Monday, August 2, 2010

What Do You Wear To A Military Retirement

Adorno's analysis of fascism

New World Order and the reeducation of the Germans.

Why was not after the Second World War, the Revolution a one-world government?

The war-weary people would certainly have approved such plans!

A daring question gets a bold response. Personally, I do not think that the illuminated powers were so strong. Moreover, it does not work, people think of national structures of various countries simply integrate into a world government. Too much revolutionary spirit. First, we must people in thinking restructure them to heel, and then they say of themselves, "yes" to the world government. One must not impose on people the world government. The masses of the world must believe that they themselves had they "won" or deserve, and that the "new world order" that the best thing that could have happened to them. But one has to first of all change the thinking of the people.

As I described, inter alia, the Illuminati are planning a third world war. But this is just a red herring. The real war is going on since the conference of the Club of Rome "in 1957 in Huntsville, Alabama, in the Third World War was triggered. The war against freedom of thought. "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" (Silent weapons for quiet wars).

This is the real Illuminati motto. They rewrote the textbooks introduced the democratic thinking (the same mass majority), a company touted that seeks all the luck in the world in the outer (exoteric). By money, fame, power, sex, a hierarchical Church, God, before you go into the knee and will be looking outside the human being. Security through insurance, consumer desire and consumption constraint is not self-healing through healing, but by "specialists," a lot of money through hard work, total debt by Penner to the public sector ... All wrong, sick of thinking, which are in neither conclusive nor holistically - as you begin to recognize everywhere gradually.

The Illuminati live the principle "The enemy comes on quiet roads" and have through television, newspapers and the radio people restructuring of thought and the nations will be after this coming last third war, the most terrible of all wars, the world government "beg". It will be said in the belief that the cashless payment card market is the be all and, with joy, "Yes."

The enemies of the Illuminati are not the Germans, the Russians or the Japanese, but there are respectively the brightest and most cunning, as well as the Mystical and medial most among the different peoples that represent the greatest threat to their goal. And it is from the perspective of the Illuminati to fight.

If the content of the heads of people in the chaos, are thus also the fruits of chaos - that world events.

why we created the first world government, or the desire in the minds of men, and therefore they will be installed in the outside world. As I said: "The enemy is on quiet roads!"

The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment, let it never appear in any location with his real name in appearance, but always concealed by another name and with a different task than the real one. Nothing would be more appropriate than for the three lower degrees of Freemasonry ... Next, it makes sense to form a society of scribes as the best tool for our purposes ... The introduction of reading societies and through, with out subscription libraries, and through the acquisition of control of it, we could turn the public opinion as we can, as we equip our workforce with the circle and act ...
Kabbalah, Adam Weishaupt, Tavistock Institute, Frankfurt School, Satanism

Since the possibility exists that some viewers can not believe it fully, I would like to list a few reports to substantiate my statements. But I would like

use the opportunity here also to attend to yet another plea. And although I was raised by several readers as to why I write so little about so much about Germany and the United States and England. So I want to be here a couple of German hernehmen events as evidence, with the risk of some critics as being "Nazi" to be placed.

As mentioned several times, I am approached to come in the advantageous position, on controversial texts and documents. In this case, and were those from the war and postwar period. Important I think are two aspects:

first our young generation has no idea - and, unfortunately, little interest - which at that time in the background for and constraints ruled

second such reports are only from our new point of view of Illuminati power credible and understandable.

So let us here consider reports on events from the German past, which most West Germans were either never known or already fell into oblivion, and probably only result in our view out real sense.

First, here is the "Re-Education . Program of the Allies "for Germany to the above topic," The enemy is on quiet roads offer "a little help

instructions 1945 for the Re-Education (Re-education) of the Germans:

What to do with Germany 1945 Distributed by. Special Service Division, Army Service Forces, U.S. ARMY. Not for sale!

"The Re-Education is enforced for young and old alike and can not be confined to the classroom. The enormous persuasive power of dramatic presentation must be fully provided in its service. Films can reach their full maturity. The greatest writers, producers and stars are under the guidance of the International University of "the bottomless evil of Nazism dramatize and praise against which the beauty and simplicity of a Germany that does not deal more with shooting and marching. They are tasked to present an attractive image of democracy, and the radio is protected by entertainment, such as . by uncamouflaged lectures in the buildings themselves penetrate the authors, playwrights, editors and publishers have to face the current audit carried out by the "International University";. for they are all educators from the start, all non-democratic publications be suppressed only after that. German thought had a chance to emerge in the new ideals to be, it is also contrary views are accepted, trusting that the virus does not find a more ground, this will reach greater immunity for the future.

The re-education process must cover all of Germany and penetrate. The workers are to receive in the course of free time simplified lessons in democracy. Summer camps and community education facilities have to provide assistance.

Many German prisoners will remain in Russia after the war, not willingly, but because the Russians need them as workers. This is not only perfectly legal, but also prevents from the risk that the be returning prisoners of war to the core of a new national movement. If we do not keep even the German prisoners after the war, want, we should send it none the less to Russia.

The International University "is best suited to the details of the German educational system, curricula, schools, the selection of teachers and textbooks, in short, to regulate all educational matters. We need a "High Command" for the offensive Re-Education. Very talented German pupils have the opportunity to train in our schools, they will return to Germany as a teacher and a new cultural tradition associated with international citizenship, justified.

  • The professors should be possible German liberals and democrats. The invasion of "foreigners" might seem irritating and must be kept to a minimum, but it must not result in our loss of control.
Every conceivable means of spiritual influence in the sense of democratic culture must be put at the service of Re-Education. The tasks of the churches, cinemas, theaters, radio, the press and the unions are mapped out here.

The Re-Education takes the place of military service, and every German is her necessarily be subject, as before the statutory military service.

us has fallen the task of saving peace and freedom, the freedom that was born at Mount Sinai, established in Bethlehem in the cradle, that sickly childhood in Rome, whose early upbringing in England has been moved in the iron schoolmaster ! was France, which saw their young manhood in the United States and when we do our part, is determined to live - all over the world "

The Re-Education program was signed in enthusiastic approval of:

Truman, Wallace, Nelson, Wichell, Rickenbacker, Sigrid Undset, Rey Stout, Clifton Fadiman, the Senators Burton, Pepper, Capper, John Scheel, Lowell Thomas, Gabriel Heatter, James W. Gerard, Lord Vansittart, Maurice Meaterlinck, Somerset Maugham, Louis Bromfield, Dean Alfange, Famcie Hurst, Cecil Roberts, Henty Bernstein, Dr. Alvin Johnson, Dr. William Neilson, gen. Marcel de Bear, Daniel A. Poling, Wallace Deuel, Paul Jordan-Smith, Burnet Hershey, Hugh Cowdin, Edgar Mowrer Amsel, Edwin H. Blanchard, JH Jackson, Dr. Melchior polyimide, HR Burke and many other representatives of the American Mind ".

(Source: Nation and Europe, August 1958, Independent News, PO Box 1826, 55 388 Bingen)

But there are other sources for information for the systematic degradation of public morality "quiet way". This Dr. Georg Jaeckel published a report, also under the name "re-education of the German people", which we refer to the main sections.

"The re-education was intended to the German people to change significantly in the psychological ways in his intellectual and spiritual substance. Thus, created the Western powers, a means that subjected the people of the Federal Republic with the help of a systematic mass persuasion and all the blame could voluntarily take upon themselves, while (after the First World War), the war guilt lie of the Versailles Treaty led to a general resistance of the people.

tried after the Second World War the Americans to implement the theories of re-education in Germany in the practice. The department of psychological warfare was renamed "Department of information control" and was first settled in Bad Homburg, where she was transferred in 1946 to Berlin. One of its main tasks was the licensing of newspaper editors, publishers, film directors and radio directors. The candidates for these posts were in Bad Orb in the Screening Center, established by the London psychiatrist David Mordecai Levy launched their - in the sense of the new social-psychological theories - "character Suitability "test." ("Confidential communications", special edition re-educate the German people, June 1984)

most promising means for changing the German character was considered the education and the Head of the Department of Education "at the American military government announced in 1948 in a re-education program include:..

"The real reform of the German people will come from within you will be mentally and morally, the school types are of minor importance for the future of Germany and the world than what is taught is taught how and by Who is taught. No occupation army will ever successfully an educational or cultural Scheme to impose a defeated nation. Military government will be regarded as a military government. It will therefore be the target of the military government:

a) identify as democratic elements known in the German population and to encourage;

b) the development or re-establishment of institutions and organizations in Germany to support that the help fulfill our mission. "(" Confidential communications ", special edition re-educate the German people, June 1984)

1500 German was the" winners "chosen to be the top staff re-education process forward. Thus did the Americans from imposing the German reforms. They went instead to help integrate into the society of German men, institutions and ideas that would achieve the objectives of the military government without the American influence was obvious at first glance.
said to re-education method in 1967, the professor of political science at the University of Frankfurt / M., Prof. Dr. Irving Fetscher, very precise:

"As the total defeat of the Wehrmacht, the conditions for the development of new , democratic Germany had arisen, the Allies knew as well as German Democrats, that this not only the creation of constitutions and the formation of new parties would be required, but also an intense change of thought, feelings, behavior. Sociology, polling, political science instruments serve as a research assistant at the orientation. If the structures of families authoritarian and remain so, and if in employment, a rigid and hierarchical subordination exists, can hardly be expected that the setting marked on political ruling by the spirit of tolerance, love of freedom, democratic responsibility is. "(" Confidential communications "Special edition for the reeducation of the German People, June 1984)

Here is the reason to see why systematically in West Germany is the empowerment of youth run by the family. Prof. Dr. Fetscher continues: "The modern social development is contrary to this process of dissolution of authoritarian behavior in some respects." One consequence of this is in the United States invented and then introduced into the Federal Republic of anti-authoritarian education. For the glory of the United States, however, noted that there was any adverse effect of this method for the state and society long recognized, whereas here it is mostly practiced even more.

Former SDS (Socialist Deutsche Studentenbund) ist ein legitimes Kind der nach 1945 etablierten Soziologen und Politologen, und der Prophet dieser Studentenorganisation war der Professor für Sozialphilosophie Herbert Marcuse. Zu seiner Philosophie gehört, "daß es für unterdrückte und überwältigte Minderheiten ein Naturrecht auf Widerstand gibt, außergesetzliche Mittel anzuwenden, sobald die gesetzlichen sich als unzulänglich herausgestellt haben. Wenn sie Gewalttaten anwenden, beginnen sie keine neue Kette von Gewalttaten, sondern zerbrechen die etablierte. Da man sie schlagen wird, kennen sie das Risiko, und wenn sie gewillt sind, es auf sich zu nehmen, hat kein Dritter, und am allerwenigsten der Erzieher und Intellektuelle, das Recht, ihnen to preach abstinence. "In practice, this means a justification for violence and lack of restraint, with the end justify the means.

The West German post-war political science is thus a number of objectives closely linked to those emanating from the U.S. efforts to re-education. express purpose of reeducation of the German people's spiritual and moral reform, change his thinking, his feelings and behaviors and change in social and political conditions in the Federal Republic. The modern political practices, such as sit-in was, go in, teach-in and the idea of alternative university are from the United States. Today there are already students of the first political scientists, are negative effect in the key positions of West German opinion steering, especially in terms of German guilt and the revaluation of German history.

Dr. Jaeckel lists the following main points of the approach of our re-educators after the Second World War:

  • - diversion of federal policy by the citizens of the economic miracle.
- Imposition of the special status of the criminal and the last war only guilty people.

- Man is from the wartime generation a standing defamation and sought to create in them the idea of his own failure, our own guilt and collective guilt.

- The younger generation is attempting to persuade that they have a right to place their parents under a notion of blame and to revolt against them. Targeted campaigns undermine the authority of the state of decomposition.

- In the area of official cultural policy is all sublime, uplifting and beautiful off course. In the visual arts there is an abstract constructivism, which goes up to abnormality and nihilism.

- the systematic degradation of the West German morale is the introduction of the concept of a pluralistic society that any person may make even his own standards, and within it, especially the spread of the idea that there are no absolute moral laws. Such teaching is left to it including the young people to form their own scale of values. Thus, the West German social life is contaminated with even among the young, and these lives largely in a moral nihilism, since it does not distinguish between good and evil, right and wrong, but their behavior is directed more or less then what you wear or do not benefit ( consumerism). The place is generally accepted models that I own came to the place of the common good of selfishness.

The former president of the Federal Constitutional Court, Dr. Gebhard Müller said it at once that the public morality in West Germany, as documented in a series of film and printing, to a low dropped it, who would undercut anywhere in the world. Since the state is doing enough, however, there are also held accountable conscious parents almost impossible to keep their children from the dangers of sexual savagery.

- After the West German Standing Conference has taken the decision that the teaching of history is taken as a basis alone, the German war guilt, the obligatory history lesson to the West German schools has been virtually eliminated and replaced largely by political science and sociology. This meant that they wanted to transform the West German youth demonstrations scheduled to ahistorical barbarians. The loss of history, to speak to Professor Schoeps, synonymous with a moral crisis, a sinking back into the fellah existence of a degeneration of humanity, the symptoms being run, confusion and indecision is are. This analysis by Professor Schoeps corresponds to that of a critical speech in mid-April 1983, the American Ambassador Burns before a committee of the German-American Congress on the state of German-American relations continued. In a following in the Federal Republic given interview, the ambassador disclosed the hottest potato of the Federal Republic by asked. "honor of the German people to restore" or "the history that has been coined in the last 37 years of certain side to put in the right Lot The present generation has the feeling of guilt are taken, you gonna in the family of nations very damaging. " The Reagan Administration, which is, with the governments of Roosevelt and Truman not identical ideologically committed, thus to realize that the American re-education policies detrimental to their care of German guilt was alone.

(source of above quotes: "Confidential Communications", special edition re-educate the German people, June 1984)

What is NATO?

"We must not consider NATO as a mutual alliance. In reality it is like a dog leash with which you hold the reins of Germany. You will understand what I mean."

Richard Cohen, columnist for the Washington Post on 18 July 1990
  • Who the Second World War really began?
  • This introduction of psychological warfare, I would now like to combine with the second mentioned "taboo" of the German past - the German war guilt.
  • Since even the Americans (American Ambassador Burns in April 1983) admitted in the above-mentioned report that Germany has been assigned / moved to the sole blame for the outbreak of the Second World War and we have the "winners" to date not been able to pour the humanity come clean, I would like to take this opportunity here to bring some light into this part of German history. I forwarded the text huge and as I soon also refers to published literature.

Comment: After my humble self, the publisher, but also the Buchändler, not least because this chapter, I have had problems, I decided, it re-write again. Therefore, they are now instead I think a continuation of various Items without my statements or comments that could cause, I would ask you to make your own picture on the subject. These quotes are publicly available and it is not illegal, nor is it inciting to line them. I would add the observation that the most important quotes that I used here originate from Jewish citizens, and I have them removed from their books.

William R. Lyne, former CIA agent and author of the book "Space Aliens from the Pentagon," writes on page 41: "The Treaty of Versailles by the U.S. government in 1919, an additional document was created, the These contracts add worden ist. In diesem Dokument, bekannt als "Morgenthaus Pastoral Policy" (Morgenthaus Pastorale Politik), welches von US-Präsident Woodrow Wilson unterschrieben und bei den Versailler Verträgen präsentiert worden ist, heißt es, daß die USA beabsichtigt, als Maßnahme nach der deutschen Kapitulation, die Ausrottung aller Deutschen durchzuführen. Die deutsche Rasse stelle eine "von Geburt an kriegerische Rasse" dar und man beabsichtige die Verwandlung Deutschlands in "Weideland". Das Dokument, welches ich 1968 einsehen durfte, war unter den anderen Papieren des ehemaligen Präsidenten Lyndon Baines Johnson, die jetzt im "Sid W. Richardson Research Center, in U.T. Austin aufbewahrt werden." ("Space Aliens from the Pentagon. ", William R. Lyne, 1993, Creatopia Productions, Lamy, NM 87 540 USA, p. 41)

to the Treaty of Versailles I found:" The contract should be presented happy brigands, imperialists and militarists. He is a death knell for all those who had hoped the end of the war would bring peace. It is not a peace treaty but a declaration of another war. "(The British MP Philip Snowden of the Versailles Treaty of 1919, in Des Griffin," Who Rules the World ", 1986, p. 131) Am.

January 6, 1919 wrote the London magazine "The Jewish World:" International Judaism has forced Europe to throw himself into this war, not only in order to bring in the possession of a large part of the world's gold, but also to using the same gold, a new Jewish world war (the Second Economic Committee, the author) to unleash. "(quoted in" Harold Cecil Robinson, "Damn anti-Semitism", March 1995, Publisher New Vision, CH-8116 Würenlos, p. 119).

"The German people will be, in addition to the destruction of Judaism, it has and must have to build its world domination, and the German people will be, who, seeing done and the enemy now truly recognizing this world domination but still put an unexpected end . '(The Jewish writer Arthur Trebitsch in the "German spirit, or Judaism," Vienna 1921, p. 45)

Already on February 11, 1922 Isaac Sallbey wrote in "The Towers" "The German race must be destroyed , is no doubt about it. "(quoted in" Harold Cecil Robinson, "Damn anti-Semitism", see above, p. 119 and "The inheritance Moses" by Joachim Kohln, p. 3)

Walter Rathenau France called for 1922 to "kill all the Germans and Germany to completely settle with foreign nations to leave" (Source: "birth pangs of a new world," Carlos Baagoe, samizdat publishing, Toronto, p. 143).

On 20.07.1932 wrote the "Jewish World League (Bernat Lecache):" Germany is our public enemy No. 1 is our thing, tell him to merciless war. " (Quoted in "Harold Cecil Robinson," Damn anti-Semitism ", see above, p. 119).

On 30 January 1933 appointed Reich President Paul von Hindenburg Adolf Hitler, after much hesitation as the chairman of the then strongest German . party to Chancellor a few weeks later, on 24.3.1933 was the answer:

The London Daily Express, "with millions of copies at that time the largest daily newspaper of Britain, wrote to his edition from 03/24/1933 siebenspaltig:

"Judaism declared war on Germany!"
stood Among them: "14 million Jews ... to declare war."

The next official Jewish declaration of war in August 1933 by the President of the International Jewish Federation to combat Hitlerite Oppression of Jewish "In Samuel Mayer pronounced. It states: "This war has now decided against Germany is a holy war against Germany, he must be up to his end, until its destruction out.." By the New York Times "of 7 August 1933 was released this statement. (Quoted in "Harold Cecil Robinson," Damn anti-Semitism " see above, p. 119).

In January 1934, the rabbi Vladimir Jabotinsky, the founder of the Zionist Organization "Masha Rech following statement:" For months, the fight against Germany by every Jewish community, in every conference, in every Congress, all the unions and implemented by each of Jews around the world. We will spark a spiritual and a material war of the world ... Our Jewish interests demand the complete destruction of Germany. " (Quoted in "Birth pangs of a new world ', p. 140)

On 27 July 1935 Vladimir Jabotinsky said in "The Jewish Daily Bulletin: "There is only one power that really counts is the power of political pressure. We Jews are the most powerful nation in the world because we have the power to understand and apply. "(Quoted in" Harold Cecil Robinson, "Damn anti-Semitism", see above, p. 119).

"The war is a done deal", said U.S. Ambassador Bullit on 24/04/1939 in Paris, as the citizens in Germany, as almost everywhere believed firmly believe in peace. (Quoted in "Harold Cecil Robinson," Damn anti-Semitism ", see above, p. 120).

few days after Britain declared war on Germany, on 5. 9. 1939, the then Zionist leaders Dr. Chaim Weizmann, the British government (Chamberlain) 20,000 men offered for use in the Middle East and a total of an army of 100,000 Jews, as a fighter against Germany. "I wish strongly to confirm the statement that we Jews will fight on the side of Britain and for democracy. ... The Jewish agency is ready to make an immediate agreement to all Jewish human strength, their tools and skills useful use against Germany. " wrote the "World Chronicle" and the "World Jewish Chronicle on 09/05/1939, as well as The Times. (Source: "Damn anti-Semitism" Harold Cecil Robinson, supra, p. 118).

Eli Ravage:

"The German people are first sentenced to death."
(quoted in "Birth pangs of a new world ', p. 141)

Nathan Kaufmann:" 48 million German, sterilize, so that is within two generations, that of an accomplished fact, what else millions of lives and centuries of namely, the elimination of Germanism and its carriers' efforts would cost. (Source: "birth pangs of a new world," p. 142)

The "Israelites in Centralblad voor Nederland" wrote on 13 9. 1939: "Millions are of Jews in America, England, France, Africa and Palestine, decided to carry the war of extermination against Germany, until its total destruction. "(quoted in" Harold Cecil Robinson, "Damn anti-Semitism", see above, p. 119 ).

The official organ of the Zionist Federation of Belgium, "L 'Avenier Juif, No. 191, dated 16 February 1940 proclaimed the "Jewish century" and made the following claim to world domination. "At the end of the current war will be able to say that all roads lead to Jerusalem is not a single problem in Central and Eastern Europe indicate which resolved without Jerusalem can be, and without Palestine It would have approved "(quoted in" confederates ", Verlag-Eidgenoss, CH-8401 Winterthur, p. 12)

The Canadian newspaper" Evening Telegram, Toronto wrote on 02/26/1940: ". The Jewish World Congress is for seven years at war with Germany. "(quoted in" Harold Cecil Robinson, "Damn anti-Semitism", see above, p. 120).

26/02/1940. The "World Jewish Congress" (Maurice Perlzweig), British Section confirmed: "The Jewish World Congress is for seven years continuously at war with Germany." (Quoted in "Harold Cecil Robinson," Damn anti-Semitism ", see above, p. 120).

Rabbi Stephen S. Wise said on 8 May 1940: "This war is our business" (Source: "The legacy of Moses" by Joachim Kohln, p. 4 and "Harold Cecil Robinson," Damn anti-Semitism ", see above, p. 119)

Am. October 8, 1942 wrote the Jewish newspaper "The Sentinel" in Chicago: "The Second World war is being waged to defend the core principles of Judaism." (quoted in "Harold Cecil Robinson," Damn anti-Semitism ", as above, p. 119).

It is also known that around 1939 ever in the World Press re-fed hysteria of alleged efforts Germany had to conquer the most remote countries, the escalation of European and World War II finally driven development sustainable. Solo in the New York Times, there have been papers on the 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 21st December 1938 and on 01/01/1939. In this sense the charge of having participated at that time already internationally largely conformist press can be issued a certificate for peace will. They are among the perpetrators desk, the emotional and uncompromising crusade of pacemakers.

Well, what does all this mean?

Harold Cecil Robinson writes on page 122: "The Jewish plan for THE JEWISH WORLD, to unleash the Second World War, was taken, "as Hitler had not yet decided to become a politician." That the "German race must be destroyed," said the warder, before Hitler had even begun to think about the issue of race. Hitler became Chancellor eleven years later, on 30 January 1933. "(Quoted in" Harold Cecil Robinson, "Damn anti-Semitism", see above, p. 119).

"The youth must know that the Second World War by Roosevelt and his friends, whose names are known, was already decided in January 1933. The war could not be prevented from Germany. It is because it had surrendered its freedom. "(Carl Vincent Krogmann, Mayor of Hamburg to 8/5/1945 in" It was about Germany's future ", S.364) said to

Szembek, the Secretary of State in the Polish Official the Commissioner Roosevelt Bullit on 12/08/1935: "We are witnessing an aggressive policy of the world against Hitler, even more than an aggressive policies of Hitler against the world." (quoted in "confederates", see above)

Churchill to Ex-Chancellor Brüning 1938. What we want the complete destruction of the German economy "(quoted in" confederates ", see above)

" Not War addresses the plight suffered by all nations, but the conviction is at the point of confrontation connect the coexistence of nations. "
(Rudolf Hess on 05/14/1935 in front of the royal family quoted in Stockholm" Eidgenoss " see above)

"I do not want war! We now need 15-20 years of peaceful construction work to secure what we have created ... I will therefore accept any compromise, which is consistent with the honor and the reputation of the German people in order to avoid a war. "Adolf Hitler to the Reichstag on August 27, 1939 (quoted in "confederates", see above)

The Jewish writer Emil Ludwig Cohn in 1934 put it this way: "Hitler did not want war, but he will be forced to." (Quoted in "confederates" pressure on the Jewish declaration of war, Eidgenoss Verlag, CH-8401 Winterthur)

Lord Vansittart, a senior official of the Foreign Office said in 1933:
"... If Hitler is successful, will He got within five years of a European war. " (Quoted in "confederates", see above)

"There will be no Germany for the next war anymore." Youngstown Jewish News, Ohio, USA, on April 16 will not in 1936 (quoted in "confederates", see above)

"Hitler the war, but he will be forced to not this year, but soon ... The last word, as in 1914 to speak to the UK. "Emil Ludwig in" Les Annales, June 1934 (quoted by Dr. H. Frey Jonak forest in "Jewish confessions", facsimile Verlag, Bremen 1992).

we want our button again consider the circumstances of the time:

Germany's demands for revision to Poland were: reunion of Danzig with the Reich (96% of German population), a corridor through the artificial corridor which separated the kingdom of Prussia, Waiver all others, after the First World War, ceded to Poland areas.

Even after the then normal political world views were these minimal demands on Poland as legitimate, that Hitler thought that this could be settled in direct negotiations.

It is noted that the possible re-emergence of Poland only by the German Initiative 1917. Poland would otherwise continue to have Russian province.

caused only the British guarantee to Poland that the Poles rejected the German offer, strengthening the bloody terror against the German people gave rise, and ordered the general mobilization. Poland led a megalomaniac propaganda in the ways suggested by the boiling people of faith: to be in three days in Berlin!

the "publisher of holistic research and culture" was released a few years, the slightly revised version of the book published in 1930 by Werner Fuchs: "Self-Narratives Polish conquest of will." The numerous testimonies from Polish mouth, which are documented in this book show that in the politically influential circles of Poland for a long time to occupy before, in 1933 took place in Germany, the Nazi seizure of power by a strong anti-German sentiment and the desire prevalent, extensive German territories notably East Prussia, Danzig, Pomerania, Silesia and parts of Brandenburg.

The best opportunity for such an occupation could to obtain the search by Werner Fuchs According to the framework of a new war against Germany. This would also explain why the Polish leadership was in 1939 decided to war with Germany and not to the various German mediation proposals in the corridor issue was received. For in the belief that, once war began, Britain and France, and later perhaps the U.S. and other countries to the side of Poland connect and on top of German resistance groups would try to bring down after the war began, Hitler was estimated that the chances of achieving the Polish dreams of grandeur as a highly favorable one. This could turn today's often stated These are obsolete, that the eastern regions of Germany alone, "German guilt" were lost. The author presents evidence mainly from the period 1918 to 1930. (Werner Fuchs: "Self-Narratives Polish conquest of will, 2nd edition, 1990, p. 219 and David L. Hoggan" The war forced ", Tübingen 1970).

The U.S. ambassador in Warsaw, Biddle, assured the Polish Foreign Minister Beck March 19, 1939: ". he expected the Polish willingness to make the Danzig question to a war cause" ("birth pangs of a new world", see above, p. 112) (It was not then generally known that the U.S. is only a colony of Wall Street were).

Germany was on 1 September 1939 by invading Poland. But if we see a few eyewitness accounts of what is said to have occurred before that date in Poland. A report by Heinrich Julius Rotzoll from Goch (formerly Königsberg), we learn: "The Army Artillery Regiment 57 from Königsberg / Prussia in mid-August 1939, the risk of Poland border was set, we based the provision on Garnsee, district Neidenburg. East Prussia. The position of my battery was in a corn field. In this room was already for weeks now working in the fields of life risk. fell to 7 km in depth in the East Prussian Reich from Poland searing and murderous cavalry troops one. This started since July 1939. As far as the eye could see, you could see in the evening, smoke and fire. The burning houses and villages were infected by Polish cavalry troops provocatively. Who are the people from the burning buildings into the open saved or did the fire was put to death. To these machinations to stop, my battery was on 23 August 1939 ordered to establish a hunting squad. As a sergeant I was placed under the command and also use command. On the first day of using our motorized patrol for half an hour was too late in the application - a murderous Polish squadron races already in the direction of protecting the border. The Traces were cruel: in the roads and fields, we found the bodies of German farmers. These had been torn to pieces with swords or shot ... But on 26 August 1939 put our command of a Polish horsemen in a sugar beet field near Garnsee. In our machine-gun fire, the Polish cavalry was wiped out, 47 Polish rider had fallen on German soil rich ... on

When our unit first September 1939 by 5 clock to the assault was over, we were beyond the Polish border, fresh graves of German civilians. Even bloody and tattered clothing of civilians were lying on paths and roadsides. Also of Polish prisoners of war, we received confirmation that provocative attacks on the civilian population on German territory before 1 September 1939 have been ordered ... "

A report by Mrs LS from Lübbecke (formerly Bromst) we find in addition:" In the summer of 1939 came from April until just before the outbreak of the Second World War, no hundreds, of thousands of German families from the shallows waded through the swamps, and swimming up the Obraseen, passed to us before the doors late at night that they saw none, and begged for bread or milk for the babies and to dry stuff. We were speechless at first and did not know what was going on. They reported again and again the following: We are for many weeks on the run from the poles, we are simply shot on the streets and fields of our life we are not sure the Poles track all Germans. "Why?" we asked. "The Polish priest and talk to rush from the pulpit:" Kill the Germans dead, wherever you find them. Shoot them to the winds, destroyed the entire German breeding ... "This migration continued throughout the summer, came last only a few, because the border was heavily guarded."

When the reports of eyewitnesses can be believed, it would mean that Poland already since July 1939 - so 2 months before the "official" military would have committed acts of war against Germany - the war began.

In Bromberg, Pless and Stopnika it supposed to be already in August 1939 came to mass slaughter of German civilians by Polish soldiers. According to the sources listed below, there was regular movement across borders of Poland and massacres on rich German territory, but did not react the rich German leadership. They obviously wanted a war.

the letter "The Bromberg Bloody Sunday", according to its own in the area of 56,000 German towns have been brutally massacred. After the Germans not to the war provocation responded to in Bydgoszcz German women, men and children of the Polish soldiers have been nailed upside down on the church doors and cut open. The Polish soldiers are to turn photos have made it, which were then sent to the Government. And only then will be Hitler invaded Poland!

(Extensive documentation and photographs of the largely brutally murdered and discovered mass graves in the book "documents of Polish atrocities" - published on behalf of the Foreign Office because of documentary evidence - in 1995 in the Arndt-Verlag, Postf 3603, 24 035 Kiel ISBN 3-88741-178-1, and published in the "German White Book No. 3" in 1940. None of the documents has been detected there so far disproved. Either all these documents and forged a lie and only dropped extraordinarily perfect or has really happened, what these documents tell. Decide for yourself See the brochures "Bromberg Bloody Sunday" and "Poland's debt at the 2nd World War," address given by Rudolf Trenkel, Hamburg 73, Reinickendorferstr. 45B)

an incredible statement! Can you believe these sources? Since you accuse me, but could, I would have used even Nazi literature as sources to this hot topic, we want to hear us briefly to what the Jewish journalist to Ginsburg has to say:

"On 2 September 1939 replied to the Germans, the Polish border violations and murderers land with weapons and in turn crossed the Polish border, the." world "declared this as a" trigger of the World War "Chaim Weizmann, however. said: "This war our war is" Wen he was able to have "our" mean Churchill tried promptly to rebuke his friend and trumpeted to the whole world. "This war is an English war" This should really know all the world. that the Second World War was not a German war. " (Ginsburg in "scapegoats", p. 240) Was

the German invasion 1 September 1939 is now an "attack on the innocent Poland" or a "bailout"?

we believe the above reports and observations, it was the German invasion to save not only thousands and thousands of German before the assassination, but now solve the German extreme right. The most famous historians, including the German-friendly not intended Jewish professor of English nationality AJP Taylor expressed that the German law in the case cited.

That the so-called English placement tests were only feigned, proves the guarantee agreement dated 08/25/1939 (§ 2), in which Britain calls "that any proposal to Danzig in the to let German Empire home, rejected by Poland. "

England used so, as is generally known, the German-Polish conflict to Germany for its part to declare war, did nothing when Russia eastern Poland occupied, but allied . Two years later, with Russia

We read in "birth pangs of a new world ', p. 145:" England had on 2 sabotaged September 1939, the pre-existing agreement to end the conflict in Poland and was thus consciously visible culprit in the expansion of the conflict as World War II. Furthermore, France and England brusquely rejected the German offer of peace after the Polish campaign from. The peace proposal of Germany after the defeat of France was brusquely rejected by England as well. Likewise happened to the peace efforts of the Vatican and other neutral countries. "(Source:". Birth pangs of a new world, "Carlos Baagoe, samizdat publishing, Toronto, p. 145)

Even the

puppet Winston Churchill

confirmed that Germany wanted to end after the Polish and French campaign for war.

The attempt of Rudolf Hess, prevent, through his flight to England a world war was a failure. why was Hess murdered by the English in Spandau, so he could not tell what had happened back then ? (See "murder of Rudolf Hess" by Wolf-Rudiger Hess, Drufel-Verlag).

Josef Stalin said about German war guilt on 29 November 1939 in the "Pravda" the following:

"Not first Germany attacked France and England, but France and Britain attacked Germany, thereby depriving the responsibility for the present war on the

second after. the outbreak of hostilities, Germany France and England made peace proposals, and the Soviet Union has supported Germany's peace proposals in public because she thought and still thinks a quick end to the situation would all countries and peoples facilitate radical.

third The ruling circles of France and England and Germany's peace proposals, the efforts of the Soviet Union, after a rapid end to the war have rejected in offensive terms. These are the facts "

What is the" love "toward Germany is furthermore, the following excerpts show:

Under the heading
" Jewish avenger would kill millions of German "

wrote the" Hohenlohe daily paper "on 12 . 3.1996:

"groups of Jewish Holocaust survivor to have representation of an Israeli documentary tries in unprecedented scale for the murder of ... to take Jews during the Nazi reign revenge on the German population. The film has now been broadcast on Israeli television. Should then after the Second World War in cities like Hamburg, Nuremberg and Munich poisoned the drinking water and so are millions of German murdered.
detail describing the actions of revenge film groups, but largely failed.

With coverage of the Israeli leadership (before the state was founded in 1948) had been developed a poison that should pour the Jewish soldiers of the British army in water works of German cities. Gift bags are actually more on the way been brought to Germany. But the action was betrayed by persons unknown, has been the poison poured into the Mediterranean during transport.

were however after presentation of the documentary filmmaker Jarin Kimor of Jewish revenge commands after the war, killed two thousand German, mostly former Nazis influential. 300 SS men had died in a prison camp near Nuremberg, after Jewish avenger had poisoned the bread. Kimor presented on television the head of a revenge Command, General Israel Carmi.
In his book The Seventh Million, "warns the Israeli historian Tom Segev, but against such actions as too high. The idea is to to avenge the German, had been rejected by authorities in Israel soon. "(dpa)

Whether Tom Segev is right with this observation, one may doubt after reading the next quote from Simon Wiesenthal much.

Simon Wiesenthal said in a lecture to the Jewish Student Union of Zurich, on 18 November 1969, compared to the following mass murder Germans. About 7 million German in West Germany, East Germany and in Austria were murderers and criminals "... the murderers of tomorrow would still only born. This, in the future potential murderer, it was necessary to eradicate already today. It is, "said Wiesenthal made in Zurich," potential adversaries in Germination, even in the embryonic state, a destroyed once and for all "(Salzburger Volksblatt, 23/01/1970," Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 11.21.1969, as is the "fact", the "Daily News" Zurich and "birth pangs of a new world" , p. 143)

  • U.S. General Collins said in 1949: "It is enough that we supply weapons, our sons are not to bleed to death in Europe there are plenty of German, who can die for our interests.". (Hessian-General of Lower Saxony 24/10/1981)
  • Interesting, is not it? I've used in this chapter just "eleven" different sources that no one to mince words To take call for the extermination of the German people - a holocaust of the Germans! And four of them in 1919 and 1922. So long before Adolf Hitler's time, the publication of "Mein Kampf", the German persecution of Jews or the founding of the Nazi Party. About the "Final Solution" of the German question, one should perhaps take a small moment of silence.

But such statements have fallen not only in the distant past but, as the following example demonstrates, also still very relevant: When Lothar de Maziere visit him in New York in September 1990, Edgar Bronfman along the way: " There will be a terrible ending for the Germans, should the payments to future generations Israel set (...). Then the German people will disappear from the earth. "(Source:" The legacy of Moses "by Joachim Kohln, p. 3 and" Harold Cecil Robinson, "Damn anti-Semitism", see above, p. 119).

If you want to really understand what's happening on this globe, you may make against any "taboo" hold. Make up your own mind whether it is adequate to talk about this or that subject or not.

In other aspects, the history is very one-sided. We do not forget the mass murder of the English of the 800,000 Germans 1918th This I quote Prof. Harry Elmer Barnes in the New York Telegram "of 29 March 1940:" Nothing is more absurd than the popular story for young children, that all the nice people are on one side and all evil on the other. Some say that a people would be more cruel than the other. They point to the atrocity propaganda against the Germans in World War II and now on the treatment of the Jews. They overlook, however, the greatest cruelty, that the British blockade of Germany, months after November 1918. At that time, was allowed to 800 000 German women and children and old people to starve. Had Hitler at the half a million Jews in Germany in 1933 committed such a dirty and despicable act, he would be compared been with the British blockade of 1918-1919, a little runt. "(U.S. Senator from Minnesota, Ernest Lundeen, on Jul 11, 1940 in the United States Senate in the presence of President FD Roosevelt)

But worse yet is the number the 1979-1981 artificially staged war on the western border of China. There should have been slaughtered within three years 50 million people. From this war, the world public never know anything. mentioned by the mass media of the western world with a single word! random ? The only reason for this massacre -. The removal of human figures on the world's population is more than fake Earth has already far. over 8 billion people. China alone has over 1.5 billion. Thus, an internal study by the CIA says about the world's population, published by Dr. John Coleman in his lecture in Honolulu in September 1995. And the Chinese were simply eliminate these people. The hit squad was trained in joint work between KGB and CIA (at a certain level of security, they always contain the same name). The contract documents that were signed by the Chinese to lie with a lawyer in a small town next to Bonn.

So, it's time that we form our own opinion of what is good or bad for us. What is true and what false, what taboo or not taboo is!

was announced on 12/01/1952 the Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich:... "Our goal for 3000 years is finally within our grasp our race will take its rightful place in the world every Jew a king, every Christian is a slave We woke anti -German feeling in America that led to World War II. Our ultimate goal is the kindling of the III. World War II. This war will end our fight against the goyim for all time. Then our race unchallenged rule the world. " ("Damn anti-Semitism", Harold Cecil Robinson, supra, p. 121).

also the scene of the coming Third World War is no secret:

Secretary of Defense C. Weinberger: "The battlefield of the next conventional war is Europe and not the United States" (Frankfurter Rundschau, 29.04.1981).

U.S. Rear Admiral Gene R. La Rocque: "The Americans expect that the third world war as well as the first and the second world war is being fought in Europe." (Frankfurter Rundschau, 04.29.1981).

General Sir John Hackett, a former commander of the British Army of the Rhine and concurrent commander of Army Group North, the NATO wrote a book with the very promising title, "The Third World War - the main theater of Germany" (Goldmann Verlag 1978).

Samuel Cohen, U.S. nuclear weapons expert and help building intended for German ground neutron bomb, said when asked about the use of the bomb

: "The most likely venue would be West Germany, I consider it an academic question, his head about it to break the way in which the enemy (the Germans?, author's note) comes to death. "
(Bild, Hamburg, 10.16.1977).

Henry Kissinger said in 1979 in Brussels said: "You Europeans would have to understand that when it comes to a conflict in Europe, we Americans of course do not intend to mit euch zu sterben." (Unabhängige Nachrichten Bochum Nr. 8, 1981).


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