Friday, August 13, 2010
Medicare, Premier Bath
psychology and social sciences
in applied public relations. He avoided the historically loaded term propaganda in favor of the concept of Public Relations
He developed his campaigns to influence opinion at that time based on current knowledge of mass psychology. Bernays argued: "If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group think, it will be possible for the masses to control without their knowledge, according to our will and control ". He called this scientific technique based on the opinion-forming as
engineering of consent. Bernays well-known book- begins with the chapter Organising chaos and the words:
"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Who is manipulating the unseen mechanism of society, forming an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We will governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested largely by men, of which we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way our democratic society is organized. Great people figures must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together in a balanced functioning society. In almost every act of our lives, whether in the sphere of politics or in business, in our social behavior and our ethical thinking, we are dominated by a relatively small number of people who understand the mental processes and behavior patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the strings that the public Thought control. "![](
religion, Rothschild and Hitler (or
pigs in space
is also precisely when it is measured on its own scientific and medical claims have already been proven many, but one example is the philosopher of science Adolf Grünbaum (2). The systematic fraud - and perhaps self-deception - that Freud in Berggasse practiced in Vienna, was shown by Han Israel. (3) its ability students have turned away from him and, in some cases no less dubious, but some at least some deficits in balancing their own "theories" and set up their own "therapy" was developed: Adler, Jung, Rank, Reich. From a scientific point of view
balance of psychoanalysis is called vertigo pathetic the cultural side of Freudianism I'm in another place on the occasion of the then 100th Anniversary of the "Interpretation of Dreams" done in a polemic. (4)
From the perspective of tradition, it seems to be Freud to say not much, because unlike
Marx and Satan
, although a close look shows that it is precisely Freud's deviation from the Jewish tradition, which allows to understand its (pseudo) messianic doctrine of salvation and success in the modern world.
Carl Gustav Jung
Sebottendorff ,
expresses his thanks. It is titled
"Sigmund Freud and the Jewish Mystical Tradition"
and was launched in 2005. (8) Bakan book consists of five parts.
The first deals with Freud's background,
in Vienna, Freud's Jewish self-identification and his Jewish friends. The second is a very brief overview of the history of Kabbalah. The third part draws Bakan Freud's "Moses Theme" for a of a given "Moses" problem. The fourth part, finally with the title "The devil suspended as a super-ego" and the fifth "Psychoanalysis and Kabbalah" .
The first part here is no further discussion be implemented, it is neither news or surprises, even if it is worth on the content of the - certainly correct - Summaries Bakan thinking: "It is important to distinguish between Freud's sense of its identity as Jew and his acceptance to distinguish Jewish religious doctrines. The intensity of his feelings for his Jewish identity was its rejection of religious doctrine and practice the same. His works on religion are against
the traditional Judeo-Christian religious doctrines. "(9) Here is the essence of modern rebellion against tradition before us. In the same way we are today by Christian West, the dominant culture and similar identities, fetishes discussed and rejected in the same breath the related doctrines and practices and we can say, in an external enemy repulsed, so when Islam is accused to "backward" are
, its doctrines and practices still maintain - that the
abandoned the "West",
matter whether Christian, Jewish or pagan, of course, more closely than with today's ruling modern mentality, with the patriarch of the modern Sigmund Freud with his can as paradigms of Bakan characterized setting. (10) How to run Bakan and Perry, identity-agnostic finds Freud's identification with Judaism (a
Judaism without religion
) is expressed in Freud's participation in the meetings of the B'nai B'rith
lodge in Vienna (11) and the fact that this with Herzl was known and respected and that from the first day of the Zionism with sympathy faced " (12), this racist and colonialist movement, that of pure political expression of traditionally hostile to Judaism . As Bakan able to show in the result, this Freud and Herzl common line but significant precursor have moved this revaluation of all values first time, the question was also a close appeared connected with religion, and we can therefore identify with Guénon as gegeninitiatisch. acknowledges this reason Bakan the representation of long-term rather secretive and only from Gershom Scholem to the center of research moved a messianic personalities heretical Sabbatai Zvi and Jacob Frank (13) has an important place in his account of the Kabbalah Whitall Perry and follows him. Perry raises but this antinomic
, the only
the secrets of Tetragrammaton in the Karlskirche in Vienna .
drawn parallels between the Sephiroth and the chakras of Kundalini Yoga added. The unskilled can not hope to go unpunished gain access to these mysteries. "(14) The line between law and initiation, which together makes up the tradition, is a problem that arises naturally in all traditions. (15 ) On the one hand,
each initiation is beyond the law
, namely that
is what all people prescribed mandatory
is: the
The three elements - education, community, personality - in the case can not be separated Sabbatai Zvi, No one can say what it is cause and what episode, but they must have seen as mutually reinforcing a path that led inevitably to disaster. The followers of Sabbatai Zvi testified that in 1648, at the age of 22 years, Sabbatai to exude the fragrance of the garden of Eden began. This led first to the spread of rumors, albeit with some disapproval for the use of perfumes by a Rabbi ...
without trace in detail the life, we can say in summary that Sabbatai developed the habit, during his euphoric, exalted phases "strange", often prohibited Things to do. On the idea level, the key to Sabbatianismus the fact that it is an idea to the limit - and beyond - led, which had previously been represented in a balanced way: the
double nature of the Torah (the Torah of exile and the Torah of emanation), the left the dual nature of God, the right hand of mercy and hand the destruction
path to the left hand - Wikipedia
). brings
About Hitler's membership in the Order of Thule Former Danzig Senate President Dr. Hermann Rauschning that belonged in 1932 with the immediate entourage of Hitler, whose religious bonds, failed to understand, however, in his book "Conversations with Hitler" (1938 in the Euro-Verlag, Zurich), some sites from which it is clear that the leader of the NSDAP, the occult philosophy of the Order had made his own and his mission as cf.
- Hitler - Founder Israel / The Militant Messiah: The Story of Jacob Frank) intermediate could not stand the tension no longer, in fact it was the vast majority of Jews are not more. Sabbatai Zvi proclaims that had begun in 1648, the liberation from exile (21) and therefore the Halacha is no longer valid. His own restless and found his target with uncertainties of life in Jerusalem - where else - in 1662. There was the younger Kabbalist Nathan of Gaza first time a vision of Sabbatai Messiastum and messianic "Sabbatian" movement justified as such. He found the interpretation of Sabbatai's inner secrets began an intensive propaganda , where he also did not shrink before the forgery of medieval writings . Nathan was the man who "led the leader" or "the redeemer redeemed".
At 31 May 1665 Shabtai Zvi was in Gaza (Palestine) has been called the Messiah. The entire Jewish community in Gaza paid homage to him and the belief in "Sabbatai Zwi Meshiach Elohei Jaacov" spread from Gaza to Damascus and Safed, and in his home town of Smyrna. Indeed: the "Messianic Age" had begun , as evidenced by previously unseen "due transgressions" Sabbath was on Monday committed, women read the Torah and publicly unkoschere Sabbatai ate food. eventually wanted the entire Jewish community from the limitation of Galuth redeemed - - (. The similarity mitmodernen "reformations" of religions is not accidental, of course) The political right of the Messianic office was hintenan course not and this should be the liberator and almost fatal . Sabbatai an appointed his brother to the Sultan of Turkey and its other to the emperor of Rome.
Messiah labor
(dt: Converted) (22), they now saw these "strange act" only as a further and even logical step on the path of "redemption through sin" as a journey into the darkness of the world of demons
For before all the sparks are not actually collected, is the process of Tikkum
, the restitution of the exiles to the right place, not ended. This universal restitution joins the
final steps take place in a disaster scenario
which, however, is nothing other than the birth pangs of the Messiah
. In fact, the ideology Sabbatian developed accordingly so that even the death of the "Messiah" after a few years you could wear nothing. The messianic process was begun by Sabbatai Zvi,
his followers have to travel to the world of darkness (of the paganism of the Gentiles ) started, only if they have fulfilled their mission, the world (the dark so the Goyim) is transforming so that the Messiah can begin his reign: Judaism will be redeemed and then destroyed the darkness!
The man Freud and the apostasy Sabbatian
- As Bakan writes correctly, it is now such that "Scholem represents an interesting hypothesis, which is particularly relevant to our interest in Freud. Scholem considers that the Sabbatianismus in the wake of the emancipation of Jews in Nineteenth Jews into a rationalism is that tries to hide its origins Sabbatian.
- were after the French Revolution, it has remained in the Jewish area Sabbatian groups that favored the movement toward reform, liberalism and enlightenment. " (23)
French Revolution in thousands the guillotine claimed the lives.
as a symbol for the re-evaluation of Jewish-Christian morality, for the revaluation of the Ten Commandments, in their revolutionary contrary
first appeared in the French Revolution on
It was Scholem's view that Sabbatai Zvi in the model of the Lurianic Kabbalah (24) to build, will in particular in the Polish version, which is characterized by the preoccupation with the dark world of Klippot that reflect the social situation of Polish Jewry . It should not be denied that also René Guénon in a not inconsiderable extent on the Lurianic Kabbalah is based and in addition, Louis de Maistre nachzuweisenversucht Sabbatian an influence. (25)
Bakan is actually of the opinion that only Freud has done in his late work "Moses and Monotheism" Sabbatian the pulse to its end point. "Sabbatai Zwi a goy. Jacob Frank was a goy was." (29) but not to surpass the age of Sabbatian motif is when "Moses, the most basic form of Messianic Judaism and the image of all the other messiahs is already a goy. For Freud, the modern product of the Enlightenment, was an avowed and ritual act of conversion far too trivial to have a deeper emotional meaning. By Moses turned into a goy, took Freud's psychological act of apostasy. "(30)
fact is that Freud, as Bakan shows in detail, not only in his book" Moses "with the preacher of the Jewish law busy, but all his life with him almost identified as from his private statements show. In particular, the Moses sculpture by Michelangelo, "sitting petrified in a church and the tomb of a pope decorates" it had done to him (31). Of course this figure is Moses made at the grave of Pope Julius II by Michelangelo already on an identification with the papacy back, an aspect of the
"Pope of psychoanalysis"
, with his love Arsenal used the exclusion of heretics and the inclusion in his saving doctrine, probably also went close. Moreover, it is strange that, the founder of psychoanalysis, less a scientist identified as a legislator, as if it is the postulated psychological laws not laws of nature - claimed by many - but is imposed on new tablets of the law. Here is also the site for the peculiar attitude of the psychoanalyst, each understood "resistance" to their claims as in-depth evidence of their accuracy. The impression that Freud had his human creations of the "psychological laws" in place of the bids made Yahweh is obvious, takes far too short, because he is like Moses in fact even a preacher, but the opposite - or suspended - power.
That joy. has committed an act of apostasy Sabbatian by Moses in a "this goyim" to tried to transform (34) and thus actually only killed (like the primal horde their father), must of course in the light of the paradoxical nature of Sabbatian apostasy are considered. For Sabbatians yes to just the specific messianic nature lie in the waste, so it's only logical that the founder of the Jewish faith should already have been an apostate. For the followers of Sabbatai Zvi means to be a Jew, be apostates - and again, not exactly the apostasy, the attitude of modernity? This is not a mere attitude toward the law or the profession of faith, but an alternative, metaphysical realization - the alleged
exile - and here lies the only real dark secret that Freud "that it" will call. Steven water flow has drawn attention to the Freudian allusions in Scholem's view of the Sabbatianismus "(Scholem) seems to be an 'It' concept to have represented, which is found in such words as
'anarchy in every human soul
', '
libidinal forces ',' the more primitive region of the soul, in the long dormant forces of a sudden revival are capable ',' the darker aspects of Kabbalistic ritual, reflecting the fear of humans and other emotional states', 'Instincts of anarchy and lawlessness that lie buried deep in every human soul. " His profound intuition into the dark side so to speak, underpinned his analysis of the Sabbatianismus in 'Redemption through Sin', probably his most important essay. It was found that psychological basis of the spirit of revolt, the entire Sabbatian psychology
in a nutshell. "(35)
![]() |
cocaine. The history of the related fraud, priority disputes and the subsequent lies about this little edifying chapter of Freud's biography do not belong here, they are found in Han Israëls "The case of Freud." (36) is remarkable that the supplier of Freud liquid cocaine has provided just the great grandson of that Merck was in it for "a diabolical pleasure (was not), people who felt happy to draw attention to the left side |
will Sabbatians are the force which is always evil and insane way imagines creating GOOD Truly -. their brained morons - I tell you that evil has created never GOOD GOOD is only created by the good!. Therefore, your NWO - in which, as Huxley in "Brave New World", history is nonsense -. You will not long endure the Ghosts that you have never called back off. You will be guided by the laws of karma
against you.
of 1884, the liquid cocaine is said to have brought to them, in a conscious imitation of the manner in Faust the potion in Goethe piece that was performed in the other just at this time in Vienna, has been drinking. (38) As E. Michael Jones writes. "More than one commentator has argued that Freud a pact with the devil As anyone who knows his writings, know, Freud was so impressed by Goethe's "Faust" that he did from the beginning to the end of his career, cited regularly in both his public and in his private writings, and builds often key passages from coming quotations. "(39)
Interpretation of Dreams and the first step were, the preceding motto "Flectere si nequeo Superose, Acheronta movebo" (40) was, which means roughly: "If I do not hear the heavens, then I call to hell for using" . And how Whitall Perry writes: "And in this book emerges the recognition that psychoanalysis involves a pact with Satan ." (41) What is meant by this pact? It is of course all "only metaphorically" meant - or, as Bakan writes, "precisely because Freud was not the supernatural reality of the devil accepted, he could allow the full use of metaphor." (42) But, as Bakan also writes Freud in his work on a " demonic possession" in the Seventeenth Century (coincidentally the century Sabbatai Zvi), even himself noted that "the full acceptance of the supernatural reality of the devil is not necessarily a part of the motivation for the pact with the devil ()." (43)
the rest, not even here Freud differs from modern
Satanists such as Howard Levy ("Anton Szandor Levey) who do not believe also to the independent" existence "of the devil (which means the rest of existence, exactly?) and the end results of this "doubt" must be completely misleading, shears the devil that is a damn whether you believe in him, and ultimately the non-belief in the devil is perhaps as good as a proof that it is already dilapidated is. The pact itself is actually quite simple, the thought almost naive, like the rest of psychoanalysis: God, a metaphor for the superego, controls the unconscious material due to its prohibitions and the resulting feelings of guilt, ie it prevents the realization of that what is the cause of psychological neuroses. A countervailing force, allegories say the devil is therefore necessary to make the material conscious, and thus allegedly eliminating the neurosis.
(Of course, a purely fictitious process, no one has ever been able to verify a successful treatment, the psychoanalyst.) The alliance of the self with the "devil" is the recipe that psychoanalysis the neurotic (and not just him) prescribed. As Freud said, in complete openness, " The defeated God is Satan and victorious, Satan will be God ." (44) This is the central mechanism of
Interpretation of Dreams
, clouded by the case studies with the more infantile interpretations rather as is evident. The basic idea of dream interpretation, Freud put forward the first time in the Vienna B'nai B'rith Lodge . (45)
"A devil in the seventeenth century neurosis," Freud in 1923 published in "Imago". In it, he lists three reasons for the contract that has a Christoph Haith signed with the Devil: The Depression that had caused the death of his father, and the need to earn a living. All three reasons apply to Freud during the years of drafting the Interpretation of Dreams ! Freud's father died in 1897, three months after his death, Freud wrote in a letter:
"I ordered a Malleus Maleficarum ... stories about the devil (... and like) a meaning for me.. .. I'm playing with the idea that we in the perversions of which is the hysteria of the negative, the radicals have a primitive sex cult, which may in the Semitic Orient have once been a religion (Moloch, Astarte ),... I start to dream of an extremely primitive Devil religion, whose rites are more practiced in secret, and now I understand the harsh therapy of the witches' judges. The compounds are found in abundance. "(46) Freud has thus not only recognized that the devil takes the place of her deceased father, but discovered the counter-initiation. This is the atmosphere and are the mental processes out of which the work was created, which has ushered in the 20th century is the subject of intellectual and that his influence was profound and longer lasting "than Einstein or Watson and Crick, as Lenin, Roosevelt or Kennedy, as Picasso, Stravinsky, Eliot, or when the . Beatles or Bob Dylan "(47) Freud, shortly after the completion of his masterpiece:" It is an intellectual hell, layer upon layer, all glowing uneven and pulsating, and the figures of Lucifer-Amor come in the darkest heart to light. " (48)
It is perhaps time to recall that it Bakan no means a debunking of Freud's, (49) Rather, he tries to show how the Jewish tradition to the emergence of psychoanalysis has contributed. If it be in this case the (metaphorical) hell is who has been with the words Bakan the cure for Freud for his despair over the death of his father, the "Prevailing anti-Semitism in Vienna, and eventually earned a good deal: psychoanalysis. Freud has become involved with the "metaphor of the devil", certainly brought the risk of large sin - or the psychological equivalent is guilt - for him, says Bakan. "But he had the support of the tradition of Baale'Schem. This miracle worker sat repeated itself at risk by others in their efforts to heal God's people phoned name." (50) Whether the comparison would have convinced Freud's patients?
Clockwork Orange
(which has the
(in person of Satan?), which they share with their students, and by whom they yourself first 'analysis' has been
transfer another truly unholy 'time' from the comparisons, for which there is reason: the psychoanalysis has in this respect frightening similarities with certain t 'sacraments of the devil' on "(52) Guénon could not know that there is in the papers Freud indeed a satisfying, yet highly disturbing answer to the question. The secrecy of the uncanny In the last section gives Bakan, a few examples of Kabbalistic overtones in the approach of Freud, which should be listed here in summary form. Man as the Torah. "For centuries, the Torah regards as so sacred document that each letter , every nuance of style - even the size of the letters in the hand-written roles - so regarded was as if he would have a deeper hidden meaning, which were interpreted by the mystics and commentators in a manner surprisingly similar to that of the psychoanalyst interprets the expressions and vagueness of human expression. All that was required was a shift of material from the text of the Torah to the 'Text' of human behavior "(53) This could of course bring back a semblance of tradition-bound approach, but the author of the text of human behavior" for Freud first not God, but the libido that encounters obstacles. Comparison of dream interpretation in Jewish tradition and 2 in of psychoanalysis. Bakan compares passages of the Zohar with the Interpretation of Dreams and find stylistic similarities. It differs in degree of "free association"
. The rabbinic literature has this technology though, remains "relatively disciplined," the Zohar uses a
idiom and is on the "ad locum" free interpretations. In Abulafia Bakan notes that "most unlimited use" of associative method. Freud follows in this issue, however, the Zohar, even if Freud's general practice would be close to the model Abulafias. (54) The Talmudic tractate
Berakoth and that of Freud in The Interpretation of Dreams " cited work of Shlomo Almoli (55) take Freud's theory of the overdetermination of dreams, that is ahead of several interpretations. (56)
known Kabbalistic techniques the word and character twists and calculations, gematria, and Notarikon Temurah be applied by Freud, especially Temurah, the exchange of the order of the letters . (57) 4.Von more important are the Kabbalistic view of sexuality as a means of repairing the world and here it shows again, like Freud, the traditional method of the integration procedure is almost the opposite - as Sabbatai Zvi
and Jacob Frank
. Whitall Perry cited Gershom Scholem's statement
"terribly deep meaning" having the sex of the Kabbalists . This mystery of human existence is nothing but the symbol of the love between the divine "I" and the divine "Thou" - the Divine Presence. God is the union of the assets and liabilities of the stuff ends and receiving ends. And the sexual images of the Kabbalists, these over-reality from only. (58) Freud agrees with the universal importance of sexuality, but as the antinomian Messianists believes that archaic sanctions have no place in modern society, so that for the "diseases" of the individual responsible. He entmythisiert "Totem" and "taboo" and the sexuality becomes a tool in the hands of the psychotherapist that shapes the human personality again. (59)
If Freud a Kabbalist 19-20. Century, the one whose manipulation, only the "other" or
"dark side" concerning sitra Achra. This "Left Emanation" God, the alternative world of evil arises from the absoluteness of the left-sided pillar of strength in the system of intra-divine powers. If the balanced equilibrium messed up the 10 Sephiroth, the sitra Achra established as a complete world to the divine world and develop their deployed forces directed at destruction .
"The 'Other Side' presents itself as a widely fanned hierarchy
criminal angels, demons and ghosts that her work in the world thanks to d (ies) to accomplish his upper 'bad love' ." (60) Indeed, as the sacred right the divine love the passing of light effects in the world, it is also on the "other side" a "Union of Poles" that a "manifestation of the Sephiroth forces after bottom in which is - here it is, however, the . Bad discharge "(61) The seventh and eighth Sefira forms the two legs of the Sitra Achra, and the Zohar describes the work of the Association:" Between the two pillars of a column showing the shadows of darkness, and all colors are visible to her. And this is the foreskin column, which leads the man to wife, to be united sexually, and one to be. [This
middle column is divided into several stages and node:] The second node is called Grimm. This node moves from place and place, and directs all other nodes. [...] They all gain their strength through this node. He is
all the plagues in the world brings . Because if he is to that other level, connects to caress the woman, then all the plagues plunge into the world , all afflictions and troubles, for they both can not prevail without the other. addition to the "altar" the three "pillars".
! Better I like "Black Jack " "Do It Again" . Who is
"Black Jack
? All "entertainment industry" is full of suggestive "Freemasons and Satanists, New Age" More columns and symbols And all levels are the woman ( the presumably as in the Apocalypse of John, a red Dress with ) to rule passed , to press around the world. And would not the one on the other ride and would they do not connect with each other, prevail, they can not. "(62) That is a description of the hidden hierarchy of counter-initiation, the " Come overtaken other side " in the human world in order to finally bring it under their domination,
the "rule of the Antichrist"
or "Dajjal" , which some are even regarded as their Messiah (see: Alice Bailey and Djawal Khul ).
That Sigismund Schlomo Freud, the false , from Galicia, eliminated the middle name or concealed and has changed his first, not the union had the bright spheres in the eye, (63) should have become clear enough. His fascination with the "uncanny" that must bring the psychoanalyst as the judge (Freud's comparison) to the surface, is another reference: "... the Uncanny (is) the kind of scary, what the long-known, long familiar decreasing. For new and unfamiliar must first join something that makes it the uncanny. " (64) the "secrecy of the same mental construction" of the Freud in the Vienna B'nai B'rith Lodge spoke , (65) is against the background of the indicated he ambiguity of the word
to see: (! Home to the Reich) in "secret" lies "the home", ie security, while "concealed". Freud's connection with the heretical Jewish (counter-) tradition gave him a secret security. The non-trapped in this circle, the secrecy of this connection is, however, be rather scary.
old or young woman?
The Viennese quack . Critical Reflections on Sigmund Freud and psychoanalysis, Jena 2006th
(4) Martin Black, The Philosophy of the abdomen, in: Opposition, No. 1 / 2000; as well: Freud's philosophy of the abdomen;
in: New Order, No. 2 / 2000. You will now find under the title Freud and the consequences (5) See: René Guénon, The ravages of psychoanalysis, and of Minnesota Press, tradition and "unconscious", both in: the post. Yearbook of the no man's land between art and science, II, Munich 1988, Julius Evola, Maschera e volto dello spiritualismo contemporaneo, Rome 1990, idem, L'infezione psicanalista, Quaderni Tues testi evoliani N. 7, Rome 1978, idem, del Treaspetti Ebraico problema, Padua 1994, p. 59 ff
(6): Vol Tomorrow 14th N. 2, Spring 1966th
(7), Oakton (VA) in 1966. (8) Princeton (NJ) 1958 (new edition.. Mineola (NY) 2005 We quote after the first edition
(9) Ibid, p. 52
(10) The ideologies of apostasy includes the commitment to democracy as salvation (across from the old model of political system under various), on human rights (to the man as a bearer of obligations in the traditions), the secularism and secularism. These confessions, which then the
"emancipation of women" of their traditional nature, the "tolerance" of sexual Perversions and public indecency
, added, etc. should also immigrants be asked to make
are in it are "left" and "right", "liberal" and "conservative" modernists agree to all the rebellion of Satan follow against the Divine order.
course, there are already "Christian," "Jewish" and "Islamic" organizations that want to give these principles of "enlightenment" they declare their dedication and almost become part of their respective religions!
bring order to them on the trail of Sabbatai Zvi and Jacob Frank's apostasy to the principle of their "faith".
(11) Ibid, p. 48
(12) Ibid, p. 49 The apostate character of Zionism in withdrawal of the tradition of Judaism is described by Charles-André Gilis in an important little book: Charles-André Gilis, La profanation d'Israël selon le droit sacré, Beirut 2003rd
(13) Jacob Frank will be in the paper aside and will be mentioned only briefly. Frank, Jewish-sabbatanischen circles has grown up, played through a century after Sabbatai Zvi almost the same drama in Poland again, with even
more "modern" features. He appears as a practitioner of what in the 20th century has taught
Marcuse, Freud's theory of how Frank has similarly radicalized by Sabbatai Zvi. See: Klaus S. Davidowicz, between prophecy and heresy. Jacob Frank's life and teachings, Vienna 2004; Arthur Mandel, Le Militant Messie ou la fuite du ghetto, Milan 1989; Salcia countryman, The Judeo-messianic ancestor of the Polish national poet Adam Mickiewicz, in: State Letters, No. 3 / 1990. (14) Perry, p. 21 (15) In the Islamic tradition is the meeting of Moses and the "Green" (Al-Khidr), which is in the holy Quran in Sura Al-Kahf reported. The law has certainly experienced in the books of the author of the integral tradition due respect, is an exception Charles André Gilis, in the above mentioned book, the importance of the Divine law, in particular highlighting the first and only all people equally applicable law, the Shari'a. (16), Gershom Scholem, Jewish mysticism in Major Trends, Frankfurt am Main 1988, p.355. (17) Heb. Shabbtai intermediate weha tenu-ah ha-bi-shabbethaith jemei chajaw, 1957. MANUAL: Princeton University Press 1973rd Dt. Sabbatai Zvi. The Mystical Messiah. Frankfurt am Main: Verlag Jewish 1992nd In following this German edition is cited
(18) Scholem, Jewish mysticism ..., p. 318. "Shabtai Zvi was mentally ill Man, this has often been thought and spoken of paranoia and hysteria, but a plethora of direct evidence. shows that were his mental disease states of different sort: he was a very pronounced manic-depressive, so a person in the states of severe depression and melancholia periodically with such manic exaltation, the highest enthusiasm and turns
euphoria. . In between periods of a fairly normal mental habits "
(19) as his personal image also means that two marriages Sabbatai Zvi for non-enforcement of the Act have been canceled, his third, he went - even at the height of one of the first roll up development - one with a prostitute , that even after marriage
sexual connections trailers Zvi
will be received.
(20) Scholem, p. 99: "A characteristic of the Polish Kabbalah, however, was the peculiar fascination for the sphere of evil and its highly personalized idea (...) From the whole of the Lurianic teaching on the retreat. the breaking of the vessels and the restoration, only the elements of effective and are of vital importance that emphasized the personal struggle of people with different and as individual Kelipoth. This is the mystical task of individual Kelipoth annihilate to an exact knowledge of nature and of the name concerned Kelipa advance.
(...) The demonic side World
throws than in any other Kabbalistic tradition a shadow over all the expressions of human life. The readers of the Polish Kabbalistic texts from the seventeenth century is facing a myriad Kelipoth, burst forth from a strange mythological universe that does not exist in earlier texts are. "
(21) The year 1648 was predicted by the Kabbalists as the year of resurrection was, in fact, it was become the year of mass death for the Kabbalists. This was also the most famous Polish Kabbalist, Rabbi Samson'm Pesah from Ostropol at the "Khmelnytsky massacres" killed, which this year accompanied the Cossack uprisings. The massacres were
as "birth pangs of the Messiah"
considered, although they overthrew the Jewish community, by far, not only in Poland, in despair.
(22) The form Dönme completed to date in Turkey, largely endogamous communities. to the time of the First World War have given it up to 15000 Dönme in the Ottoman Empire. For today numbers 30000-60000 are given. A collective "Aliyah" these descendants of the first Zionists ins, Occupied Palestine by the Zionist entity has not happened until today.
(23) Bakan, p. 101 (24) A good overview can be found in systematizing: Karl Erich Grozinger, Jewish thought. Theology - Philosophy - Mysticism. Volume 2: From the medieval Kabbalah to Hasidismus, Frankfurt am Main 2005th This volume provides otherwise overall excellent overview of the state of research, focusing particularly on developments since Scholem's pioneering studies, it appears but in the whole area of Sabbatianismus (perhaps in the third volume?). (25) Louis de Maistre, L'enigma René Guénon et les "Supérieurs Inconnus". Contribution à l'étude de l'histoire mondiale souterraine ", Milan 2004th See: Martin A. Schwarz, René Guénon - agent of the counter-initiation? in: Kshatriya newsletter, No. 16, 2005. The Guénon warnings from magical practices , development
"occult abilities" etc. but straightened out, correctly understood by the initiatory function of the "restoration" not to depart. Mental imbalance and manic-depressive disorders, and generally an excess of emotional influences are at the Sabbatai Zvi so clearly prominent features that preclude their initiatic qualifications and into the arms of the counter-initiation. With the predominance of the modern type of man is increasingly the way locked into the light and only the spark of light in the darkness irrlichtert before the eyes of the seeker to "save" this is a task for a holy (whole) and not torn for an individual. Guénon has published a good reason not generally accessible "instructions" for a housewarming, which gave him some even held up as a practical deficit, but tried the traditional doctrine in its purity to explain, so alive that the people of the modern world, but not of it is, of course, is and also enables an affiliation to the opening lines of the traditional safe
Sufism (and, in principle, other Eastern traditions ) is recommended, but above all with occultism, in related groups, the more or less the same Sabbatian model, even in cases in which evidence can not connect with the Jewish deviation, explicitly warned.
(26) Scholem, Sabbatai Zvi, p. 197
(27) 'This is Gold ": Freud, Psychotherapy and the Lurianic Kabbalah
(28) Drob conclusion is also:" In some ways, the psychology of Kabbalists perhaps closer to Jung than Freud, but he says that their emphasis on the sexuality and her energetic model of the Freudian psyche better suit. (29) Bakan, p. 148 (30) Ibid (31) "For three lonely September weeks in 1913 I got up each Day before the statue in the church, she studied, measured them, sketched them before I reached the understanding that I did express in the essay only anonymously. "Thus Freud to his Italian translator. The above-mentioned essay" The Moses of Michelangelo ., "published without authors' names in" Imago ", 1914 To: Perry, p. 25 (32) Ernest Jones, The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud, Vol I, New York 1953, p. 22, quoted from: Perry, p. 20 (33) Theodor Reik, The Search Within, New York 1956, p. 637, quoted by: Bakan, p. 52 (34) Bakan, p. 148 (35) Steven M. water flow: Religion after Religion Gershom Scholem, Mircea Eliade, and Henry Corbin at. Eranos. Princeton 1999, p. 188 (36) Han Israel, the case of Freud. The birth of psychoanalysis from the lie, Hamburg 1999th
(37) Karl August Böttiger. Literary states and contemporaries. " Meetings and discussions in the classical Weimar, Berlin 1998, p. 42 The quote originates from Wieland and the highlighting of us.
(38) E. Michael Jones: Degenerate Moderns: Modernity as Rationalized Sexual Misbehavior, San Francisco 1993, p. 195f.
(39) Ibid (40) Virgil, Aeneid, VII, 312 (41) Perry, p. 31
(42) Bakan, p. 219, Perry, p. 31
(43) Bakan, p. 215
(44) Bakan, p. 233; Perry, p. 32
(45) Bakan, S. xiii.
(46) Bakan, p. 223 et seq
(47) John F. Kihlstrom, Is Freud Still Alive? No, Not Really ( ~ kihlstrm / freuddead.htm)
(48) Bakan, p. 229
(49) The French edition (Paris 1964) was published with a laudatory preface by the President of the Psychoanalytic Society
in Paris. See Perry, p. 33
(50) Bakan, p. 237
(51) Some would argue, however, exactly the psychoanalytic from the treatment. Psychoanalysis is certainly an example of the sort of "science" when it is still best if it were a mere hoax, and a proof of a "success" must be said: even worse! I am not convinced that this
devil's bargain with someone other than Freud's ever worked. Freud himself Nor does:
"patient, said Freud, Ferenczi with the end of his life, 'rubbish' are 'just good to get money from them extract
or to study, surely we can not help them', psychoanalysis as a therapy , he concluded 'may be worthless. " could have had, (p. 137 Michael E. Jones, Andi sexual libido Domin Liberation and Political Contoller, South Bend, Indiana 2000.) An insight that Freud, however, earlier, as Jones also cited a statement from the year 1916, in the Freud feared his patient, "one of the richest women in the world" could recover during his absence from a crisis. As you can see, the devil's pact has initially only for Freud himself
(52) René Guénon, The ravages of psychoanalysis, in: The pile. Yearbook of demNiemandsland 1988 between art and science, II, Munich, p. 314 f. This excerpt is from Guénon in 1945 published work "La règne de la quantité et les Signes des Temps."
(53) Bakan, p. 252
(54) Bakan, p. 257
(55) The work with the similar title
"dream interpretations"
- Pithron Chalomoth - and Freud's second first name was also Shlomo, after the wise King Solomon, who understood the language of the birds and the
demons made subservient
(56) Bakan, p. 262 f. (57) Bakan, p. 267 (58) Perry, p. 32 (59) Perry, p. 33 (60) Grözinger S. 577th See also: Gershom Scholem, From the mystical figure of the deity. Studies on basic concepts of Kabbalah, Frankfurt am Main 1977th Of which the essay "Sitra Achra;
good and evil in the Kabbalah
" was first published in the Eranos annals (vol. 30, 1961) and thus before the gnostizistischen circle of supporters of the former Freud's pupil
Carl Gustav Jung
held. ( CG Jung and the eugenics of Nazi
(61) Grözinger., P. 376 f. (62) Grözinger S. 577th (63) The living pure sexuality has another student in a way, Freud rediscovered significantly not neglected in the study of psycho-neuroses, but the Update-neuroses, which Freud interesting than less. However, it did, although his mature work as the famous Freud was exactly opposite, personally exempt from the time of Freud never fully achieved and not a comprehensive interpretation of his own discoveries. However, these are the real mystery, even the Christian, closely related. See: Peter Gaeng, "The desire of thy loins will one day be back in the love of God", in: Peter Gaeng / Ulrich Hausmann, About Wilhelm Reich's "Christ killing" . Reading accompaniments to the late writings of Wilhelm Reich, Frankfurt am Main 1997. However, Reich fails necessarily to the problem of how the sacred "genital embrace" in the dark world of the Kali Yuga-enforce what was also his personal tragedy. (64) Sigmund Freud, The Uncanny ; cited by: Hans-Joachim Lenger, the misconduct of the images. Seven passages eerily, in: Peter Assmann and others (eds.), The other side of reality. A symposium on aspects of Weird, fantastic and fictional, Salzburg 1995th (65) see opening quotation. (66) Perry, p. 34
The repressed origin of psychoanalysis
See also:
Nathan of Gaza, a forerunner of the psychoanalytic method?
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