prepared to change at any time the page. Its mission is to defend the victims and the victims are always changing and others. "
"Daniel Estulin"
He finally devotes eight pages to the memory of his grandfather.
"That was the last time I saw him alive. An old man with a normal body, ninety-six years old, as he did in his old sofa sat by his exaggerated large Glasses looked, with our eyes met, but he was hardly able to recognize my eyes. He was still alive, because he moved and spoke, or rather, because he made a superhuman effort to connect the letters together, the spread in the hidden depths of his remaining consciousness and stubbornly refused to connect to each other, to form coherent Syntagma. In the last months of his long life was missing my grandfather, who knew how to express themselves clearly and loved the humor and the debate, the words practically. In a kind of final act of cruelty, the cancer robbed him of the language before he took his life. "
"With my return flight ticket to Spain in hand, I am passed away from his home to say goodbye. On my last visit we have not said much. I have not found the right words. I was dropped out of breath and breathing hard for me because I knew I would never see him again. 'Goodbye' was simply a cruel and easier to print. "
" On the coffee table, leaning against the wall, was a photograph of my grandparents, who had been taken shortly after their arrival in Canada in 1983. My grandmother was a little over one year was passed away. My grandfather, who at that time was seriously ill, has never heard of this loss this man recovered, he has over forty years so loved. "
" While I was trying by all means not to cry, I remind myself, because these pages are an acknowledgment of respectability at the expense of cruelty and Zeckmäßigkeit. The main issue is not politics, nor an open critique of totalitarianism, but rather the heartbeat of a people, and so I honor him. Therefore, it should be read. "
" The clinical death of my grandfather was on 18 April 1995 found. It was assumed that this was the last afternoon, where he was himself, as Auden had said about the day when Yeats died: "He turned in his admirers. " He became a memory, he disappeared into the depths of his name. This is one of the secrets of death should have meaning to the minimal difference for all but the said person loved ones "
" Like all of us that people die at least twice.. Physically and conceptually When the heart to stops beating and when the forgetting begins. The luckiest, the biggest are those whose second death delaying to significant way, perhaps infinite [...] There were calls from all sorts of countries and corners of the planet, a tribute to the infinite admiration which my grandfather, a former KGB agent's counter-espionage, those individuals has instilled whose lives he influenced. "
" His grandfather was a soldier among soldiers. He has twenty-five spent years defending the Tsarist empire, Alexander II and Alexander III. My grandfather continued the military tradition of the family. He has taken part in the revolution in the Russian Civil War and both world wars. While he was in the first few weeks defending the Second World War, Minsk, was his family, eleven siblings, his father, mother and a grandmother of one hundred and four years, destroyed by the Nazis in Karasy-Bazar, on Crimea. "
"He has a real life lived. He has not just limited to live. "
" My grandfather was married once before, in 1930. He had had three children. Since the war began. He has fought in Belarus, he has defended Brest, but was forced , due to the advance of the Germans to withdraw with the rest of the Red Army. At any moment, in the resulting chaos, he has lost his family in mind. A mother and three children could not of eight, five and three years to move forward as quickly as the red army and how the Nazi soldiers. They were captured, sent to a concentration camp and destroyed. "
" The Second World War II, so how can I prove it in this book and as I detailed in my first book about the club Bilderberg, cunning by the Rockefellers, financed the Loeb and Warbergs. Prince Bernhard, founder of the Bilderberg Club, was also involved. He was a Nazi. The British royal family for the most part sympathized with the Nazis, as most of the "liberal" Eastern Establishment of the United States, the plutocratic interdependence, which dominates the economic, political and social life of that country. Hitler, the beast was created by the same participating today in secret at the meeting of the Bilderberg Club: CFR and Trilateral Commission. The story is for these people a white board on which they can access the fear and anxiety of the other shit. ? Can me as someone to blame because I Bilderberg and the like him so contemptuous very "
" In my case, my grandfather still my cornerstone - my travel companion -. Even after his death, he is both absent as present. "
"time and space, the tricks of the injured at all locations world, the pile of waste that we call history, which also constitute its successes. They are his successes. How to keep time to the magic that makes him disappear. "
" I remember particularly for his birthdays at him. But for me it is this year different. Age is a collection of life and loss. Adulthood is a series of lines exceeded. I have exceeded that threshold. From now on I am alone ... "
I have in this second part of the reflection received large numbers of the final lines of his book. You explain his contempt for the hated institution of the Bilderberg club.
It is thought too horrible because that the intelligence and feelings of children and young people of the United States in those ways are mutilated.
It must now be fought on To prevent that they are led to a nuclear holocaust, and therefore, all with regard to restore their physical and mental health, only what is humanly possible, and devise the appropriate manner by the people for ever from such a terrible fate to be freed can.
Fidel Castro Ruz
18th August 2010 17:54
- http://hcvanalysis.wordpress.com/2010/08/18/fidel-the-world-government-part-1/
- http:// hcvanalysis.wordpress.com/2010/08/19/fidel-the-world-government-part-ii /